What if Jussie is telling the truth?
His brother wrote an article under that title on the BET website.
His brother wrote an article under that title on the BET website.
yeah, and what if the Moon is really made of cheese?
shareThe police didn't have a court case therefore they're going to try the case in the court of public opinion. Typical behavior.
Why would the twins run after the incident if they were hired? That makes no sense.
Why weren't the twins charged for being accomplishes since unlike Smollet they have already admitted their guilt?
Why weren't the twins charged for being accomplishes since unlike Smollet they have already admitted their guilt?
"...based on what's known imo I find it unlikely that Smollett didn't set this up."
Could you be specific? In another post, I asked the same question, but no one provided any proof, yet they were positive he was guilty. The "evidence" I saw that the media mentioned either didn't exist or helped Smollet's case.
Smollet has denied faking it and there isn't enough proof to charge him.
Whether the twins faked it or they really did attack Smollet, both are criminal actions and they should have been charged.
The twins were caught on the store video and running away after the attack. There were also negative texts about Smollet or gays on their phones. It could have been a hate crime. They could have lied about Smollet to get themselves out of trouble.
In my area, it's common for innocent people to spend years in prison before the truth is discovered. They're railroaded by the police and tried in the media. The latest is a mentally disabled guy (autism?), but they needed someone to arrest for a high profile cold case. I learned to be careful about condemning someone based solely on a headline.
"I have no idea what really happened"
Exactly. None of us do. Chicago authorities needs to give it a rest and move on.
It was a hate crime hoax, impure & simple. It comes from the Dem/Lib playbook of slandering their enemies (that is, wise people with common sense) via fake hate crimes. Here are several documented examples from the last few years:
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
Gas Station Racism Goes Viral — Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
“Drunk White Men” Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)
Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)
Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats in the U.S. (April 2017)
Hoax at St. Olaf (May 2017)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)
Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)
Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)
Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)
New York Woman’s Hate Crime That Wasn’t (Sept. 2018)
Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)
Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)
Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Church-goer (Nov. 2016)
Unfortunately, FACTS to Dems/Libs are like holy water to vampires.
Breitbart nonsense. Yawn!
Wimpy Wuchak!
Reported by numerous sites, just not the one LibTards read. They don't want their delusions shattered!
shareNumerous neo-nazi, extreme right and white nationalist sites. Bigoted nonsense.
shareThe first fake hate crime on the list was reported, eventually, even by the Stormfront supporting Washington Post, to be a hoax:
Keelai is a lying propagandist.
You're a racist and Islamophobe!
I agree, I don't know what really happened. This is entirely my opinion, but it just doesn't pass the simple sniff test. Things that have not been answered to anyone's satisfaction:
- the brothers were let go and not charged, why? There are a lot of gay people out there, was their hate toward this particular gay man who was a client and who has paid them a substantial fee really that strong? On the surface it seems unlikely (not impossible). But if this was not orchestrated by Smollett than this is a very serious hate crime, so why wouldn't it continue to be prosecuted?
- Jussie forfeited his $10,000 bond as a condition of the charges being dropped; if he's was wrongly accused and arrested, I can think of no good reason for this.
-Also part of the condition of his charges being dropped was 16 hours of community service. While not a whole lot, since when is someone wrongfully accused and arrested required to do community service. I can think of no good reason for this.
- the judge ordered the court file sealed, why? I can think of no good reason that would exonerate Smollett that this would be done.
-Joseph Magats made a statement saying that the decision was not an exoneration of Smollett, "we stand behind the investigation, we stand behind the decision to charge him...The fact that Smollett feels that we have exonerated him, we have not. I can't make it any clearer than that".
The one part of your post I would clearly disagree with would be where you wrote:
Exactly. None of us do. Chicago authorities needs to give it a rest and move on.
I asked for specific evidence that Smollet is guilty. None was provided in your comment. Your comment only provided questions re: how the case was handled.
In answer to your questions, it appears that the prosecutor couldn't find evidence to make a strong case against Smollet which is why they dropped the case. It's common for celebrities and companies to pay a small amount of money to make a case or lawsuit go away. It costs more to pay a lawyer to defend a case even when they are innocent. Let's say the case went forward with weak evidence, Smollet would've been found innocent, but have to pay his attorneys $100s of thousands of dollars.
