What if Jussie is telling the truth?
His brother wrote an article under that title on the BET website.
His brother wrote an article under that title on the BET website.
What if Trump isn't a racist? What if nobody from Trump's election campaign colluded with Russians to sway the election his way? What if socialism and communism are great in theory only, while in practice are killers of the human spirit and utterly disastrous? What if the social ills of black Americans derive primarily from cultural issues that only they themselves can solve? What if the majority of asylum seekers from Central America and Mexico are really just economic migrants looking to game the system? What if it was really Hillary Clinton's campaign and Obama's DOJ, CIA, and FBI that colluded with Russians to attempt to derail Trump's 2016 presidential bid? What if Jussie Smollett is really a self-centered, racist jerk who is using the privilege of his wealth and powerful connections to get off the hook from his crimes? What if the main reasons Asian Americans are the highest achieving in education and wealth are that they have a superior work ethic and commitment to education?
You think Democrats and associated SJWs ever ask themselves these questions? Never, save a rare few who immediately are condemned for treason to their cause.
I ask questions all the time. It's called critical thinking.
Re: Jussie though, no proof that he coordinated this was ever presented. The check's memo says for physical training. The store video doesn't link him. I have reasonable thought.
If you have any links pertaining to credible evidence then paste them. Sway me.
I've never seen you ask any of those questions. I've seen you call other people racist for asking them.
shareThe both of you are deflecting. If you have evidence, just link it. Or do you just believe "fake news" so easily?
shareRubbish. Nobody is deflecting. I believe Smollett to be a fraud based on the evidence that is known. For example: (1) Security cameras didn't show any evidence of two MAGA hatted white guys roaming around near the time of the supposed attack (he cagily inferred he believed them to be white in his Good Morning America interview), (2) He refused to give up his phone records for the bogus concern that the police might release all his personal communications. There is zero evidence he was on his cell with his manager when the attack occurred, (3) the Osundairo brothers were caught on film buying ski masks, red hats, and rope just 1 day before the supposed attack (masks and hats also found at their apartment; gee, what a coincidence), (4) a Cook County grand jury found the prosecution's case persuasive enough to indict Smollett on 16 felonies, (5) Smollett (by remarkable coincidence, again) just happened to pay the Osundairo clowns a hefty sum of $3500 for supposed gym training, (6) no plausible motivation has emerged as to why the Osundairo brothers would have attacked Smollett, or why, if they did, the police haven't charged them with that crime.
You don't know whether this circumstantial evidence is false any more than I know it's true. This is what juries are for to decide. In fact, a jury will soon be deciding whether Smollett and his legal team have falsely accused the Osundairo brothers of the attack as they claim in their brand new lawsuit against poor Jussie. Too bad the corrupt Kim Foxx saw to it that the city's lawsuit was dropped and all the details sealed (my what a privileged figure of oppression Jussie is). My opinion is that you're a fool if you think all these facts are just mere coincidence. You're probably just sticking up for Jussie for some dumb reason like black solidarity. Jussie appears to me to be a racist egomaniac who wanted all the media, celebrity, sympathy, book deals, and continued employment as an actor that would come from being a privileged, black, gay actor and victim.
Finally! Everything you listed I already examined.
1) The attackers were wearing masks. They said "This is Maga Country!" and put a rope around his neck. Two black attackers hiding their true identity by assuming behavior of white racists. That was actually clever in order to throw investigators off the track.
2) Not records - the phone itself with confidential and private info incl. contacts, photos, projects, banking, etc. The police were leaking info, so that concern is realistic.
3) We all know the Osundairo brothers did this because they confessed. The question was why.
4) Based on what the Osundairo brothers said after they were arrested. People lie esp. to save their own skins.
5) No coincidence. The brothers run a physical training and nutrition business called Team Abel and Jussie was a client. Jussie's texts exist asking nutrition advice from them.
6) see #3. To get them to cooperate - happens all the time. Personally, I believe they should've been charged.
"...lawsuit against poor Jussie..."
It's against Jussie's lawyers - not him.
"sticking up for Jussie"
I actually said I was on the fence.
