MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Pissing Off Liberals? Priceless!

The plot thickens!


The blot chickens!


The slop slickens!


The knot quickens.


The clot dickens!


biden nibbles


you should see someone about that speech impediment


47 can't come soon enough!


now they are blaming Trump for roe v wade.


Who else is to blame for Roe v Wade? Trump stacked the supreme court with right wing religious zealots.


Trump saves lives. Thank you Trump.


getting an abortion is not a constitutional right. it should be up to the states...



liberals for pressuring that women in the first place.


So Trump has finally realized he lost the 2020 election to Biden?


He lost it to the Establishment. Biden was just the useful idiot.


Was Trump part of the establishment when he won in 2016?


His idiot followers will believe anything his sphincter says.


Trump's problem is that he is losing followers.

He lost some when they realized their 2nd Amendment rights were trashed by his bump stock ban and proposal to eliminate due process for gun confiscation.

His "the pandemic will go away like a miracle" probably cost him the votes of people who lost loved ones to covid-19.

Saluting a North Korean general probably cost him votes from anti-communists.

Insulting the press did not endear him to others.

Claiming he could do anything per Article 2 of the Constitution probably made him the laughing stock to anyone who was not in a coma in high school while learning about how the government operates.


If you watch videos from his rallies, you can clearly see that most of his followers are not really high school valedictorians


we really need Trump back now...


Cult 46'ers are the worst..


No, he was an outsider.




Who cares? We need the Democrats OUT. He was SO much better than Bidiapers.


Who cares? We need the Democrats OUT. He was SO much better than Bidiapers.

Nah. No President needs more than one term in office. That's led to rise of the professional politician, something that wasn't the case for the better part of US history. This development has been detrimental to our democracy overall


Trump isn't a professional politician and having him back instead of a Democrat would be a huge win for the country.


Trump used the presidency to line his own pockets. If Trump is re-elected he will continue to do so and use the office to avoid prison.

We don't need fading geriatrics in government.


Again, WAY better than Biden and the Democrats. The lesser of evils is a thing. You might do some research on the corruption of the Biden family. You wanna talk about pockets being lined!


What has your research revealed about Biden corruption lining his pockets?


WAAAY too much to get into here, but things like Hunter paying Joe's bills while he was VP which is illegal, other Biden Family members including Hunter reaping multi-millions from China, etc. There's plenty out there such as:

Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich, Helping China Win


What law makes it illegal for a family member to pay the bills of a VP? So in other words you have nothing.


So in other words you're a brainwashed leftist who has no interest in truth.


I'm not a leftist or a democrat. I do not vote any party line. I'm a conservative who thinks Trump is a vile, gun grabbing, sexist SOB. I don't support Biden either.

I'm the guy who asked you to back up a claim. You're the wimp who has refused to support their claim.

What is the best example of Joe Biden's corruption listed in Red Handed?


Read it and find out and/or read some other readily available info. I'm not doing your work for you. You asked me to back up my claim, I did and I don't believe you for a second that you're a conservative.


You backed up your claims with nothing. You make a claim about a law that may not exist. You claim that there is so much evidence, but are unable to list even a single data point. You act like everyone reading your post is stupid.

I'll take a look at the book, but considering how often Peter Schweizer has to backpedal from his claims, I'm not going to hold out much hope that he does anything more than "ask questions" to imply wrong-doing without evidence.


Why do you think I'm not a conservative? Do you see me saying anything at all to support Biden? The only thing I'm attacking here is you and your stupid claims.


Because you dismiss my claim of corruption, out of hand. The book is new but there's plenty of other things that are not, that I'd guess you have heard of. Do you or do you not think that there were plenty of smoking guns regarding Hunter's laptop, such as his conversation with one of his hookers?


I normally dismiss all claims out of hand when they are not accompanied with anything to support them. You should too.

I wanted to know about your research; your reply suggests you have done zero research.

If you "know" that a law was violated when Hunter paid his father's bills, then you must have read the law unless it was a figment of your imagination. I think it is in this case.

So some guy named John Paul Mac Isaac (who claims to be legally blind) claims a person identifying himself as Hunter Biden gave him a laptop to work on. Then he says the FBI took the laptop after he reported the contents; but he is not saying exactly what was on the hard drive. No one has made the contents of the laptop available for examination by the public and there is no proof that it actually belonged to Biden as far as I know.

The hooker video makes him look like a very screwed up person. He should have never been allowed in the USNR.


