MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Do some people STILL defend him?

Do some people STILL defend him?

Or think he wasn't "that bad" for any reasons? And are they just messing around or do they honestly believe what they say? Cheers.


Yup there are a few on youtube...


Do they really believe what they say though, mean it or are they just having a laugh? (No seriously, is it...)


Go ask them.


To some extent, I have no real time or format to send them such questions nor do I have any idea if they even WILL reply OR if they will do so TRUTHFULLY.


I have had WAY too many moments online when I sent people questions and they did NOT reply. Implying that they didn't really want to or had other things to do.


The ones I saw were serious. They were giving current example of what the world turned into and said that he was giving us a warning.


Oh yeah especially the comment sections. There is a documentary on there rhaybde defends Hitler. I will look for it later and post a link....


I was going to say the same thing. I remember seeing some of his speeches on YouTube and the overwhelming majority of comments were saying that he was right. I'm not Jewish but I was honestly disgusted about the amount of people who thought it was okay.


I think he was horrible. One of the worst human beings ever. He would fit right in with the DNC today.


So do 90% of the normal and civilized people on this planet Trevor.


Yeah, the world is a mess. Thanks, liberals!


Its not JUST "liberals" I would blame here, but say flawed human nature in general.


National socialists, anyone?


Yeah, liberals are openly advocating socialism. Capitalism, the most successful economic system in the history of the world, is not good enough. They want socialism. But this time they will get it right, under the steady leadership of Bernie Sanders and AOC. God help us all!


And they even went as far as to say something positive about Hitler?


A white person? Not a chance. They are even advocating segregation. They want to keep the white people away from black people. What's next for the self-proclaimed party of 'tolerance'?


Still mighty popular in the Arab world.


How does Arab world forgive him like that for all of his atrocities?


Which atrocities? He seemed to quite liked Islam and met some spiritual leaders.
The Nazi secret services supported Arab Nazis and encouraged the locals to fight the Brits. Muslims from all over flocked into Waffen SS.


I think his stance on jews kinda connects with the Arab mentality.


And Indian world also.


I recently noticed some kind of admiring in China too.


The better question is do people still use him to make poor or inexact analogies? Or use Hitler as a defense mechanism to deflect criticism?


Doesn't everyone do that at least from time to time with everything including yes very much these days?


It's edgy to go counter culture. There's a perceived implication that clarification of nuances regarding an agreed-upon view means that the entire view is suspect, and that the opposite view must certainly be accurate.

I think nuance is important of course. But what we have is ppl taking one extreme to counter another.

I remembering someone writing a really good breakdown of this sentiment in regards to Tesla/Edison. I think it's the same thing with Hitler and with all sorts of subjects where people jump on the bandwagon.

Do they honestly believe? Maybe, or maybe they haven't thought it through. We see that all the time, here too on moviechat. Someone claims an argument that doesn't fit yours, you ask for proof in disbelief. Someone else presents a counter argument that DOES fit yours, and you don't ask for proof, you just go "I thought so!" Even though the burden on both claims were even.


I've seen a lot of people say things like "the holocaust was wrong, but Hitler did have to do something about the Jewish problem." That's how genocides happen - people believing that the presence of others is a problem to be solved.


Yeah, through the brilliant propaganda of Josef Goebbels - the average German citizen wanted to get rid of the Jews. However, the majority of average Germans had no idea what was really going on (mass extermination). To them it was as simple as getting rid of people they didn't want in their country.


I recommend seeing the documentary, "Final Account." It interviews ordinary Germans, and also former camp guards, who pretty much all say that everybody knew, but managed to maintain deniability. So much cognitive dissonance and denial - to the point that one former guard expressed exasperation at those who worked in the camps and went along with it.


Everyone involved with the logistics of the Final Solution knew exactly what was happening. Average Germans that lived nearby concentration camps, they had a pretty good idea of what was happening. However, to the average German, one that was nowhere near a concentration camp - they didn't have a clue as to what was going on. All they knew is Jews were disappearing - which the majority of them couldn't have cared less about.


My landlord is originally from Iran, he told me Hitler didn't do anything wrong.


Still trying to figure out what he did that was so bad.
