MovieChat Forums > Queen Elizabeth II Discussion > Welcome to North Korea

Welcome to North Korea

When will this fake grieving end... Enough... I mean what is with this shit... Oh, she was a guiding beacon, what does that even mean...? She worked hard for the country, complete shite, she along with the other members of that awful family have never done a hard day's work in their lives.


" It's all fake news. "


So she's alive??!


" Wherever you think the technology is I can guarantee you're wrong. "


The grieving isn't faked. I've watched the Lying In State on and off, and I've seen thousands of random ordinary people stand in orderly lines for 12 hours just so they can silently bow to a coffin... of their own free will. Just because they want to.

Hard to believe that there is such a thing as a public figure who was loved by all, or almost all, but what else explains what I'm seeing?


I'm a Brit (Monarchist not a Royalist) and it's quite sobering to view, watching old vets salute and the young and old sombre in their respect for the only sovereign we had ever known.


I'm over sixty, and she'd already been queen for ages when I was born!

It's oddly moving to see hordes of random people pay their respects, men wearing military medals on their civilian clothes saluting, Catholics making the sign of the cross for the head of a protestant church, yobs bowing, women attempting their first curtesy, etc. People don't act this genteel in real life, they have to be doing this because it's what the Queen would have wanted. Imagine being so beloved that you can get a million people to crowd around together and behave perfectly...


She’s been a constant for so many and so long, I think that may have much to do with it. I read the waiting time is now 19 hours! I did wonder what the people do after they pay their respects, lm guessing it’s sleep.


I understand we stand that there are restrooms all along the line, and pubs and food shops, etc. What I want to know is how people get home if they finally get to do their bow at 0400, with no hope of parking for 50 miles! Is every Uber and cab driver in the city outside Westminster?

I also want to know how massive The Queue will get on the weekend, when time is getting shorter and more people are off work! And whether more than one million people will pass through that hall.


No doubt there’s someone recording stats for all that. Most of this has all been planned years in advance given the late Queen’s age. I’ve got nothing but admiration for the people in charge of organising it all.


I also admire the volunteers who are managing The Queue, and the mounds of flowers left outside palaces, which will be made into compost.

It's so lovely to see a whole nation pull together to do something so totally insane, good insane, not American insane.


Those volunteers are doing a grand job!


Watching it now, William and Harry are on vigil. Imagine being in line all day and there before you is the future king of England.


Oh here's one, "She's been a constant"... Meaningless twaddle... A constant what??? A constant waste of money, a constant face of privilege??? What on earth do you mean...???


Presumably they mean exactly what they wrote: the Queen has been a constant throughout many people's lives thanks to the longevity of her reign. Fun fact: constant in this context is a noun, not an adjective.


So the queen has always been there... So what... Doing what??? Asking people "And what do you do" and "Have you come far"... Is that a good enough reason to bend the knee??


Yes. The Queen 'always being there', being the only monarch most of us have known, was the point the poster you were replying to made.

Whether that's a good enough reason to join The Queue or not is, of course, a matter of personal discretion. You and I both think not. Those who have joined The Queue evidently disagree. That's permitted, you know.

All the poster you were responding to was saying is that the Queen being a constant perhaps explains the strength of feeling many have. As far as I'm aware no-one is asking you or me to share it.


I think people mourn her because they don't trust politicians, they know politicians are lying lowlifes, and they take corporate money and do their bidding, all the while spinning it like they are doing those things for the people.

But the queen could not be bought, she was wealthy, and she had reserved powers, if needed, at least that is what people were hoping, she could save them from the disgraceful lot.

There are always going to be people trying to remove British monarchy, because those reserved powers is a threat to the corrupt system, I mean liberal democracy.

Not that the era of monarchy rule was better, but she was a threat to those lowlifes, at some level forced them to behave, so she was necessary.

People mourn her I think because Charles is not the same, people don't trust him. He seems to be the sort of fellow wants to be an active participant of corrupted schemes.


Random ordinary people. A big proportion of them tourists (especially in Edinburgh when about one in every five “mourners” spoken to had a Scottish accent. The total number of mourners attending in Edinburgh didn’t even total half the largest crowd at a football match on a normal Saturday. And in one case you would have that many people voicing their distaste and opposition to the arcane and backward system of govt. Every other week. Not just at this once in a generation chance to be part of something.

People taking selfies of their family day out in a queue. They are having a whale of a time participating in a media event of hollow, self aware “unanimity”. Virtue signalling to other vapid, sycophantic nincompoops like them.

Make no mistake. A massive chunk of the sheep who can’t hide their glee at “being there” are nothing but a humbug.


I've got the live feed again, and while the people in the hall are quiet and respectful, I can hear chanting, singing, and cheering from the crowd outside. Apparently the paying of respects has turned into the miles-long block party of all time!

And you're at home, being angry and bitter. Happy? Well, obviously not...


Angry and bitter at the shit show that is little britain. And the media using this bullshit to paint a picture of a country united in blissful ignorance.


Sucks to be you.


Don't be me then. Be yourself instead. I'm rather practiced at being me and don't suck at it as much as you reportedly do.


I'm very good at being me, thank you!