To chilone and the other Trump supporting clowns on this site, if you don't support him then you are a libtard automatically. Also all leftists are the same and want the same thing.


cant wait for Trump to come back as the real President.


That's going to be very long wait.


Jan 2025

you might have to reenlist to save America by then.


I'm way too old to reenlist.


Joe doesnt care, he needs your help to defeat Russia.


you voted for Biden, stop telling lies....


Trump used the presidency to line his own pockets. If Trump is re-elected he will continue to do so and use the office to avoid prison.

We don't need fading geriatrics in government

Exactly. A President who's untainted by corruption is going to be a tall order in this day and age, nonetheless let's at least get someone in The Oval Office who can formulate complete sentences and who's capable of using solid logic, rather than leaping from one non-sequitur to the next


Trump isn't a professional politician and having him back instead of a Democrat would be a huge win for the country.

Trump has been balls deep in politics for decades now, regularly appearing at Republican events. Him passing himself off as an outsider is the most impressive con since Bernie Madoff. I'm saying this as someone who never identified as a Trump opponent, but rather the everyday observer who noticed him for the bullshit artist that he is, and hasn't bought into this scam that he's somehow representing the working man. We're in agreement on Biden, albeit for different reasons. None of these folks need more than one term in office, and we also agree that The Woke Loons aren't doing the Democrats any favors. Republican or Democrat, let's get someone in The Oval Office who can speak and act like a reasonable person, and who's at least pretending to be interested in real world problems, rather than conspiracy theories or fretting over transgender bathrooms


I have no problem with that. I was just saying that Trump is way better than anyone the Democrats have.


Trump is most certainly not a professional politician. No politician would alienate our allies and make the rest of the world not trust America. Trump did that. He is no politician, has no idea how government works and does not listen to people who do know how government works.


Naw. The Democrats are ruining the country and you don't even have to be political to know this. Just step outside, pay for food, etc., etc., etc. Anyone who. supports them is an idiot. Period.


Who said Trump lost? The media? Their word means less than a communist’s….Oops they’re one and the same.


Vice President Pence counted the electoral votes and certified that Biden won the 2020 election. Everyone else knows this, why don't you?

Objections are allowed provided that a Senator and a Representative does so in writing. This happened, it was debated and the objections were rejected. The Senate rejected the challenge 93-6. The House rejected it 303-121.

VP Gore certified the election of Bush back in 2001. If Gore was man enough to certify the will of the American people, then we should expect no less of Pence.


Well, you’ll have to excuse me but, a fucking mental deficient like Soviet Joe hiding in a bunker during election year, at each of his “rallies” 20 morons sat in their cars honking their horns like idiots and the hardest question he gets from the press is: “what flavor ice cream do you like Mr. President?”…..For some strange reason I can’t understand how he got “81 Million Votes”…..


You are not excused. You don't understand? Trump pissed off millions of people with his antics as president.

Biden was running against a man who boasted about sexually assaulting women as a perk of wealth, saluted a North Korean general, denied the pandemic, took credit for the accomplishments of others, told the capitol rioters he loved them, had law enforcement gas a path through a crowd of protesters for his church photo op, proposed gun confiscation without due process and a bunch of other insane things.

Biden could have been in a f**king coma and still beat Trump. The GOP could have nominated an empty chair and beat Biden, but they went with a loser like Trump as if they were trying to throw the election to the Democrats.

So why is it that you appear to be completely ignorant of the election process?


No, I’d take Donald over Commie Joe any day! No, it’s not that I’m “ignorant” of the election process, I just hate Democrats. I think you BLM, LGBT——, hippie loving animals deserve each other! If you want a welfare state….And that’s what you idiots want….Heaven forbid you work for anything….. I’ll leave you to your looting and rioting for some piece of shit scumbag like George Floyd!


What about Trump welfare state for businesses who preferred to feed from the government trough instead of maintaining themselves properly so they did not need government assistance to stay solvent?

I don't think you actually know what a communist is either when you can't recognize Trump's socialist leanings.

The riots were against bad police officers and the governments that let them be that way. Floyd was just another face of those openly killed by the police just because they could.


Well…I’m not a business. So, I don’t give a fuck Joe Biden! I don’t take hand-outs. I’ve earned everything I’ve ever gotten.

I don’t know what communism is…. I see what’s happening with Soviet Joe and Obama Bin Laden. Talk about “collusion”! They should lock up that commie lover and the rest of the Brandon Crime Family.

