MovieChat Forums > Lance Reddick Discussion > cause of death - nothing to do with vacc...

cause of death - nothing to do with vaccines

ischemic heart disease and atherosclerotic coronary artery disease

nothing to do with vaccines.


The vaccine killed him!


Conspiracy Theorists, I shit you lot again and again out of my rectum, you complete and utter bag of wanks.


Do you mind if after you're done shitting, I can shit on top of them?


Both do not appear over night so why was neither picked up sooner.

Remember this is not a normal person a person in his position would be checked by medical professionals this si something at times you are forced to do when signing deals for films/tv.

Some research did show people who had vaccine end up with different forms of heart disease but it's very under played with not much research in the area (we know full well why that is doesn't suit the agenda)


The only way to find out what's really going on with a person's coronary arteries is an angiogram, a procedure where a doctor sticks a probe into a large artery. It's potentially dangerous, is absolutely NOT a part of a routine physical, it's only done when a person has symptoms of heart disease.

We don't know Reddick's medical history, we don't know what tests he had, we don't know if he was willing to report symptoms or see doctors outside of insurance physicals, we don't know if he had bad habits that made things worse, we don't know if he hid symptoms because his career depended on being healthy enough to pass insurance physicals, we don't know if he had any symptoms before he dropped dead. We don't know squat, so anyone who pretends they knew exactly why he died is full of shit.


i have known plenty of people (usually men) who were slim and active and ended up with coronary artery disease. some people get a warning with pain and end up having surgery or a stent. i guess poor lance didn't get that warning and died suddenly.


Why the hell have the anti-vax idiots siezed on this death, among all the millions of natural deaths that happen every day?

No, don't answer. They do what they do because they're too stupid to live.


They need to justify their tinfoil hats.


Happened to my uncle 12 years ago. He ran half marathon just few months before he died.


Provide source for “Some research did show people who had vaccine end up with different forms of heart disease.”


Not an anti-vaxxer, had 3 shots of pfizer and one bivalent shot of moderna, but there have been evidence suggests mRNA vaccines cause inflammation in brain and heart.

I am not a medical doctor but that can't be good for people already in poor heart health.

Of course none of people saying he died of vaccines have any evidence of that either.




Vaccine for sure!


And yet, there's this....

TC can tell us if there was an autopsy.

I mean, no autopsy, then what? Guesses? Magic 8 Ball?


That does look suspicious, enough for his wife to talk to a lawyer.


I’m so glad the non vaccine theory is pushed so hard! He was fin the day before this death.


That is your own opinion/ speculation. We have no way of knowing the truth, though everything we DO know suggests it could well be vaccine-related. You'll no doubt toe the party line and stick with what you hear in your echo chamber, but you may want to read what Reddick's family and attorney have said about his lifestyle, health records, and death.

There's not shame in admitting you're wrong about something, and even if you've backed Big Pharma and the government all your life, and are convinced that they are looking out for your best interests you are always free to think for yourself and change your mind if the evidence so dictates.


You one of those anti vaxers?


I'm not opposed to vaccines. I'm pointing out that the Covid-19 shots have caused a lot of sudden deaths, and this may well be one of them.


I think it's in poor taste to automatically assume that just because someone dies at a young age. My whole family is vaxxed and no issues. The virus killed more people than the vaccine did
This is a fact..


The fact alone that you people unironically use this as a pro argument blows me away.
"It didn't kill as many.. it's good!"

Drown in your kool-aid for all I care, your kind of people absolutely fucking ruined everything.


I will trust my aunt who works in the medical field over you. Don't worry you will be in good company with your ignorance.


I am a medical professional since 2006. Nice try buddy.
And as someone with a professional medical background I can tell you right now that having medical expertise means jack shit.

You will have doctors that praise the vaccine and you will have doctors that criticize it heavily and even suggest to avoid it unless you're really old and thus at high risk of actually dying from a C19 infection. So who's right?

What really matters are numbers and facts.
Like the fact that your overlords told you the vaccines are "safe and 100% effective", until they admitted they are not.

The same people who told you that getting vaccinated "protects others and you are a selfish idiot if you won't get the shot!", now silently admit that yeah, no, it did not prevent transmission, it did not prevent death and even the theory(!) it might cause cases to be significantly less severe is now strongly doubted, if not disproven.

