MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Loved in Europe - Hated in America!

Loved in Europe - Hated in America!

Sure America is the elite. The trendsetters, we are pioners, we set the tone for the world. People look up to Americans. But why is he so loved in Europe ? Europe is deemed poor and underdeveloped compared to America. Why are impoverished and underdeveloped so in love with him ?


Who the hell loves him in Europe? He's an international joke and only fools too stupid to realize they're being conned think he's anything more than a dimwitted fool.


Yes, I wouldn't exactly call him loved here in the UK! 😂


Spike Mike? More like tack mike.


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Loved in Europe - Hated in America!
posted 27 minutes ago by alexjohans0n (13)
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Sure America is the elite. The trendsetters, we are pioners, we set the tone for the world. People look up to Americans. But why is he so loved in Europe ? Europe is deemed poor and underdeveloped compared to America. Why are impoverished and underdeveloped so in love with him ?
And this is one of the 13 things you had to share?

How novel!!


Because it's a movie board 🤣


...and some voters thought the best candidate was a reality show failed business man??


Why do you say he's a "failed" businessman? He's actually a very successful businessman. He's worth a hell of a lot more than me, and I'm not doing so badly. Sure, he's had some businesses go under. Most wealthy people do. He's had more that succeeded. He's worth billions (at least more than 1).


No successful businessman has multiple bankruptcies and needs to depend on Russian money to survive.


He's worth a lot because he was born wealthy and turned it into slightly more wealth. Not too difficult of a feat in a capitalist society.

Give me any person who came from a low income home, whose managed to graduate college and become a middle to upper class earner, and I'd argue that person is far more successful than any born on third base clown like Trump.


Everyone loves the Trump, which is why the 3 biden voters still talk about him.


In America disaster stories dominate the news.

Thus you have: DJT trending.

I don't know where you are from but that may also be how news is covered.

No? Yes?


if that were true, then how come the disaster of a economy is not trending? people talk about Trump as a diversion for our current political environment. as of now the current president is not blamed for anything nor does anyone talk about him.

if you want to talk about Trump thats cool with me. there is not much to say about that other guy anyways.

lets keep Trump trending...


If Fat Donnie is truly loved in Europe, is there a way that we can ship him over there?


Love him or hate him, one thing you can't deny is that he's the most talked about man in world history.


A claim that Hitler and Bin Laden could have made at one point.


Trump still wins.

I might be wrong though, because Jesus might be the most talked about man in history.


That's folk lore. If you're going the fictional route, you may as well add Harry Potter and Thanos to the list.


...loved in Europe...
Europe is deemed poor and underdeveloped compared to America.

What rock do you live under?


The OP is an idiot.


The people of Europe have great taste ! Bad taste in fashion, great taste in American politicians.


Um...I could swear he was loved by half of Americans, and by the few sensible people left in Europe; but hated by the majority of Europeans because they can be stupid sheep that believe everything their lying media tells them to think too. The only people I know of who are loved in Europe and hated in America are people like Obama and Hilary Clinton. It would be delicious to dump those two shits in some part of Europe and let them wreak havoc on their governments instead of ours. Then the sheep there can find out why they aren't universally loved in America.

It should also be noted that while governments around the world loved Obama, they didn't actually respect him, if the Japanese commentary behind his back is any indication. So while government officials overseas didn't like Trump, they respected him because they knew he meant business, whereas their beloved little Democrap pets were simply an entertaining bunch of monkeys they could smile at during state visits and laugh at when they left the room.
