MovieChat Forums > Salman Rushdie Discussion > Some Muslim may have fulfilled the Fatwa...

This is NYC, people get stabbed EVERYDAY here!


True but how many of them have a $3mill price on their head?


Very true. Usually, the animals that commit the crimes here are worth jack shit.



It actually happened in Chautauqua, not NYC. If you are not aware of the backstory, Rushdie wrote a novel called "The Satanic Verses" back in the 80s that Muslims considered sacrilegious. Being the rational people they are, the Ayatollah of Iran at the time declared a Fatwa against him, which means he put a hit on Rushdie. Many people associated with the book have been killed: translators, publishers, etc.

Rushdie was apparently stabbed in the neck and info on his condition has not been released.


I know who Rushdie is. I got some bad info. I thought it was the city.


Are you really that fucking stupid and pretend this is "just another stabbing"?



Okay, so you are legitimately retarded, sorry, didn't mean to pick on you.
Remember, you're special!




Yeah I am a HUGE fan of Islam...
Like I said, you are legit retarded, it's actually hilarious.


It wasn't NYC. It's about as far from NYC you can get and still be in NY State, figuratively and geographically.


I admitted I made an error in location. I know New York State.


All indication is that Rushdie survived.

But if he doesn't, wait until the idiot who did it, finds out he isn't going to be paid. The Iranian government won't withdraw the Fatwa because they say only Khomeini can do that and that bastard is dead. However, Iranian government's official stance is that they "condemn" the Fatwa and have rescinded the reward on Rushdie's head.


I saw a tweet that has since been deleted that claimed Rushdie walked off stage but I've seen zero evidence of that. Where are you getting the info that he survived? Last reports I saw say his condition is unknown.


I hope Rushdie lives. No author should die because of words he wrote, especially not 30+ years later. Glad the attacker won't be collecting if the worst happens.


last I heard, he may lose an eye, and his liver is badly damaged... His book was shite by all accounts but no need for this. There can be no defending this behavior, the Muslim clerics must denounce this, or that's it for Islam...


Are you sure? I heard he got one in the neck.


BBC news has just reported that at least one eye-witness says he was stabbed in the neck multiple times. If that's true and he survives he's a very lucky man.


I'm no doctor, but that sounds like something that will be very hard to survive. I suppose he can be okay with minimal blood loss and no lacerations on anything vital in his neck.


True, although multiple stabs to the neck, all missing vital areas? As I say, he'd be lucky.


Not to mention, Rushdie is 75 years old.


Natural consequences of a culture that tolerates censorship.


"The religion of peace".



What a coincidence. Supposedly Iran was behind a recently reported assassination plot of the walking talking walrus, John Bolton (the walrus was John, not Paul). Gee, do you think anyone behind the scenes is ratcheting up the anti-Iran rhetoric as initial justification for some US/Israeli military venture? I guess the success in stoking the flames of war with Russia has them emboldened. Iran has been on the list for a long while. They must be number one in the queue now.


Iran is very active lately. A man with an assault rifle was attempting to break into an outspoken Iranian dissident's house in New York.

Last year, Iranian Intelligence agents were arrested in New York for attempting to kidnap her and return her to Iran.

Authoritarians don't like dissent. Saudi prince had a journalist butchered for it. Putin had a few poisoned.


Authoritarians don't like dissent. Saudi prince had a journalist butchered for it. Putin had a few poisoned.

Here we just send the FBI on raids.


It's not ok for Trump to steal classified nuclear documents and sell them to our enemies like the Russians!

Trump's own children must have been concerned and phoned the FBI telling them where the documents could be found since only someone very close would have that knowledge.

Please don't defend treasonous behavior and lies from Trump. Another man became radicalized and died because of Trump a few days ago.


Rubbish. Wasn't Mueller's empty investigation enough for you? The disparate kid-glove treatment that Hillary Clinton got for the same accusation should be plenty to convince you that politics is the root motivation. They did the same to Roger Stone (a Trump crony) and turned up nothing, eventually having to charge him for obstruction of justice related to charges that were false in the first place. Again, just like the Mueller investigation. I could care less about Trump. What I care about is the disgusting partisan use of the FBI, DOJ, IRS, etc. for political ends. It should be considered a far bigger scandal than Watergate.


lol you mean the trump appointed head who got a trump appointed judge to authorize the warrant?? yaaaaaa mannn thats really partisan.......


BBC just said he's alive and in surgery at this moment (info apparently came from his agent).


Isnt there a Fatwa on Larry David? He better watch out


Nah. That got resolved at the end of the season.


The Times newspaper in the UK is reporting that Rushdie was stabbed roughly 15 times.


Horrible! I hope he survives, but 15 stabs around the neck does not sound like something that's easy to fix.


There was a doctor in the audience. Rushdie might owe his life to him.