Do you mean liberals hate it when cops treat criminals….like criminals??? OMG What will cops think of next? Let this be a lesson to you boys and girls: Get an education, a job, don’t commit crimes, don’t pull the race card…. Maybe, just maybe, if George “I can’t brea….choke” Floyd knew this, he might still be alive and his life might’ve mattered. But, it doesn’t.


Why do you prefer commie Trump over commie Biden? Why aren't they both crap?

If you don't take handouts, then why do you find it acceptable that the Trump family made their fortune in part with government contracts and handouts?

Trump promised to lock up Clinton as part of his campaign. But he chickened out and let her slide as soon as he was elected. The Trump administration did not bring a single commie to justice.

In fact Trump has harbored communists. Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui is one of them.

Trump was far too chummy with communist China's Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump believed every lie that commie told him.

The police are not allowed to murder someone on the street even if they are criminals. Can you give any good reason why Chauvin needed to keep kneeling on Floyd even after they could not find a pulse?

Everyone's life matters, even if you don't like them.


Because idiots like you hate him. THAT is why I love Donald John Trump. As for reasons, WAY TOO MANY TO LIST!

Good for him! I don’t give a flying Fuck Joe Biden!

George Floyd was a criminal piece of shit! He got what he deserved! Don’t believe me? Why don’t you ask the lady who had a knife held to her stomach by Floyd or the cashier in Target Floyd tried to defraud or any other victim he chose! Derek Chauvin got a raw deal. He saved the good people of the state of Minnesota welfare for this animal.


You love commie, gun grabbing, rapist Trump just because others don't like him?

The store owner who was ripped off by Floyd regrets that the police were called.

Chauvin is a killer who needs to be off the streets. Would you love Chauvin so much if he targeted one of your family members for any reason?

The jury that convicted Chauvin have probably saved the city a ton of money for any future crimes that Chauvin may have committed.


Yes, I do love Donald Trump more than that hair sniffing, child touching incestuous racist Brandon!

Who cares? I don’t regret it! I lost all care when my city went up in flames and animals were rioting and looting…..Maybe because they cared so much about what’s his name????🙄 Btw:What gives these animals the right to rape and pillage a city because some other animal was killed because of his own stupidity?

Well, my family doesn’t commit crimes. Does yours?

I would LOVE a cop like Derek Chauvin in my city! We need him. We’re surrounded by moronic liberals who think crime is no big deal. We need MORE cops like him.


So if Biden was bragging about how he was going around grabbing pussies it would be okay then? Has anyone ever accused Biden of incest? I know Trump was joking about dating his own daughter.

No one has the right to rape and pillage; just another reason why Trump is unsuitable as president.

You don't have to be a criminal to be targeted by the police. Are you completely ignorant of how the police treat some people who are minding their own business?

If you want police like Chauvin in your city, then you should be ready for more protesting when they kill people for non-violent crimes instead of just cuffing them and tossing them into their police car to put them in jail.


If ANYTHING can make Biden a man, I’m all for it! I love that Donald doesn’t mince words. Soviet Joe kissed his granddaughter on the lips. I don’t know about you but, that’s not common in my family…

So, what is your suggestion for what to do with rioters, looters and those who assault police?
Well, cry me a river why don’t you? Instead of telling me, why not educate colored people? Get an education, a job, don’t commit crime, don’t pull the race card…

I’m getting sick and fucking tired of animals who commit heinous crimes THEN, claim they’re GOD! My city just got a new DA and he’s a woke pussy! Plus we have have “no cash bail” for these low lives to just continue with their crimes. Nice, huh? Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong! You should hear what I want to do to the homeless who think they can just commit crimes, sleep in the subways and just basically do as they please while people like me have to work and pay their way through life.


Then you seem to come from a strange family. It is completely normal in the United States. There is a difference between a "sister kiss" and a passionate kiss for one's spouse. You should be able to tell the difference.

Trump is very direct, he brags about sexually assaulting women as a perk of wealth, he insults anyone, including reporters who do not kiss his ass.

Why is Biden Soviet Joe now? I thought he was China Joe It is Tucker Carlson and his GOP ilk that are siding with Russia now. You need to get up to speed on current events. Russia might invade Ukraine someday and Trump is likely to on Putin's side when it happens. Biden is the one making threats if Putin invades.

Chauvin did a lot wrong. He knelt on a handcuffed man until he was dead. Chauvin was supposed to throw Floyd's stupid ass in the police vehicle and send him to jail.

