What a tosser

That's right, for your arrogant comments and disrespect of George Lucas and Star Wars fans I. General.


Whether you like the prequels or not is irrelevant - who gives a *beep* what you think? Don't go disrespecting the millions of Star Wars fans and an entire generation of people who enjoy them just fine. Lucas has done far more for cinema than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. In 50 years time his genius will still be celebrated, while no one will give a *beep* about Shaun of the dead.


You should be such a failure!! 85 movie credits and numerous TV shows. Simon Pegg is an undoubted success as a performer and writer. Just because he has not fallen down and worshipped the Star Wars series you throw your toys out of the pram - grow up, you loser!


Holy moly, and I thought Doctor Who fans were precious!!


I've never met a fan who doesent dedicate a large slice of time doing what the OP is complaining about.
Just head over to any of the star wars boards to witness the flames


Arrogant little man.


he is correct. preqeul movie are all shit!! for philistine hahahah.


He's a broken clock, his opinions on the prequel trilogy don't stop him being a tosser. His recent mewling about how kids learning to play professional dressup is more important than learning maths just further cements that fact. I'm actually massively disappointed in how much of a tosser he turned into as I loved Spaced when it aired and I really enjoy his other work with Wright too.


i dont know much about this man. i see him in mission impossible where he play token nerd and he not very funny. then i watch half of film he make about zombies in london and i turn off film because it is shit.


I preferred actors when they didn't want to constantly shove their political opinions in your face. Social media has killed all mystery surrounding celebrities.
I haven't seen any of the Mission Impossible movies that star him but I liked Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and to a lesser extent The World's End. And also the tv show Spaced I mentioned. If you didn't like SotD though I doubt you will like the other stuff Pegg did with Frost and Wright as they are pretty much cut from the same cloth.


"I preferred actors when they didn't want to constantly shove their political opinions in your face. Social media has killed all mystery surrounding celebrities."

yes i agree but simon hate the special edition of the original star wars trilogy and speak out about it in public on his social medias. i think he is good man for doing this. there need to be more peoples of clout who speak out about george lucas and his destruction of original star wars trilogy. lucas ruin original trilogy with his shit changes and no one care!!

" If you didn't like SotD though I doubt you will like the other stuff Pegg did with Frost and Wright as they are pretty much cut from the same cloth."

yes they are not my taste but good luck to both.


The thing is Pegg has since backtracked on his comments about the prequels while simultaneously attacking any fans who criticise the Disney trilogy. He's a massive hypocrite unfortunately. The special editions are complete arse though I do agree there. If you enjoy the original cut of the original trilogy look for 4k77, 4k80 & 4k83 fan restorations. I no longer care about official releases of the original cuts, these are as good.


yes he backtrack on prequel because disney sign his check and he must two the party line like all other hack. money talk and i cannot blame this nerd. i probably say same thing if disney pay me million to be in shit new star war series (and i am biggest prequel hater there is!! shit films!!).

"If you enjoy the original cut of the original trilogy look for 4k77, 4k80 & 4k83 fan restorations. I no longer care about official releases of the original cuts, these are as good."

thank you for tip!! i still wish for official dvd/blu ray release one day but lucas probably write in contract that disney own right to special edition movie and not theatrical. all this to spite marcia lucas for bamging laborer and taking half of fortune!!


A broken clock is right twice a day, flawlessly.

I know you did not think of that.


No ofc not that's why I used the words "broken clock" because I actually think Pegg is a timepiece! You twat.


I'm pretty sure he must have massively backpedaled on this particular topic by now.

I don't think you can say Jar Jar was an absolute disaster anymore because it's racist to do so and the actor suffered a lot of mental health issues as a direct result of people like Pegg.


Pegg is a real fan, I saw him and Frost on a talk show and they said they became beasties when Pegg heard Frost perfectly imitate the little Droid that Chewie frightens on the Death Star.

So Pegg is as entitled to his opinion as any of us. Right or wrong, he is not a tosser.


He's not wrong.
