Showtime’s “The Circus” takes audiences behind the scenes of the most incredible moments in U.S. politics. They covered the 2016 campaign and viewers felt like they were looking behind the curtain to see the true nature of American politics and some moves made by politicians away from the public gaze. However, the latest episode has some Americans terrified about the fate of the country. A woman takes the stage at an event hosted by Steve Bannon and calls for a Trump dictatorship.
“Never in my life did I think I would like to see a dictator,” the woman told the crowd. “But if there’s going to be one, I want it to be Trump.”
There is so much to unpack in that comment and, understandably, people who have seen this clip are startled. Not only does the woman claim that she never thought she would agree with a dictatorship crushing the U.S., she fully supports the idea of Trump single-handedly running the nation.
Yeah I saw that clip on Bill Maher last night. That's straight from an Orwellian nightmare shit right there. If it ever happened you can already predict how he'd have statues erected in his own image so cult of trump tools like this woman could pay tribute to him.
Yeah because Lincoln or Jefferson were dictators right Thrillhouse? No they were not you dumbfuck. The speculation was on what would happen if Trump became a dictator and erected statues to himself like this woman wants. Pay attention.
Yeah, could you imagine such a scenario? Donald becomes a dictator and then "deputizes" his base to freely go after all immigrants, non-whites and anti-Trump people. And many Trumpers would be crazy enough to do so if they had free reign.
It would never happen but I have to say this: I'm a pacifist. I would never get involved in this "Second Civil War" I keep hearing about or anything like that. But I am a believer in self-defense. And this is one of those scenarios where I'd arm myself in case those knuckle draggers tried breaking down doors.
There's a movie idea for you: Trump: An American Dictator.
Never. If there's one thing I've learned about Trump supporters it's that they WILLFULLY live in a dream world and refuse to lay their eyes on reality.
Trump supporters NEED someone to make their decisions for them.
Trump supporters get all their opinions from celebrities on TV
What would be better for them than a game show host making their decisions for them so they can spend more time at Golden Corral mourning Dale Earnhardt?
They must be. They don't seem to have even the SLIGHTEST idea of the implications of a United States dictatorship. AT ALL. They praise his connections with Putin. Hell--many Trumpers were ready to eat directly from Kim Jong-Un's hand and throw the nobel prize at Donald.
I knew a Trumper at work before who always said: "That person should be arrested for what they said about Trump" every time he heard someone on TV being critical of Trump.
I've seen hundreds of Trumpers online say: "Trump 2020 and BEYOND!" and "Trump for life!" and "I wouldn't mind Trump suspending the elections".
The man is embracing Russia and North Korea and they don't even bat an EYE.
They sat there DEFENDING Trump when he said: "Kim is a great man who loves his people. When he speaks, his people sit up and listen. I'd like for that to exist here.".
Last I checked, Kim had someone fed to the dogs, has concentration camps in place and has an authoritarian government where people can be executed at will. Those people "Sitting up" are doing so because they know the repercussions if they DON'T...and Trumpers don't even CARE or understand why it's dangerous for our US president to ally himself with someone like that--to call that authoritarian rule "love" and to reveal his desires to implement many aspects of that rule here on US soil.
Look--I'm no fan of a lot of PC that exists nowadays and I can certainly understand how Trumpers can be fed up with it--but I'm sorry...many Trumpers seemed to lose their minds somewhere along the way. Being willing to embrace dictatorship just to push your party ahead? That's psychotic.
It's the sad but true truth of our public education system today which has somehow failed a broad section of the public to educate on the dangers of authoritarian dictatorships.
It really makes me wonder WTF happened. I attended public school up until 9th grade and I remember being schooled on WW2 and the dangers of fascism from 4th grade onward.
I'm even seeing a revival of Marxism from the fringes to what's more commonly referred to now as the "Leninist left" that I didn't expect to see in my lifetime, mostly coming from a generation born in the late 80s or 90s after the cold war. It's really unsettling.
I'm really not sure what happened. We have all the information in the world LITERALLY in the palm of our hands nowadays yet most of our society is comprised of brain dead imbeciles. Just boggles the mind. We were smarter when information was HARDER to come by.
I think we as society grossly overlooked and underestimated the role that disinformation and misinformation could play spoiler in the oncoming internet age. I don't know if you remember those "spirituality through technology" posters in the 90s, or the naive idealism of technological utopia that Zuckerberg then sort of built the whole mission statement of Facebook around.
I remember reading columns by scifi futurists in the late 90s, early aughts that would warn of the growing role of disinfo and it kept me wondering wtf that would even look like. I always considered Orwell the stuff of eastern bloc former Soviet republics and North Korea that couldn't really happen in America, that we were safe and untouchable from all that. But seeing women like this pining for a dictatorship and the rise of StateTV that promotes an entirely unmoored alternative reality gives me a pretty good sense that it very well could. Not even with Trump, but with a far more savvy and less bumbling power thirsty demagogue in our lifetime. It could easily happen.
It just goes to prove one essential fact: The vast VAST majority of the masses do NOT learn from history. At ALL.
I guarantee--GUARANTEE--that, if push came to shove, the vast majority of Trump fans would endorse the abolition of the 2-term limit and gladly keep Trump in power for the rest of his life.
Trump also rallies his base with calls for violence and thug tactics--much like a dictator. I've read so many Trumper posts from various websites for the past two years and there seems to be this collective fantasy many Trumpers have that involves breaking into houses and "dragging liberals out into the streets for execution". I've seen many posts like this--some yielding hundreds of thumbs up. And I'm not just talking about far right wing sites--even more casual sites like Yahoo News comments sections. They're everywhere.
All I have to say is this: If Trumpers are THIS confident that non-Trump people won't bear up arms of their own to defend themselves then whatever knuckle draggers attempting these "break-ins" will be in for a VERY rude awakening.
Such a scenario seems inconceivable but, then again--I never though in my life I'd seen this many Americans seemingly embracing the idea of suspension of freedom, children being thrown into concentration camps, calls for mass Muslim holocausts and a second Civil War. One thing the Trump election taught me about our country is this: there are some batsh!t crazy Americans among us and in far greater numbers than I ever could have imagined.
It's scary to think this many people would be willing to bleed, fight and die over an unhinged, infantile, 72 year-old authoritarian megalomaniac who is not only bleeding them dry and getting rich off of them, but wants to remove our American freedoms. And they'd do so all in the name of "sticking it to the libs" and "keeping our party in play".
Just amazing...
This IS 2019, correct? Some things never change. All these advancements in civilization and technology and yet, here we are with millions of troglodytes living among us wanting medieval walls, Orange Julius Caesar, concentration camps and North Korea-style isolation.
I'm with you dteam. It's horrifying to think this is what's become of society - as you said, it's mind-boggling. And yes, the vast majority of people DO NOT learn from history - ever. For some reason, they think it will be different the second, third, or fourth time around. Isn't that the definition of crazy?
This is funny coming from the side that attempts to shut down conservative speech every chance they get. While you found one example of some nut claiming to want Trump to be a dictator, there are many examples of leftists acting like one. Including Obama, who weaponized the IRS and instructed his Justice Department to go after anyone criticizing Muslims.