The same people who told you that side effects will be extremely rare and super mild now try to avoid talking about excess death rates in the western world.

The same people that called everyone not wearing a mask the worst of names, now admitted that yeah, masks were basically completely pointless, especially when we speak about protecting others.

Same people who demanded that unvaccinated people lose their career, their livelihood to force them into submission now love to not talk about any of this anymore, because now we know it was all bullshit.

In my age group, 30s, ~500 people in my country (pop. ~85,000,000) died and of these, around 80% had severe pre-existing conditions.

Long story short, this virus, almost exclusively, killed very old and already sick people.
That is bad enough, but we know today that all the drama was just politicians using the situation to gain power and big pharma to cash in BIG TIME.

Go tell me more about ignorance, you sure mastered it!

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."
- Sir Winston Churchill


Nowhere did I ever say the vaccine was 100% effective. I love how you idiots think. It is so easy to predict. No vaccine was ever 100% effective. Oh and you act as if people who wore masks were treated well also. You do not get to play the victim here. Plenty of anti masking Karens made life unbearable for customer service workers. I do not believe you are a medical professional you have showcased the talking points of a typical boot licking moron.


"Nowhere did I ever say the vaccine was 100% effective."
And I did not say you did. I said: "Like the fact that your overlords told you..."
Maybe work on your reading comprehension before you call others idiots.

"No vaccine was ever 100% effective."
And no one claimed it was - no wait, Fauci and the WHO sure did, and so did the MSM.

Also, "not 100% effective" is an attempt to plant the idea in the readers head that it is still "very effective", when we know it absolutely is NOT.

"You do not get to play the victim here."
I'm not playing the victim, I am one of countless victims due to the asinine and totalitarian measurements conducted by my government and also due to the severely hostile, alienating and at times dehumanizing treatment from fellow citizens, just for refusing these vaccines and criticizing the governments insane measurements that even clashed with the legal foundation of my country.

If that ain't being a victim, I don't know - at what point is one a victim? When leftists say it?

"Plenty of anti masking Karens made life unbearable for customer service workers."
Hahahahah yeeees, their lives became UNBEARABLE because some Karens used the opportunity to be mean to them at the cash register!
People committed SUICIDE over being bullied by your kind and you're talking about some anti-mask Karens being mean? Can't make this shit up!

"I do not believe you are a medical professional"
And I don't give a shit whatsoever. Simple fact is that you refuse to believe it because according to your logic, it would give what I say weight and you cannot accept that. No matter what I say - and it is telling just how much of my previous post you flat out ignored to address - your kind would never admit they were wrong and fooled by their overlords, not before Hell freezes over!

You got some nerves calling others idiots and bootlickers!
You're projecting so hard it's difficult to watch.


What really matters are numbers and facts.
Like the fact that your overlords told you the vaccines are "safe and 100% effective", until they admitted they are not.

That is your quote verbatim. This is you implying that I believed they were 100% effective until they admitted they were not. My reading comprehension is fine, you just are now gaslighting and trying to wiggle out of what you said. This displays that you are deceitful and a liar. So that is another shot to your credibility.

There were also suicides from people being bullied for believing in the vaccine and being bullied for
wearing masks. This goes both ways you moron.

You are a boot licking idiot it is obvious. You came at me sideways and rude so you get that back.


"This displays that you are deceitful and a liar. So that is another shot to your credibility. "
Says the one who desperately clings on a completely irrelevant point instead of addressing the things I actually said.

"You are a boot licking idiot it is obvious."
Stunning and brave argument.
How is someone who speaks out AGAINST totalitarianism a bootlicker!?
I am literally the opposite. The bootlicker here, is you.
You are the one who still thinks "this is fine!" despite everything we know today and despite all the uncovered lies. That's the very definition of a bootlicker.

Again, and you're the one calling others idiots... this is comedy gold.

"You came at me sideways and rude so you get that back."
So you continue to focus solely on the ad-hominem between us but I understand why.
You have nothing else to go for...


I posted your quote verbatim. That is what you said lol.


Case in point.
I am done with you, this is pointless.


The minute someone lies it destroys credibility. Try not lying next time. You insult my comprehension skills and then proceed to get upset when I quoted you verbatim. Typical of someone who knows they are wrong.


I trust my Uncle because he has balls. Your Aunt doesn't.

He is also very, very smart.

My Uncle says you have a low IQ and you have been brainwashed.