And if you like being angry and miserable for some bizarre reason, then carry on! Whatever makes you happy...


You call having no democratic process for electing the head of state a bizarre reason to be angry?


In a world full of dictatorships and totalitarian regimes, there are things that outrage me a lot more than constitutional monarchies where the head of government is democratically elected, and the "head of state" is a figurehead.

But then, I'm not someone who enjoys being angry, while some people really get off on it.


So because there's actual, absolute dictatorships elsewhere I'm not allowed to denounce the shit show that is my own country's delusional need for a monarch?



If it's your own country, get cracking on Tuesday! No better time to exercise your rights as a citizen, and get a national referendum on the monarchy going, than in the next few weeks!

I'm an American myself, and wouldn't dream of interfering in the politics of a nation that seems to be more civilized than my own. Frankly, I assumed you were an American as well, about 90% of the world's supply of irrational anger seems to come from here.


Why do I need to wait until Tuesday? The establishment didn't wait to have Charles take his "office".

Carpe diem.


I suspect any anti-monarchist political action would be more effective once the funeral is done and everyone's gone home, and the official period of national mourning is over.

And the reality of having Charles as a king is sinking in. If you want to end the monarchy, I would guess the very best time to strike, would be when Charles is asking Parliament for coronation money...


There's no such thing as an official period of mourning here. That's just
some BS made up by the establishment and the media to spread the myth of a nation united.


Oh bull. Just because you aren't upset, doesn't mean that there's no nationwide mourning, from here it sure looks like there is!

Now bugger off, I've got a funeral to watch, and to me it's just a free once-in-a-lifetime show. Not MY tax dollars at work!


Nationwide is not the same as national, fuckwit.

Go back to licking boots and stop trying to attempt coherent arguments at the same time.


Not my clowns, not my circus!

But currently, my free show.


In other words, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and your sycophancy is borrowed. Not a good look hombre.


You're as British as a 64-oz Big Gulp, aren't you.


I am a UK citizen. Scottish and pro independence . So you clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about if you think that implying that I'm not British is going to insult me l.


Yes, dear, I wanted to insult you. Just like everyone else who makes the mistake of talking to you!

Now bugger off, there's a good troll, there's a parade of hot men in silly costumes coming on.


Wind you're neck in mate, show some respect to people that care a out the monarchy and this moment in history.


Fuck you. Don't you have a funeral to watch.


Jesus you kids are so full of hate and anger, read an opinion on twitter and thinks its the new gospel.of truth. Enjoy.


Eat corgi shit prole.


Mate you live in Scotland and you call me a prole, lol, enjoy.


well said, and 100% correct.


Keith Richards on the prospect of receiving a knighthood: "I wouldn't let that family near me with a pointed stick."


Did he just say that? Did they do something to him, or is he anti monarchy?


No, I head him say that in an interview several years ago. I think he just doesn't like them for whatever reason. Too stuck up for his liking probably. Maybe it was a jab at Mick Jagger for getting a knighthood.


I once read it was rumored Mick was briefly involved with Princess Margaret. Naturally the Queen was upset over that. I recall. Keith remarking that Elton John loves writing song for dead blondes referring to Marilyn and Diana. He is on tour, but will attend her funeral. I wonder who will sing at it? Maybe Paul McCsrtney?


Good call!

Macca could do the last four tracks of Abbey Road and the house would come down! Not a dry eye...


I have not heard him sing in a while. The last time, it seemed age had taken a toll on his vocals. He is 80 now. However, I think Diana Ross is 80 also, and did a great job at the Jubilee in June. I forgot how Rod Stewart sounded.


Yesterday, Let It Be, and I'll Follow The Sun would be good choices.


Touch some grass.


Mow some grass.






gas, grass or ass


I’ve probably never agreed with anyone else more in my life..


I think the Queen was an important figure 70 years ago when she first took the crown. She's basically been an old retired celebrity for my entire life. Not much of an influencer of global politics anymore.


Isn't the royal family 2nd in command after Parliament? They have some say so regarding the laws, but for the !most part, they are figure heads.


I think the monarch still has the power to appoint or dismiss the prime minister, but they don't exercise it anymore.


She did in her life that you cant do 1000 of yours, know your history little boy


Okayyy, what did she actually do then???


She served in WW2, guided the transformation of the commonwealth, modernized the monarchy, addressed congress, first monarch to do so, tireless charity work, supports 3000 charities around the world around 1.6 billion raised, reformed the monarchies finances, pays taxes on Royal income, reduced the cost of the monarchy, supported racial justice in the commonwealth, brings in around 1 billion through tourism.

Longest serving monarch in history and a wonderful beautiful queen for 70 years.

Obviously you don't know any of the above because twitter didn't tell you.


She brought people together, its your kind that will destroy it


Oh, here we go, more meaningless shite... How did she bring people together then????


I've got the live feed of the lying-in-state on, and I can hear singing, chanting, and cheering from the people outside.

Apparently she's brought people together... for a miles-long block party!


She brought people together, its your kind that will destroy it

Very well said, furiousstyles.
The OP doesn't want to understand it.
This headline on the Queen's board is one of the worst.
