Bob had a long list of risk factors
1. Drugs in his system
2. Obesity(he gained over 75 lbs!)
3. Traveling alone
4. Recently married
5. Covid
6. Florida
1. Drugs in his system
2. Obesity(he gained over 75 lbs!)
3. Traveling alone
4. Recently married
5. Covid
6. Florida
7. Triple vaxxed
shareHow many people do you think have died from the vaccine?
shareAnd covid?
shareProbably half or less than the "official" numbers state. One weekend Denver reported 5 COVID deaths but neglected to mention that two of the COVID positive people had fatal gun shot wounds
shareYou think this is a valid argument? Probably?
shareOf course it is. There have been numerous reports of where over reporting has been exposed. I gave you one small example of a number being overstated by 2/5. You do the math. 2 of the 5 people died of gunshot wounds. Did the other 3 die of COVID of were they merely COVID positive? We didn't get that information. Ask yourself why. "Probably", is the best we can hope for due to intentional manipulation of numbers. We'll most likely never get the truth.
shareYou gave me nothing. I don't know you from a homeless person. Besides the fact you don't even attempt to offer proof of your claim, randomly spouting some supposed story in Denver isn't proof of shit. Yes, "probably half" because of 5 people in Denver. Unreal you have the gall to attempt to make this argument.
shareLike I said, it's just one example. Do you honestly think it's an isolated incident? You act as if you've heard nothing of the numbers being skewed. If that's the case, the internet is your friend. Educate yourself.
“6. Florida“
being smashed in his head by a bat
The only question is, was his skull cracked before or after the cardiac arrest instigated by the triple vaxx
he got vaxxed
shareI'm getting quadruple vaxxed tomorrow. Oh man. I'm in a high risk group for Covid so I think I'll go ahead anyway.
Just my personal decision. I'm not giving medical advice for anyone. Please talk to a doctor to decide what's best for you and all that.
i know a lot of people who got vaxxed and are now suffering and going to be lifelong big pharma customers after they got the juice
shareNot a lot ...
the people who are suffering a lot, or relatively a lot with Covid-19 are those who failed to get vaxxed or keep up with their boosters and leave themselves open for both a much worse case of Covid - and a much higher probability of getting long-Covid.
i work taxes with the public and know multiple people with strange and mysterious side effects just in the short term. long term things might get even worse, who knows?!? this is a science project and the vaxxed are the sheeple test subjects. i prevented my risks of long covid by improving my lifestyle with more physical activity and better nutrition so i can use my God given immune system to the fullest. I will put my trust in God not in these big pharma criminals like the fake news wants me to do
shareHAHAHA... Yeah put you trust in god... that is a great idea... that have saved so many lives before...
shareGod has given me many gifts i am grateful for. big pharma not so much...
shareKeep telling yourself that... so when you get cancer you go to the doctor or start praying?
sharedoctor wont cure cancer. the best most affordable thing to do is focus on health and quality food when ur younger. health insurance is a waste of money, better to spend it on disease prevention
shareI do not live in a country where you have to pay health insurance... maybe that is why I do not think everybody is trying to con me... and I know plenty of healthty people who have gotten cancer... I am not saying don't live a healthy life... you should... but it is by no means a guarentee that you won't get sick...
If you take of your tin foil hat you will see that the numbers back up... that the vaccine is helpful... I live in one of the countries that has handled the epidemic the best... and surprise we have one of the higgest % of vaccinated people in the world.
"I know people" isn't science.
shareits more of a science than that fake news propaganda "science" u sheep blabbering on about
shareNo, it's not.
sharewhatever big pharma sheep... keep drinking coolade bud, but i aint gonna be another victim of the medical system. no sir! i am too educated on the crimes of big pharma and the poison they sell to trust em one bit
"keep drinking coolade bud"
This is called projection
ur the one blindly following authorities when there are so many reasons not too bud
shareTell me about one of these reasons.
sharemain reason is government exempting legal liability from this mcfranklinvax. if that isnt enough to make u question this vax idk what will
shareHow many people do you think have died from the vaccine vs. Covid?
shareyeah a bunch of old fatty mcbumbalatties died and i am gonna risk my young healthy body and put the future of my children in the hands of big pharma criminals?!? i quit drinking, started workout more, and eat healthier. i dont need to get jab of experimental gene therapy injected by medical mafia cartels...
shareNo, you don't
shareI know multiple people who have multiple problems. One girl's face got paralyzed on one side. many girls I talk to reported hot flashes randomly after getting the shot. and this are just a short term side effects, the real nasty stuff isn't gonna come out till later
shareLOL, the smell of bullshit is getting even worse. Oh is it doctor? You can see the future. Or did you read that during your facebook research
sharesell ur soul to big pharma bud be my guest but dont force that shit on me!!
shareOh your one of those guys. Have great day.
shareAt least I don't make shit up just to try and be a cool free thinker. Enjoy your life. Which will be quite short since you don't believe in medicine
shareyes because people who take the most medicine live on the longest lol
shareWhen they are sick and need a cure yes they do stupid. Modern medicine is what allows people to live longer than in the past genius
shareAnd not once did I say or imply people who take the most medicine. Proof is right there in my reply. But that doesn't fit your narrative so you have to make something up that I never said. Enjoy your life dipshit
sharemodern medications involves giving 6 years olds who are too normal for the slave labor school system methamphetamine level uppers to zombify them out. keep thinking the medical system cares about ur health and they will screw u in ur ass as reward
shareYou are honestly too stupid to even have a discussion with. Your tinfoil hat is on too tight. Hope you never get cancer or any other disease cause it will be a quick death for you.
shareI literally LOL'd at this. You're next level crazy, my man.
shareIt'd sure be nice if the loony left could adopt such a reasonable attitude.
shareThey said he had no drugs in his system,
but in all the relatively recent videos I've seen of his - he looked terrible.