"Jussie appears to me..."
That's opinion. I just want facts.
"We all know the Osundairo brothers did this because they confessed. The question was why."
No, the real question is why the Osundairo brothers haven't been charged with a crime. The only plausible explanation is that neither lil' Jussie nor the Cook County District Attorney's office wishes to. Now why is that? It's the year of being kind to Nigerian brothers? Your viewpoint requires really, really dumb and improbable explanations for why they aren't rotting in jail right now awaiting prosecution. All the evidence as we know it points to a cover up.
Obviously, you have no clue as to how the American criminal system works. Charges aren't filed, lowered, suspended or dropped all the time for cooperation with prosecutors or the police. This was even the situation with Manafort re: Mueller's investigation.
reason #5 for the brothers. reason # 1 for Jussie:
This is common knowledge in the U.S. Are you foreign?
Keelai wrote:
"I ask questions all the time. It's called critical thinking."
Yeah, you ask yourself questions like, "Shall I attempt a substantive reply or just do my usual thing and say this poster is deflecting?" That's some range you got, sport. How about asking an intelligent question and thinking about it for a change? Something like, "What motivation would the Nigerian brothers have for attacking their $3500 check writing benefactor, a rich celebrity actor with political connections who we might parlay into lucrative opportunities of our own?" Are you saying the Nigerian brothers are so homophobic, and so stupid, that they'd kill the golden goose just to unleash their anti-gay rage? Absent any real evidence for that motivation, I'd say you have a rather bigoted view of Nigerians.
If you're deflecting, then I will call you out on it. Period.
One way to know the truth would be a lie detector tests. I'd like to see who blinks and refuses to take it.
""What motivation would the Nigerian brothers have..."
Either way the brothers look bad, stupid and dishonest. If it was Jussie's idea, then they agreed to commit a fraud along with him. If it was their idea, then they were in disguise and didn't believe they would be caught. Motivation? People backstab their friends and family all the time out of jealousy, spite, hate, etc. I recently watched a documentary in which a high school girl was brutally killed and her body hidden by her two best friends who secretly disliked her and had planned her killing for months. Common sense would've been to not hangout with her.
"If you're deflecting, then I will call you out on it. Period."
You're constant accusations of "deflecting" is deflecting in itself, gaslighting style. You're the one who avoids the obvious questions, as I've pointed out. Period (another giveaway of a deflector).
This is the first time I've read an indictment with no evidence presented:
Jussie could probably sue the police for false arrest if he wished to pursue this matter.
BTW, within one week I've read several news items re: innocent people going to prison based on someone else's lie. This man who had the mind of a 6 year old was executed. He received a full and unconditional posthumous pardon decades afterwards:
Something similar is happening where I live now. The police haven't been able to solve a horrible murder so arrest and convict anyone to get the public pressure off. The guy is either autistic or slow but either way it's obvious he has no idea what's going on. A week doesn't pass without my reading in my local paper about falsely accused people being released from prison after years or police misconduct. This week I've read three such stories.
People lie. Its that simple. Putting someone in prison or executing them based on only testimony is dangerous.
Shut up, Jussie- the evidence is there. You hired those two Nigerians to impersonate white folks to start a race war. You belong in jail!
shareWhat evidence? Smollet is half-white, dummy.
shareI dont care what your race is, Jussie. You hate America and the only reason why you got off is because that Obama lawyer called that stupid and corrupt DA (who is not gonna get reelected either). Justice will prevail though, and I cant wait till your ass is in jail!
shareLOL! You're delusional. Seek help.
shareI'm correct- you are Jussie, because nobody would be stupid enough to defend him except himself. Gotcha!
shareI am defending the Constitution on this very week of Independence Day!
"In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”
Shut up, Jussie, youre a lying race baiter who tried to make fake news to start a race war. Your crimes are not protected by the Constitution.
shareIt sounds like you're against the Founding Fathers' vision for the U.S., The Constitution and basically anti-American.
shareWhere does it say in the Constitution that you can use fraud to start a race war?
shareWhy are you obsessed with race? Are you a racist?
