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A lot of guys wanted to have sex with they are sexually confused about their identity

Don't worry guys, I'm here to help.

If only there was some type of ironic lesson to be learned here that can make you guys relate to a certain group of people about identity issues and sexual confusion.

Do you guys possibly know any groups of people like that?


I don't know, do you? I thought you were here to help?


Nah, I'm not confused. I wanted to have sex with her. I don't want to have sex with 'him'.


Fair enough. I can respect that.


Most gay men wouldn't have sex with her either.

Cutting off your breasts and getting a teenage boy haircut doesn't really make her a man, or sexy to gay men. Homosexuality is based on same sex attraction (not same "gender" attraction) so I assume its the same for heterosexuality.


Well, it certainly appears you have a lot to learn.


I've looked into the current gender theory. It's not that I haven't had the information but rather that I don't buy it.

Elliot will never become a man no matter how many surgeries she has. If any gay men is attracted to that he's hardly gay then and must be at least a little bi. It's not gay to sleep with women.


Well, there are gay men who fuck trans men and straight men who fuck trans women, but they still consider themselves gay and straight. There's lesbians who fuck trans women and straight women who fuck trans men by using dildos. Some people are attracted to both gender and sex.

Life isn't always so black and white.


We all need to speak the same language. Historically sexuality has been baaed on biological sex, not "gender identity". But sure in recent years there has been a movement that wants to change that. You can agree with that call for change but I do not.

And btw you could argue its even homophobic. Its the good old maybe you just have to try it with a woman, only now its a bearded woman. Woke conversion therapy.

I won't argue with a spesific gay man about how he identifies. If he wants to identify as a gay man despite having sex with women then fine but that side of him by definition can't fall under the category of homosexuality. Just like some gay men managed to have kids with their wives before coming out. I won't argue with them they must identify as bi, but when they were doing that it wasn't homosexual behavior.


Never said it had to be a bearded woman. Although if that floats your boat, I wouldn't judge. There are some very hot trans women out there and you would never know they had a dick until you went downstairs to feel the pussy and got a handful of dick.

Does that make someone gay? I would say no.


If the "straight" guy is aroused rather than repulsed when discovering the penis, then yes he's at least a little bicurious. Its not a part of heterosexuality to be into male autonomy. And no even if "she" is post-op, doesn't matter its still a man.


"A lot of guys wanted to have sex with they are sexually confused ..."

Why would men be confused because they wanted to have sex with Ellen Page?


Some of doubt...are confused and wondering if they might be gay now. This would be a big reason why a lot of them foam at the mouth at Elliot Page.


That's stupid. Did the women with crushes on Bruce Jenner turn into dykes? When women die, do the men who had crushes on them become necrophiles? I know you're not serious, but it's still childish thinking.
Have you considered a simpler explanation? Her mental illness being celebrated by media encourages copy cat symptoms, a well known phenomenon being studied by psychologists.


Trans people will always be around. I know that makes you mad, though. Sucks.


Mental illness is as old as mankind.


"When women die, do the men who had crushes on them become necrophiles?"

Grief takes a while.


Why would they be confused? It's still a woman, just no tits.


I would have slept with her back in her Inception and X-Men days.

These days? Not a chance. Bleh.

I have no confusion. For me it's just the same as a perviously attractive Woman whom now looks rough. Happens to many people, pretty much everyone in the end due to aging.

She used to be decent looking and now she's gross. A shame.



A lot of lesbians wanted to have sex with they are sexually confused about their identity.


Very true. You are right. A lot of them are foaming at the mouth at Elliot, too.


I promise that anyone foaming at the mouth for Ellen now are the ones none of us would want to touch with a thirty foot stick.


"Foaming at the mouth" means angry...not "attracted to."

And don't say that. I'm sure there are attractive people who are attracted to Elliot.


Sorry I was just on the George Floyd board and in his situation foaming at the mouth means high on fentanyl. So I confused it to be in a euphoric state because of where my own mind was at.

I don't want to be mean. But who is interested in transexuals besides other transexuals? Gays want members of their own sex, and straights want members of the opposite sex. A transexual after all the surgery does not have what either side wants, so they have to settle for other transexuals I suppose... plus they are mentally ill.


"""But who is interested in transexuals besides other transexuals? """

Bi-sexuals maybe? It would be like getting the best of both worlds in one body. lol...

And I think a few straight guys might go for a trans-girl, if she's very passable and if they were drunk enough. For some guys, all they want is a hole to put their **** in.


I don't consider myself bi but I am attracted to some trans women. Obviously not all of them but there are some very hot ones out there. I look at it like this. Suppose I went somewhere like Las Vegas and wanted to get some prostitutes. Someone tells me, "we only have trans women available right now." I would say, "Yeah that's fine, send them up."


Some transgirls are very passable. There's plenty of'em that look so feminine that you really can't tell they're trans.

As for sending hookers, you might want to look at a picture of them first, just in case. Some of them simply look like guys dressed up like girls, which is just not very attractive.