Joseph Magats is a public figure making a BS statement to save face. I don't know if the FBI investigation is true or not. I only read that Trump wanted it probably from a tweet. FBI could've ignored him since "tweets" aren't a directive.
I believe most people subconsciously are upset that a black man and/or gay man may have gotten away with something. The police or public figures in Chicago appear to be hounding Smollet because of public pressure or personal embarrassment rather than the merits of the case.
You keep beating the same dead horse and you appear no more intelligent than when you croaked out the same tune two months ago. For starters, you don't seem to have a clue about what constitutes "evidence." If Smullett were to be brought to trial for faking a hate crime, the Osundairo brothers would qualify as what are called "witnesses." Heard of those before? They would state in court that Smullett paid them to fake the crime. This testimony would be admitted into evidence. Other evidence would be put into a play from both sides, and a jury (or judge) would weigh the EVIDENCE and render a verdict. It's not clear whether you're being purposefully dense about this issue or just plain ignorant of how the judicial system works, but in any case you appear to be a shill for Smullett for unstated reasons. Why don't you tell us all why you're *really* here pushing the bogus Smullett propaganda? Your racebaiting is also a failure. You imply that the herd doesn't vigorously pursue white guys who many think has gotten away with a crime. Ever heard of Donald Trump? If you insist on a celebrity comparison, then try Robert Blake or Phil Spector.
shareYou haven't listed any evidence. Once again, there is none. The testimony of the two brothers would be torn apart by any semi-decent lawyer.
For instance, the brothers said that they were paid a check by Smollet for faking the assault. Smollet's response was that the check was for personal training and exercise. When the police retrieved the check, the memo said for personal training and exercise. Furthermore, the brothers run a personal training business. And Smollet said he needed the training for an upcoming music video.
I've been waiting for months for the police to submit all the evidence they had against Smollet. Nada.
"you don't seem to have a clue about what constitutes "evidence.""
LOL. If you knew where I worked, you'd understand how laughable that comment is to me. I'm pretty sure I understand law, evidence and the legal process better than you ever will.
You're illiterate. I implied nothing. I never mentioned white people. Most people in prison are white, genius.
I wrote that people were obsessed with hounding Smollet because of their own biases rather than admitting that the evidence was too weak for prosecution.
Robert Blake was acquitted of his wife's murder which makes my point. There needs to be very strong evidence or a case falls apart in the courtroom.
BTW, acquittal never means found innocent. It means the person wasn't found guilty. Huge difference!
I never said I had specific evidence and clearly stated it was my opinion which I'm basing on what's known about the case. Nothing more complicated than that. You clearly have a different opinion. Sorry but it's ridiculous and unfair to suggest that on a subconscious level I'm upset that a black/gay man may have gotten away with something. There are real victims of hate crimes out there and if Smollett orchestrated this he has made it that much more difficult for those people to come forward. Every time a real victim comes forward people will continue to cry fake and point to the Smollett case.
I think this has become another in a long line of identity politics where because people oppose the President they by default feel the must support Jussie. But if they're both liars and guilty of crimes, I have no problem opposing both of them.
"I never said I had specific evidence..."
Apparently nobody has including the prosecutors which is my point.
"it's ridiculous and unfair to suggest that on a subconscious level I'm upset that a black/gay man may have gotten away with something."
Reread my sentence. I said "I believe most people" and not you specifically. It was also my opinion.
"if Smollett orchestrated this..."
If there were evidence then he should be prosecuted. But once again, there isn't. BTW, a woman came forward with two witnesses to say that Trump raped her, but she is being ignored. Are you bothered by that at all? Are you bothered that there are two Supreme Court Justices who are sexual predators? If you're upset that victims might not be believed, then you should be upset about what has happened with these women.
"identity politics"
I have no idea what that means. Are you saying racism, sexism, homophobia and other isms don't exist?
And if you're concerned by victims being believed, then what is your opinion about a politician who admits to "grabbing them by the pu**y." Trump has a long history of molesting and sexual assault against women. He has admitted on live radio to entering a dressing room where underage girls were in order to see them half-naked. He also supported a pedophile who was running for office. Why are you supporting Trump when he victimizes other people including little children? Are you really concerned about victims?
It's not about Smollet. It's about a witch hunt and lynch mob mentality. Produce evidence or drop it already.