"In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”
You might as well quit preaching this "innocent until proven guilty" argument, Keelai, since you and your Dem/Lib buddies condemned Trump guilty of "Russian collusion" (rolling my eyes) before there was even an investigation. Even after Mueller's witch hunt -- um, I mean investigation -- failed to show evidence of a crime ya'll still slander him as guilty. Hypocrites!
shareRussian Interference - Mueller Report, page 9:
"The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016."
Trump Obstruction of Justice - Mueller Report, page 369:
"Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations."
I decided to repeat this comment from another post because you cultists just repeat what propaganda you hear on Fox.
Mueller also passed much of the evidence to the 29 committees and agencies for their on-going investigations. Fines and imprisonment will be waiting for him in 2020.
BTW, "collusion" doesn't exists legally as a chargeable offense, genius. Use the correct term.
You lied when you said you were attacked by two white dudes, Jussie. The fact is you paid two Nigerians (by check) to attack you. So if there's a racist here, it's you.
shareThe police chief later admitted that the men made no mention of a hoax until the final hour that they could legally be held.
By this time, Jussie had already refused to sign a complaint against the Osundarios, convinced that these men, one who he had considered a friend and the other an acquaintance, could not be his attackers. Most importantly, detectives refused to show Jussie video, photos, or any evidence to prove they were the attackers. The fact that these two brothers, who in the final hour confessed to attacking my brother yet say it was Jussie who told them to, is all the evidence that the police and the general public needed to be convinced, should be frightening to everyone.
Frogarama, who attacked Jussie? Trump or two black Nigerian immigrant brothers?
I hate Trump with a passion. I don't care for his most ardent supporters. I don't like to see black African immigrants made out to be violent criminals. But ultimately, we discredit ourselves and our legitimate arguments by clinging to lies and false narratives.
When you blame Trump for an attack perpetrated by two black men pretending to be MAGA-supporting racists, you're displaying the same mendacity and pig-headed unwillingness to engage with facts and reality that we, often rightly, accuse the political right of.
In short, you're making progressives, like myself, look bad.
Frogarama, who attacked Jussie? Trump or two black Nigerian immigrant brothers?
But the Trump supporters didn't attack Jussie either.
Now, maybe Jussie is telling the truth. Maybe he isn't part of a hoax or conspiracy. Maybe he was so traumatised and discombobulated when he was attacked that he genuinely thought these two black African men who he considered to be his friends were strange white MAGA-supporting thugs.
But whatever the truth, doesn't he still owe the people he wrongly accused, innocently or otherwise, an apology?
I know that had I been in his shoes, I'd offer the people I'd wrongly accused an apology.
But the Trump supporters didn't attack Jussie either.
The Osundario Brothers attacked Jussie, Jussie attacked white MAGA supporters, and in turn the MAGA supporters attacked Jussie. Nobody is innocent in this scenario.
Maybe if we all stopped thinking the worst of everyone, and that means EVERYONE, Jussie and his brother included, we wouldn't all be in this place.
" Jussie attacked white MAGA supporters,"
That's your assumption without anything to back it up. The Osundario brothers could have indeed said the MAGA Country stuff to throw Jussie off.
SEE? You are blaming without proof.
I already saw your other topic you are BIASED AGAINST Jussie for no reason and you LACK BIAS against the actual suspicious parties WHOSE LAWYER ABANDONED THEM and who won't back up their excuse!
Catch up with the times. This B.S. is unraveling.
Why are you so intent on badmouthing a pair of black Nigerian immigrants?
Also, whatever the Osundario Brothers did, Jussie still, stupidly, believed it.
You're deflecting a little so I'll return back to the subject by answering your question.
He's been attacked twice. The topic actually focused on the second attack in which he's accused of staging the attack without any credible proof.
"who attacked Jussie?"
The news media
The public
The Chicago police
The Chicago mayor
The Osundario brothers
I decided to do a little more digging. I heard the media mention text that would show proof that Jussie staged the attack but they're only questions about nutrition:
I followed the links re: what Jussie 's brother said about one Osundairo brother committing attempted murder. That appears true and public court docs can verify it:
Osundairo's anti-gay texts:
Faux friends who may have been jealous, anti-gay or just hated him. Who knows? I recently watched a documentary about two high school girls who killed their "best friend" after pretending they liked her.
