MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why are you MAGAts so keen to protect hi...

Why are you MAGAts so keen to protect him?

I just don't get it: former presidents like Reagan, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Dubya Bush and Obama have seemed very reasonable, even if Clinton had an affair and Dubya made verbal gaffes, but they've all seemed very reasonable and rational.

Then along comes this idiot and you're all fawning over him as if he's the "beztezt prez evahh", when he's said so many stupid things like injecting bleach to cure covid and other ridiculous things.

It's like the Orange is the vocal mouthpiece of the sizeable portion of the US population which has embraced ignorance, stupidity and conspiracy theories and he enables them via his numerous rallies, mainly for his own pleasure because he needs to feel loved and to rile them up still further.

The man is dangerous, and has a potential army of idiots to follow him, and they attack criticism by turning it back on their enemies and making them look bad when they're not. It's literally as if the USA has gone insane in the last few years, at least around half of it.

These indictments are like the beginning of the end for this insipid MAGA movement and Trump and his followers are determined to stay relevant, risking a second civil war if they feel particularly threatened or emboldened.

Justice against Trump cannot come soon enough: jail the Orange in an orange jumpsuit, at least they'll both blend in.


Because racism knows no logic.


Herp derp racism.


The people that admire Trump are the ones who wish they could refuse to pay people for their work, sexually assault women as a perk of wealth and sugggest that the police rough up their detractors etc.

Ever wonder by the evangelicals support a completely unrepentant sinner like Trump? Churches in the USA are awash with perverts that rape children and fully expect their cult member parents to look the other way.

Trump the rapist is one of them, he is their kin. With politicians like Trump in power, the churches in the USA will remain free to molest children with near impunity.


Seriously......Trump should have been stopped in his tracks when he made fun of a handicapped reporter. Trump mocked him in front of the cameras. That was unconscionable behavior and NOT befitting of anyone, especially POS. How can any one who supports Trump defend that? Are all Trump supporters dead between the ears?


Still pushing the lies.


Every presdient has had excited partisan supporters. YOU guys are the ones choosing to define this one by his most zealous and over excited partisans.

The question is, why.