There is so much evidence that even considering that's hes innocent, you would have to be in denial.
If Jussie were smart he would try to get a plea deal - admit his guilt, do a year, pay a 200K fine, and apologize to everyone. - This is his best option.
If he fights this he could do 3 -5 years. But he will be found guilty whether or not he ever admits it.
"There is so much evidence..."
Testimony from the Osundairo brothers that Smullett paid them to stage the attack constitutes evidence. Yes, real evidence having nothing to do with most people's instincts that everything Smullett has to say is bullshit.
The twins said he did. Smollet said he didn't. Case dismissed.
Which is exactly what happened!
If I knew you personally and went to the police to tell them you exposed yourself would that make it true?
Anyone can make up a lie about someone else. That's why prosecutors need strong evidence.
Well 1st Jussie claimed 2 white men did this - the 2 brothers are on camera, buying all the stuff, wearing hasmet suits going to and from the attack site - cell phone records from them to Jussie before and after the attack - a $3500 check from Jussie to them. And much more..
Don't you follow the news?
Dude, he is Jussie Smollett!
sharelol could be!
shareNope. Sorry.
You're just recycling the same old stuff that I already addressed. Just read my old posts above.
I'll address the ski masks since that's new. Smollet didn't see their faces since he said they were wearing ski masks. He assumed they were white because of what they said and did: the N word, supporting MAGA and the noose.
And if you're concerned by victims being believed, then what is your opinion about a politician who admits to "grabbing them by the pu**y." Trump has a long history of molesting and sexual assault against women. He has admitted on live radio to entering a dressing room where underage girls were in order to see them half-naked. He also supported a pedophile who was running for office. Why are you supporting Trump when he victimizes other people including little children? Are you really concerned about victims?
"I think this has become another in a long line of identity politics where because people oppose the President they by default feel the must support Jussie."
You brought up Trump - not me.
That term "identity politics" sounds derisive to me. It sounds like a term used by someone against marginalized people who fight to be treated with equality and respect within society.
You're stereotyping me based on your personal biases. I don't support Smollet. I never heard of him before this case. Once again, I point to evidence needed in a legal case.
Let's examine the physical evidence re: the brothers first. We know they are the attackers because there is hard evidence against them:
1) the store video where they are buying the ski masks and other items in the attack.
2) the video of the twins running from the scene of the attack
The text with hostile messages re: gays could point to motive by any competent lawyer.
Let's examine the physical evidence re: Smollet:
1) Smollet's personal check
The check states in the memo for physical training and nutrition which actually helps Smollet's defense especially when the twins run a physical training business. Smollet said the check was for physical training before it was produced!
I'm really shocked by how little understanding of basic legal procedure some people have. It should be common knowledge that evidence is needed in a case as well as the difference between strong and weak evidence.
If you read and compare the indictments for Smollet and Manafort then you'll understand why Smollet's charges were dropped while Manafort is in prison. Manafort's includes plenty of physical evidence including bank, tax and business records. Smollet's is the testimony of two low-level drug dealers and criminals.
If Smollet is telling the truth and he was really attacked, then he never received justice. It's like the woman who was raped, but called a whore in court because she wore a short skirt during the attack.
BTW, how do you know Smollett opposes Trump? More stereotyping?
BTW, how do you know Smollett opposes Trump? More stereotyping
I'm really shocked by how little understanding of basic legal procedure some people have.
"...form my opinion as to whether I believe he is most likely guilty or not."
That's my point. It is only an opinion. There are others who are acting as if it were a fact including the police and Chicago officials. They should present evidence or let it go.
"O.J. Simpson "
I watched 95% of the trial live. I didn't want my opinion to be colored by bias news reporting. Personally, I believe he's guilty, but the evidence was weak. I agree with the jurors' verdict and I had reached the same conclusion shortly before their's was announced.
"we don't know what evidence was presented to them. "
The evidence should support the indictment that the prosecutors submitted. I didn't find anything in it which wasn't already publicly known.
"you have spent how many posts..."
I thought this was a dead thread, but the little bell on the top right of my screen continues to notify me. If you don't reply, then I don't either.
"Your check argument..."
The check memo backs up Smollet's story, therefore it's very relevant. Your theorizing is personal opinion and not admissible in court. You should know that.
