MovieChat Forums > Martin Luther King Discussion > So turns out he was gay?

So turns out he was gay?

Guess the anti gay stuff was to hide his true colors


Since when?


Just like Trump


Your idol Obama is actually a homo.


He was a communist too, but being gay is bad enough.


Just wait until 2027 and they open the FBI recordings of his behind the scenes behaviors.

In 2019 the FBI released the written transcripts from the FBI agents making the recordings.

Being gay would be a blessing as compared to what they were listening to him doing.


I once read he had sex with white women on one occasion (could be 1 or a 1 or two more) and basically screamed during the act "I am not a black man tonight"

Something really fishy with him. And that idiot band U2, even made a song about him.


He also put dog collars on them


That's messed up.


He was a bad guy and very degenerate


Look up the 2019 FBI transcripts about him.

I was so shocked I couldn't believe what I was reading. The actual recordings are sealed until 2027 and I wonder if they will be released.

The FBI was doing illegal wiretapping on MLK and the so recorded him but also had to make notes of what they were listening to. So, the notes are what got released in 2019.

The notes said MLK was heard raping women in his hotel room, instructing a friend how to rape a woman while he was raping her, and having discussions about which female followers would be best picked for rape. There were also orgies in his room.

I think this is less clear, but his lawyer was supposed to be a jewish communist, and MLK was secretly a communist agent whose mission was to destabilize the US. That to me is less provable than all of the sexual perversion.

I always liked his speeches but if the transcripts are true he's another example of the "southern TV show preacher" that was popular in the 80s. Prince also had that vibe to his music like...I believe in Jesus and so we need to take our pants off and fuck.

I am looking forward to 2027 but at the same time it will be sad if it's all true.


Thanks for the information.


I once read he had sex with white women on one occasion (could be 1 or a 1 or two more) and basically screamed during the act "I am not a black man tonight"

Not really surprising. Non-white men are generally obsessed with white women. The only reason that you don't see more of them as couples is because the men mostly lack the status to get the more desirable females.