Did you get your third booster shot and still get infected? Oh well. If you got vaccinated and boosted you will likely have a slightly less severe illness than if you were never vaccinated.

Big Pharma got much richer because of sheeple like you.


You must now how meaningless your statement is. That's great that you and your family haven't had any issues from the vaccine, and I hope that continues to be the case, but that doesn't mean that many other people have had health issues, and many have died as a result of the shot.

Many more have died from Covid-19 than from the shot, but that doesn't mean the shot is safe or effective. Covid-19 is not a particularly deadly virus, and nearly everyone who contracts it survives. It makes a lot more sense to forego the shot than to receive it unless you are over the age of 80 or in some other way especially vulnerable.

About the only thing you've said with which I agree is your typo-- yes, the so-called vaccine is a dud.


So it's more effective to just get the virus as opposed to being vaccinated? So tell me why should I trust someone on a message board over my aunt who is in the medical field? Explain that to me.


I'm not saying you should. I'm merely sharing facts taken from the CDC's web site. If you are afraid that you will die if you contract Covid-19, and you trust that the shot will protect you, you're free to take it. I look at the numbers and my conclusion-- shared by many in the medical field-- is that Covid-19 is not very dangerous, and I'm not going to risk taking an experimental shot with known deadly side effects. I pasted some numbers from the CDC elsewhere in this thread, but they are relevant here as well.

The average age of someone who dies of Covid-19 is 83, and 33% of all Covid-19 deaths were people over 85. To put that into context the average lifespan in the U.S. is 77 years.

Nearly 90% of Covid-19 deaths were people over the age of 65.

The risk of dying of Covid-19 is less than 1% for people of any age, and near zero for people under the age of 20.

85% of those at the highest risk, people over 80, survive Covid-19.


You attempt to say the shot is deadly then admit that focus killed more people. Then proceed to say it's not a deadly virus. You realize I also posted data disputing your marijuana claims in another post and you said nothing. My aunt holds more credibility than you do. I will take her advice over you.


You do what you think is best for you. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm using the data available to make my decision, as should you.


Good and you do the same. I am vaccinated because I think it's safer than not being vaccinated. I had the virus before getting vaccinated and it was the sickest i had ever been in my life. I got it again after being vaccinated and I was over it in 3 days as opposed to two weeks of endless sleeping, sweating, fatigue and aching. That was proof enough for me. I don't intend to go through that again. Is it perfect no but it's a lot better than being without it. Also I'm still here I will let you know if I die.


Liar! Side effects are insignificant compared to getting covid when unvaxed.


Your statement doesn't make much sense. Consider what we know, all taken from the CDC web site:

The average age of someone who dies of Covid-19 is 83, and 33% of all Covid-19 deaths were people over 85. To put that into context the average lifespan in the U.S. is 77 years.

Nearly 90% of Covid-19 deaths were people over the age of 65.

The risk of dying of Covid-19 is less than 1% for people of any age, and near zero for people under the age of 20.

85% of those at the highest risk, people over 80, survive Covid-19.

Keep in mind the above statistics are pre-vaccine. So yes, Covid-19 can kill, but it is not especially dangerous for people under the age of 80. Meanwhile, the vaccine has exhibited deadly side effects in people of all ages. It makes far, far more sense for anyone 70 or younger to avoid the shot, unless there are other factors at work making them especially at risk for dying from Covid-19.


Honestly, why is this even on this much loved actor’s chat discussion. Can’t you just cut and paste all your stuff onto a Covid or vaccine or something other than a movie website.


They literally can't help themselves dude. They have to spread their agenda. That matters more to them than anything.


What do you mean a lot? Almost 7 million people have died from COVID worldwide. There have been over 762 million cases and 13+ billion vaccinations administered. So what do you mean a lot? And then your source please.

Do you know when Lance received his vaccination? Do you know if he got Covid and how many times. Do you know which kind, ie, Moderna, Pfizer, J&J. Do you know if it was Bivalent. Do you know if he got the flu shot. What other issues did he have? Tell us what you know that we apparently don’t know.


Unless an autopsy is done, no one will really know what he died from. His family and attorney don’t agree with the cause of death listed on the death certificate as it doesn’t mesh with his medical history and lifestyle. And it looks like he will be cremated soon. Hopefully, the family will ask for one just so they know.
