Yeah, it's honestly quite sad to see how Nolan seems to have completely forgotten how to incorporate any humanity in his films. Most of the other great directors working right now (Fincher, PTA, the Coens etc) have become more focused on complex human drama and heavy, cerebral themes as they've gotten older, but that isn't quite the case with Nolan. He seems to have devolved instead into this spectacle-driven filmmaker who makes movies that are impressive in terms of narrative form and technique, but of which carry very little weight beyond their craft.
In the slim chance you happen to be reading this, Chris, here's a challenge. Try making a film with no sci-fi or major action spectacle element for a change, why don't you? Make a film that feels small, intimate, and personal, where the stakes come from the characters' inner emotional conflicts rather than world-changing life-or-death scenarios. You've done it before (Memento, Insomnia, The Prestige) so you can probably do it again. I think that'll put you to the next level.