If you are in dubious health it's not a good idea to travel alone like that.
I never cared much for Bob's style of humor, but this is a sad story.
he had 2 drugs in his system. Clonazepam & Trazodone for anxiety and depression.
shareWhen you said drugs, I thought you mean drugs.
Is your contention that those pharmaceutical meds were significant in the cause of death, or that he OD'ed on them, or just recording that he did have some substances in his system? As I say, I was not a fan, but I get the creeps thinking about how awful that must have been for Bob and what a terrible end for the guy who was so great at narrating that Craziest Videos show. It makes me very sad, and I think there are a lot of people who end up like this. I feel we need to institute a universal health care system if only to have enough capacity to be able to have a ubiquitous medical presence in people's lives the they are comfortable and safe to use. I wonder what kind of a state of mind was he in when he fell, if he fell, and why he did not immediately call for help? How could he be cognizant enough to make it to the bed but not aware enough to use the phone.
What shocks me more than anything is that Bob gained over 75lbs. in the last years of his life. I can write 3 or 4 paragraphs about this but what the Fu k gaining so much goddamn weight? 30 lbs. is unacceptable. 75+ lbs you're going to die.
I've read a few articles recently, one of them a doctor said it probably was a quick an awful end. He most certainly didn't crack his head, think nothing of it, and then die after tucking himself into bed. He probably cracked THE HELL OUT OF HIS HEAD. How? By falling backwards and as we all know, the BIGGER they are, the HARDER they fall. After such an horrific crack, Bob was probably barely conscious, struggled to make it to his bed then laid down and died.
I'm sorry I harp on it but obesity is more than a big problem. It's a catastrophe. I was out of the contiguous U.S. for 20 years when I came back in 2013 I was horrified. It took me awhile to see how it all happened, yes fast food and sugar are terrible but what I see now is the grocery stores are a huge component of the problem. Used to be one row of soda and chips, along with the freezer section with frozen pizzas, TV dinners. NOW, it's aisle after aisle of junk, and it's cheap so for 10 bucks you can get 10,000 calories. People buy this junk and over 2 days they eat 5,000 calories a day and then back to the store and do it all over again. This is how you gain 50, 75, even 100 lbs. Probably most of the other Western countries have similar junk, just not as cheap but cheap enough to make obesity an epidemic.
>> I was out of the contiguous U.S. for 20 years when I came back in 2013 I was horrified. It took me awhile to see how it all happened, yes fast food and sugar are terrible but what I see now is the grocery stores are a huge component of the problem.
I'm reticent to get political about this, but I think I've read your comments before and if I am wrong let me know, but I think political you are far to the right and I wonder - don't you see this establishment of our corporatocracy that has sold us all these things that are killing us, or making us sick or turning a lot of us psychotic as a failure of the government, which the Right controls through the influence of these very corporations. In virtually every case business lies, cheats and exploits human weaknesses in order to gain power and wealth ... don't we need to put restraints and that, and if so, how?
To me, we have got to place the needs of people ahead of the war of capital in everything we do. I don't see how that gets done considering that ... and Larry David put this in a very comedic context in his Super Bowl Ad ...
"Your going to let everyone vote ... even the stupid people"? -Larry David Super Bowl Ad.
Somehow this gets at the heart of the situation. We've always let the greedy people run things as a proxy for intelligence, and that worked fine when they did not have access to atom bombs, stealth bombers, surveillance technology and psychological reverse engineering of human behavior ... but now we have no way to mitigate the power and influence of the greedy people, and no better quality people to offer the electorate, ... like the electorate would be able to choose if we did.
We need a way to put a group of Plato's Philosopher Kings in charge, but there no way to select them or put them in power. I read Jared Diamond's book "Collapse" and he has a great point that every human civilization so far has broken itself and ruined its environment, but there was almost more of nature to exploit. Now we are killing and overusing nature itself.
How is it you see Conservatism solving these problems, or do you just deny there is a problem at all?
I'm definitely not affiliated with either the right or the left. I don't want to be associated with either of them. I belong to the church of George Carlin. Almost everything he said was right and applies to this very day. Cooperation gave way to screwing everybody over, including your friends and family. The western world is really screwed right now, not much chance of it being saved. Roman empire.
shareHis vaccinations DEFINITELY played a part! For all the guinea pigs out there, the government has yet to tell us the side effects of the vaccines and boosters. Good luck to all you pro-vaxxers! lmao
shareThanks for all the laughs. Shows what sort of a person you are.
shareYou’re welcome! I just felt that I owed it, considering how much I laugh at liberal dumbasses wearing masks and injecting themselves with God knows what because they think they’re being “responsible”….
shareMan, you have to accept that you cannot be an expert in every single aspect of human knowledge. It's too vast. Times have changed since Da Vinci, and he was also a extremely privileged individual.
You don't have any other choice than to trust science. The funny thing is that you are already doing that, just by living in this century. You are eating, using modern transportation and taking medication. You may as well avoid getting into a car if you don't trust vaccines from preventing your premature Covid death.
You just want to feel a little control but you really have none. You'll just end being brainwashed one way or another, so just accept your modern human condition and move on.
Hey, why not? Fauci had to admit he was full of shit! Do you really know what you’re injecting yourselves and your kids with? When you see the results….have fun!