"a better argument would be to question why he would pay by check at all if it was payment for an illegal act"
Exactly!!!! Therefore the existence of a check shows his act wasn't illegal since you yourself stated a person would use cash if he were involved in an illegal action.
If you're involved in the legal field then you know innocent people settle by paying fines, etc. without admission of wrongdoing all the time.
"I think this has become another in a long line of identity politics where because people oppose the President they by default feel the must support Jussie"
Nothing about MAGA. "Identity politics" is a code term conservatives use so don't fault me if I took you for one.
"I believe Jussie to be most likely guilty..."
I don't know if Smollet is guilty or not, but there is a possibility of a set-up by the brothers to cover a hate crime. Who knows?
The evidence against OJ was weak? His blood was all over the crime scene - he must have had the stupidest jury in history - OJ killed those people - regardless of what the idiot jury said.
shareThe same blood evidence that the detective who perjured himself on the stand and was shown to be racist had handled? LOL!
During the OJ trial, I read a statistic that said over 95% of cases in which the cop/detective was shown to have lied during testimony ended up in acquittals.
If the jury is told to discount all of Dennis Furman's testimony and any evidence he handled, then there's no case since he handled practically all of the evidence. I read that's usually the instruction given to juries when someone perjures themselves.
If the jury was allowed to consider his testimony and the evidence, then it creates reasonable doubt because he perjured himself and the defense attorneys proved he was a racist. The defense attorneys showed that the two detectives mishandled the blood by carrying it around with them all day and had plenty of time to tamper with it. OJ's attorneys said Furman was motivated by his racism to tamper with the blood he carried around all day.
The prosecuting attorneys made numerous mistakes besides placing a liar on the stand. The glove not fitting was a major disaster. They also left open several questions that the defense had presented. Their closing argument was very weak, too. I still remember the defense's rhyme decades later, "If the glove doesn't fit, then you must acquit!"
Prosecuting attorneys normal opponents are public defenders and cheapy defense lawyers - not the high-caliber defense attorneys that OJ's money bought.
Don't blame the jury! One of them said he believed OJ was guilty, but had to acquit based on how the case was presented in court. I felt the same exact way.
BTW, dummy OJ still hasn't learned his lesson. You'd think he'd lay low instead of starting a twitter account. Sheesh!
On a friendlier note if you would like a good read on the OJ case (and how the prosecution bungled it) check out Outrage by Vincent Bugliosi. His take on how the Mark Furhman situation should've been handled was brilliant.
shareDuring the OJ trial, the defense team conducted at least three mock trials in Arizona. They lost every single one and that was before Furman perjured himself.
"...the majority of the 17 men and women concluded that the circumstantial evidence against Mr. Simpson wasn't enough to convict him of killing his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald L. Goldman.
"There is no murder weapon, no eyewitness, nothing to really tie him to the scene," said Charles Scruggs..."More or less, it's inconclusive."
The mock jurors ... Nine were black and eight were white, and the women outnumbered men..."
A few things Bugliesi wrote are not true. Most people thought the case was an open and shut one and that OJ was going to be found guilty - including me. He implies that black jurors couldn't be objective which is offensive and racist. Furman shouldn't have been on the stand. OJ never testified so I'm not sure what Buglieri is talking about.
I agree that the defense team was horrible and Ito was star struck. Brown family was money hungry and vile. They sold topless Nicole photos to the tabloids during the trial and had told Nicole to stay with OJ because he gave them money. The Goldmans always handled themselves with dignity. They still have my condolences for their loss.
If you're involved in the legal field then you know innocent people settle by paying fines, etc. without admission of wrongdoing all the time.
I found something interesting. Smollet initially said one of the men was white because he saw his skin under the mask near his eye. He couldn't identify the second man's race.
The two men ran past a hotel employee who described the first man as white and the second as race unknown. He said the skin near his eye was white under the mask.
It's in the police records near bottom of page under Smollet Batch 2, page 210.
Smollet's description is on page 13.
That's why I prefer the source material rather than news reports. I'd like to see the original videos, all texts and Foxx's texts and documents to judge for myself. I can't locate them.
The last documents, page 158 describes it as a settlement. My guess is either the evidence was weak or it was done as a favor. It appears that Foxx was contacted by many people who wanted the case gone.
