MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Former Trump Official: We Were Wrong, He...

Former Trump Official: We Were Wrong, He's a 'Fascist'

I cited this piece a year and a half ago here and it was censored.

The January 6th hearings have crystallized this truth in the words of trump's most ardent supporters in his own inner circle.

Diehard after diehard, trumpers some of whom still support him now, testifying that they all knew trump's claim that the election was stolen was a scam.

That's because he is the SCAM MAN.

In effect they're admitting they continued to support the SCAM because they were crypto-fascists themselves.


You're a delusional woke lunatic


You're saying that like your opinion matters.


Wow, what a comeback




No-one cares about your opinion of SweetTooth43's opinion wokey


Good one!


If only...


Another woke democrat that I can block! Awesome!


Way ahead of you


My block list has become longer than the Serengeti. There's no reason nor logic to these people at all.


Haha! My list is deeper than the Mariana Trench. I'm done arguing with these nutjobs. Better to ignore you know.


so ....
what are you threads gonna be like?
just a bunch of republicans agreeing on how the commie lefty scum demokkrats are ruining the country ?

sounds boring and one sided

although i would block the op for being some kind of troll/sock and posting ancient irrelevent articles


It's the level of delusion that I base my blocking on. If they are somewhat logical, and open to discussion (even if we disagree) I don't block them. However, if they tell me that everything is great in the US, Putin is the reason we have inflation, Biden is the bestest evar!, that it's logical to send billions in military aid to Ukraine, but schools in the US should not have any protection (I'm a school teacher mind you) anyone and everyone should be able to walk across the boarder (I am aware that most of the people coming here are just looking for a better life, but you can't just let EVERYONE in without knowing anything about them!) that I need to have 84 vaccinations, and monthly booster shots in order to appease the vax cult, and that I need to update my home, car etcetera with hundreds of thousands of dollars of green energy (that I and most other people can't afford) Then-I block them.


That does sound nice actually, but no, I'm blocking just the far left loons for now.


Welcome to Fat Donnie's Fun Land, featuring The Donnie And Malaria Show.
The Trump Family Crime Syndicate never fails to entertain.






Is that the best you can do Burk?

It's true, a president who proactively attempts a coup d'etat because he doesn't like the fact that he lost a free and fair election is a fascist.

I actually have more respect for you than your typical trumper so I know that this logic makes sense to you. I know you're capable of considering the flip side circumstance. If a dem president had attempted the same thing you would most certainly recognize him as a fascist.

I suppose that's why you responded with ad hom, it's your way of capitulating because can't make an argument to defend trump based on the merits.




Haha Burk 2, user111 0


You keep using this word, 'fascist,' yet it is clear you do not know what it means.


Most progressives don't.


It's true, a president who proactively attempts a coup d'etat because he doesn't like the fact that he lost a free and fair election is a fascist. If you think otherwise then it implies you don't know the meaning of the word.




Too embarrassed to admit that they were duped and conned.

Shame doesn't work on them or for them.

They will just deflect and lash out in the "wrong" direction.


Not at all, if you were paying attention you'd know trump supporters testifying have fully admitted they were duped even though some stills support him. It would help if you paid attention.


Don't bother clicking the link - trapped behind a paywall.