Instead Chauvin decided to star in his own snuff video. Very sick if you ask me.

So what do you want to do with the homeless? Do you want to encourage them to get a job and be useful members of society or use them for target practice? Something else?

I think you need to get a life.


No comment. I will not get in the way of your incestuous feelings Jim Bob.

Men like Donald marry attractive women…While Biden married Dr. Pepper.

Chinky Joe, Soviet Joe? Does it really make a difference? Biden is so far up China and Russia’s asses he should be hanged for treason sans trial!

The homeless have a choice: Military service in Afghanistan, getting our equipment back that Chinky Joe left there for the terrorists to attack us, or push their crazy asses onto the 3rd rail and have ourselves a roast.

Why don’t you and the rest of you liberals come out of the closet already?


Trump married a trophy wife who resorted to going under the knife in a vain attempt to keep her fading looks. I'll take a real woman with real respect instead of a trophy.

Why do you think Trump let Biden slide? Trump said he could do anything per article 2 of the constitution; I guess he thought Biden had not done anything worth getting worried about.

What about homeless veterans who have been traumatized and need help being useful members of society? Want to roast them too?

I'm not a liberal. I'm far more conservative than Trump ever thought of being.


Trump voters don't care about politics, conservatives or communism... all they care about is money, guns, grabbing pussy, and wiping out all non-white non-Christian non-heterosexuals.


They don't really care about guns if they support Trump. The vast majority of Trump supporters did not condemn Trump's bump stock ban or plan to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens without due process.

Most Trump supporters I talk to no longer support the right to own a machine gun. Prior to 2018, they did support it as they were against any infringement.


Trump is the one true President.


The only true President is Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.


the great Camacho, he will be missed.


People wanted Trump OUT. That is how Biden got all those votes. He didn't get my vote, nor did Trump in 2020. We had abysmal choices for president in 2020.


Trump will be reinstated by the Supreme Court soon.


The Supreme Court does not have that power. What will you say when this does not happen soon?


technically Trump didnt lose, the election hijacked.


The Electoral College and the courts say it was a fair election.


the EC doesnt work when there is fraudulent votes and when the election is hijacked.


Most of the people arrested for voter fraud have been Republicans. It seems the GOP just did not do enough fraud to win the election. :)


Trump won.


He actually never won the popular vote.


The popular vote doesn't elect the President of the United States.

That being said, he didn't win the electoral vote either.


Yes, I know that money and power elects the President, not the people. That's why USA is not a democracy.


The USA has never been a democracy and never was intended to be. It's a republic.


When it comes to foreign policy, it behaves like an empire.


No doubt.


How dare the US deliver freedom and self government to the regular people around world. The audacity!

Don’t they know they need the Chinese communist Democrat media/party to make their decisions for them? The audacity of independence.


Independence my ass.
All "friendlies" are requred to join and obey NATO/World Bank directives and buy oil only for US dollars.


Yes, this is why the U.S. chimped out when the people elected Trump the first time.


yeah he did.


Trump won the ex-president election. :)

Trump lost the popular vote, then Pence certified that he lost the electoral vote.


Lost. Bigly. Also, you're the biggest loser on this site.


Hehehe, one of his greatest talents was making left-wingers' heads explode. It was most entertaining to watch for 4.5 years. It's one reason we could survive the abuse they threw at us.


No One cares what you think.


You cared enough to post 4 days later to say how no one cares


Shut up loser


Sick burn mate


Still winning.


Lost. Bigly.


The only thing he won was the lifetime support of the stupidest registered voters. They finally got the biggest asshole they were hoping for.


Hopefully you will back a presidential candidate who does more for our country than just pissing of liberals.


Whom ever that is, he couldn’t do less than Brandon is right now….


Doesn’t piss me off at all. Crazy people say crazy things all the time. It’s their thing if you think about it.

Like, if you said “Trump should be the next president”, I’d instantly assume that you’re crazy, because I’d know that you’re interested in a situation that works against your own interests (unless you’re Uber wealthy, or an inner circle toad that’s committed a handful of federal crimes).

You don’t have to like Biden, but to prefer a lifelong bloodsucker like Trump is crazy. I mean, Trump is factually (and currently)skating on the thinnest ice between bankrupt freedom, and legitimate jail time. You can hate Biden all you want, but you couldn’t say that about him (or any other president in the history of the country).


The truth of the matter is assholes will always love assholes in charge. You are who you love, not who loves you. There is no polite way of saying it.