Smollet refused to press charges against the brothers, but that appears to be his attorney's decision.
I'm still undecided about Smollet, but I'm sure more will come out.
STFU, Jussie- youre nothing but a race baiter.
shareThis thread is a perfect example of how liberals are capable of denying reality.
shareYou're illiterate or are willfully ignorant. I repeatedly said that I was on the fence re: the case and would like to see evidence of Smollet's guilt besides the testimony of two brothers who have no credibility. I searched on my own but couldn't find anything that would hold up in a courtroom. Just plenty of innuendo.
Many people have a lynch mob mentality.
This thread is a perfect example of how liberals are capable of denying reality.[/quote]
[quote]I searched on my own but couldn't find anything that would hold up in a courtroom.
Willful ignorance on your part.
You want to lynch him without evidence. I notice how you don't provide any link to any evidence. You have only insults instead of an intelligent response.
This isn't about Smollet, but protecting the rights of all Americans from a lynch mob mentality. A separate investigation has started. Respect the process and put your rope away!
The Founding Fathers protected ALL AMERICANS from the likes of you. Today is July 4th. Do yourself a favor and actually read the Constitution:
And yet you Dems/Libs condemned Trump for "colluding with Russia" to influence the election (rolling my eyes) before -- and while -- it was investigated for two years. And, then, when he's cleared by Mueller's Dem-team due to insufficient evidence (after employing 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, issuing 2800 subpoenas, executing 500 search warrants, interviewing 500 witnesses and costing tax-payers $35 million) you still say he's guilty.
You're obviously confused. The investigation was to determine the extent of Russia's interference with the 2016 presidential election. That's why the report is titled:
"Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election"
A few findings in the report:
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion."
"The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign."
"Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence."
"Campaign foreign policy advisor Carter ... became acquainted with at least two Russian intelligence officers, one of whom was later charged in 2015 with conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of Russia . Page 's July 2016 trip to Moscow and his advocacy for pro-Russian foreign policy drew media attention."
"...a foreign government informed the FBI about its May 2016 interaction with Papadopoulos and his statement that the Russian government could assist the Trump Campaign. On July 31, 2016 , based on the foreign government reporting, the FBI opened an investigation into potential coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign."
"Three Trump campaign officials-Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and George Papadopoulos - "committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials with respect to the Russian government's efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election....allegations that Papadopoulos committed a crime or crimes... and four sets of allegations involving Michael Flynn, the former National Security Advisor to President Trump."
"Certain proceedings associated with the Office's work remain ongoing. After consultation with the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, the Office has transferred responsibility for those remaining issues to other components of the Department of Justice and FBI."
"Beginning in 2017, the President of the United States took a variety of actions towards the ongoing FBI investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election and related matters that raised questions about whether he had obstructed justice."
I suggest you read the full report.
You are quoting out of context to an extreme degree. The final paragraph of your post is not a finding of the report, but a quote from the Rosenstein memorandum directing Mueller to investigate those charges. After actually doing the investigation, Mueller found the exact opposite — that there was no evidence those individuals colluded with Russia.
shareYou're misquoting since Mueller stated it wasn't his position to determine if a president was guilty, but for Congress to determine if he obstructed justice.
Also, collusion doesn't exist as a chargeable offense:
"But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the U.S. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. To the contrary, even as defined in legal dictionaries, collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy as that crime is set forth in the general federal conspiracy statute , 18 U.S.C. § 371."
How can Trump be charged with something that doesn't exist?
I am quoting in context. I suggest everyone read the full report for themselves as I have done instead of listening to Fox propaganda.
Mueller will testify before Congress on July 17.
I suggest you mark your calendars and watch it live.
I notice how you don't provide any link to any evidence.
All talk. No link.
shareLiving in denial, refusing to accept facts because of your liberal beliefs.
Seen it before.
All talk. No link. If you believe he's guilty, then link to what has convinced you. Thank you.
BTW, political discussions are supposed to be on the politics board as per the moderator and owner of this site.
As I said, the proof is easily available. You're willfully blind to ignore it.
And calling you a liberal isn't political discussion. Just pointing out a fact, and the reason you're clueless about Smollett. Like the see-no-evil monkey, just keep your hands over your eyes. There's no proof! No proof at all!