I've seen people viciously attacked by the media numerous times only to be found innocent later after their lives are ruined.
The Osundairo Brothers attacked Jussie.
I don't think the media, the public, the police, or the Democratic mayor and his officials were involved.
They are all taking part in an ugly witch-hunt. How many people on this site are demanding that he be placed in jail? Or be fired? Whether in the streets or on the internet, it's a mob mentality and bullying. It's sad that you're making excuses for it.
Not one person has provided a link with credible evidence that Jussie did anything.
Yeah, it makes a lot of sense that these guys would beat the crap out of the very person who was (supposedly) paying them so richly for their gym instruction services. Perfectly logical, yep. Say, do you have one shred of evidence that they had anything personal against Jussie specifically? You look like you're deflecting again.
share"I hate Trump with a passion. I don't care for his most ardent supporters. I don't like to see black African immigrants made out to be violent criminals. But ultimately, we discredit ourselves and our legitimate arguments by clinging to lies and false narratives."
You discredit yourselves very well on a daily basis. Just look at the clown roster the Democrats are putting forth for the 2020 presidential nomination. A fine example of what people like you do that's so dishonest is something you did in this very post. You insinuate that Trump and his supporters, or perhaps the Chicago PD, make a regular habit of making black African immigrants out to be violent criminals. Where's your supporting evidence for that? Or are you just relying on the people within your echo chamber to nod assent like good little sheep, believing it must be true because it seems like it ought to be?
Link to evidence?
Link to evidence? Oh, how about the testimony of two witnesses very close to the case - Ola and Abel Osundairo - who testified that Smollett paid them to stage the attack? Since when do two witnesses fail to count as evidence? Since never. It seems you don't even understand the concept of evidence, nor do you comprehend that a grand jury found this and other evidence convincing enough to indict Smollett on 16 felony charges. Are you attempting in your own feeble way to gaslight the people reading this thread? Like old Bob Marley said, you can't fool all of the people all the time.
"Since when do two witnesses fail to count as evidence?"
They're not "witnesses". They're the attackers. They committed a crime. Criminals lie all the time in order to not be charged or receive a lesser sentence. You're forgetting that the brothers attacked Jussie therefore they committed a crime.
You're being illogical re: your link. The link is evidence that the brothers bought the ski masks. In order for it to be evidence against Jussie, the video would need to show Jussie himself buying the ski masks.
Grand jury evidence based on false testimony. The testimony didn't hold up and the charges were dropped.
re: false testimony:
Two innocent men spent three years in prison because two women were pressured to lie:
A lawsuit was filed by the Osunfairo brothers against Jussie's lawyers for defamation. Perhaps more information to be revealed in the future.
Smollett's lawyers really screwed him over. It was incredibly dumb of them to publicly accuse the Osundairo brothers of having attacked Smollett without his complicity. That practically forced them to defend themselves against the charge, which will bring forth exactly the details that Team Smollett wants to hide from the public.
Another aspect to this story that paints an ugly portrait of Jussie Smollett is who he chose to do his bidding. He picked a couple of guys who are aspiring actors. Smollett no doubt exploited that angle to encourage the brothers to do something with a great risk of backfiring disastrously, as it has. They probably expected more than money in return. It's a true scumbag that exploits the vulnerable and aspiring...
The TMZ owner is an attorney so it would be interesting to hear his take on the lawsuit.
Why didn't they sue Jussie? The brothers say it's become difficult to find work but that was the case before the assault so I'm not sure how any defamation is hurting an already crappy career.
Jussie's lawyers are supposed to defend him which is a qualified privilege. The brothers lawyers would need to prove it unprivileged in a defamation lawsuit. I see some of the language in the complaint, but I question if it'll be enough. Good luck with that!
Jussie's lawyers will also drag out any dirt on them which will make their situation even worst. They're no angels. The best hope for the brothers is a quiet settlement deal but so far Jussie's lawyers are laughing about the lawsuit.
He isn't.