MovieChat Forums > Scarlett Johansson Discussion > No interracial relationships in her movi...

No interracial relationships in her movies

Interesting how she has never played a role that involved an interracial relationship. Something going on, Scarlett? Not a fan of diversity?


Clearly a secret KKK member and hypocrite. LOL.


Diversity for thee but not for me.


I think promoting interracial relationships is for destroying white (Aryan) superiority, not for nice Jewish girls, like Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman or Gal Gadot.



Plenty of these white celebs are racists and just like to virtue signal about diversity because they know it won’t affect them.


What would be do without websites like this to point this sort of thing out?? 🤔


enjoy a higher quality of life probly without the inane drivel the OP posted




It is a shame diversity only works one way and is self defence mechanism used by people, who feel triggered by white people. In this case only being in relationships with the same race.

Do you really think non-white people are put under pressure to be in relationships with white people on TV and film?


Of course not, non-whites are neot pressured to race mix nor are majority non-white countries pressured to embrace diversity.


And Kevin Hart is a black supremacist? Because I can't remember him having a interracial love story in his flicks...


Diversity is not demanded of blacks.


Philosophical question: When someone is as stupid as you are do they have a clue about being stupid?


Her mother is Jewish. Possibly discouraged by her mother.


Could be, yes.


They tend to pair white women with white men in films for four reasons:

1. Human nature. We're attracted to our own kind.

2. Numbers. Most actors are white, including the most successful ones.

3. Money. Hollywood makes most of its dough from white audiences, they prefer to watch white actors, likewise in Bollywood or Hong Kong cinema. Movie studios know they won't get as much money if Jack Dawson in Titanic was an Arabic guy, for example.

4. Projection. Subconsciously, white women audience members want to see themselves up onscreen getting wooed by Brad Pitt or Leo DiCaprio, and white men want to see themselves wooing Amy Adams while killing terrorists, which means they won't be able to see themselves if it's an Indian woman playing the female role or a black man in the male part. Hollywood knows this, thus casts romantic leads who will not ruin the fantasy for its primary audience.