We're all laughing at you. Even Jussie is laughing at you.
Keelai is Jussie
shareHumor me. Still waiting.
All talk. No link. If you believe he's guilty, then link to what has convinced you.
Still whining about a link, when you have all the evidence anyone with a brain needs in front of you.
It's annoying when people are willfully stupid. And it's apparent to everyone they're only doing it because reality disagrees with their agenda.
Where's the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahaha!
Still no link. Only deflection.
Obviously, you can't produce one with credible evidence because it doesn't exist.
I read the indictment in which they turned one felony count into 16 by repeating the same one 16x. Recently, I read that State's Attorney Kim Foxx noticed and complained about the same thing.
I also complained about the danger of the metoo movement which can easily be exploited by anyone who wants fame or revenge. I never bought the guilt of George Takei and Chris Hardwick who were both investigated and vindicated.
I hope for your sake you're never mistakenly arrested for a crime. You appear to make snap judgements based on emotion or prejudice rather than objectively looking at evidence.
Where's the evidence?! Where's the evidence?! (Said while holding a hand over his own eyes.)
What a joke. This is why you're not taken seriously.
Did you hear they removed the word 'gullible' from the dictionary because no one was looking it up?
Hey, weren't you one the stooges who were claiming that Trump was going to be arrested for collusion? Based on no evidence at all? Hahahahha! Yeah, you really know how to read the evidence, kid.
"... arrested for collusion"
Collusion doesn't exist as a legal offense. (If you had actually read the Mueller Report like I did, then you would have known that information.) This is what I'm talking about. You don't understand anything about evidence nor how the legal system works.
You can't provide evidence because your belief is based on your personal prejudices.
Collusion doesn't exist as a legal offense
Instead of addressing ME, you're addressing a stereotype that you've created in your mind and applying it to me. That's very offensive.
I am addressing your comments directly therefore I would appreciate you have the same consideration for me.
Once again, you are proving my point. Mueller's report was about finding evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 elections. You are obviously confused about its purpose.
I suggest you read my earlier comments about the Mueller Report by scrolling up. That would be very easy for you to do. I also linked the Mueller Report so that you can actually read it. Do you read? If not:
Mueller will testify live before Congress on July 24th!
I suggest you watch it directly.
Mueller's report was about finding evidence of Russia's meddling in the 2016 elections.
Collusion doesn't exist.
Trump admitted to the Russians and correspondent Lester Holt on live TV that he fired Comey to take pressure off of himself re: the Russian interference investigation. That's obstruction. There are ten different instances listed in the Mueller Report.
Mueller will testify live before Congress on July 24th!
Mueller will testify live before Congress on July 24th!
Trump evidence of wrongdoing:
448 pages of Russian interference and Trump complacency, involvement and obstruction of justice with multiple Trump associates indicted and imprisoned
Smollet evidence of wrongdoing:
SnagsWolf still hasn't provided any links to credible evidence.
What if Superman is R E A L ? ? ?
shareChristopher Reeve suffered a spinal cord injury which left him a quadriplegic and on a ventilator. He never complained. He continued acting, directing, wrote two best-selling books and became an advocate and inspiration for people with spinal cord injuries. He also started a charity to help them and worked with research doctors to find a cure. He performed a miracle when against medical expectations, he was able to move his fingers and toes and announced he had some feeling in his limbs many years after his accident. He vowed that he would walk again.
Only after he died, did I find a site that detailed how much he had suffered since his accident. He was often hospitalized with life threatening illnesses.
Reeve was courageous, strong, persistent, charitable, an inspiration and a true hero.
I defy anyone who would say that actor Christopher Reeve who portrayed Superman in the 1977 blockbuster movie wasn't a real Superman!
His bro is biased. Besides Smollet is a lying liberal, so there's that. The clincher was the police believed his story and as they investigated, it came out that there were contradictions. Anyway, we can disregard the OP here because he's presenting a bogus and biased hearsay witness.
shareYour belief that Smollet is "liberal" therefore is guilty makes you very biased.
An internal investigation was started because of the police leaks. The FBI refuted lies made by the police which the police never corrected publicly. The Chicago police's dishonesty doesn't instill confidence.
Nobody is in court, therefore your usage of the term "hearsay" is incorrect and irrelevant.
What if leprechauns gave more than 3 wishes