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Will Hillary Clinton run for President in 2020?

Will Hillary Clinton run a third time for president in 2020? I been hearing stories that she might be running for president in 2020.


I don't think she is interested in running a legit campaign where she has to truly compete with others. She may do it if she feels everybody else's balls are in a vise so to speak like she thought she had last year.


I'm split down the middle here. 2016 was suppose to be her year, and I truly expected her to win. In addition she always looked great in the media where as our current President well.....did not.


I've heard rumors about it too but I'm not sure if she will. I wish that she had won the election but over 47% of Americans are inbred morons, gun nuts and religious fanatics so that makes it pretty hard for a sensible, moderate Democrat to win the election. So many people have an insane, irrational hatred for her so I think that Democrats will probably want a lesser known candidate. Check out the 2006 movie Idiocracy, they predicted America's future ten years early.


You wish she had won? Why? Why would anybody want a corrupt, lying bitch (and how disgusting does a human have to be to defend a rapist?), who is hated by a lot of country leaders for president? She would've been even worse Obama. Voting Trump was basically the first time in a long time that americans shown that they actually do have a brain, well at least those that voted him, the others are the true morons, those we love to make fun of here in europe, like you.


It's hard to vote when your choices are extremely liberal or extremely conservative. The press wants blood. A soft-spoken moderate of either party can't be heard over the sensationalist spew from the media.


Same thing in Canada, there is no one that centrists can vote for, the Liberals have been taken over by Sanders-style socialists and politically correct social justice warriors, the NDP is even farther left, the Conservatives used to be socially moderate and pro-free markets but have been taken over by Trump-style gun nuts, religious fanatics, and Steve Bannon type extremists.


You tell'em, Angel!!



Wow! This venomous 47% profile presented here very accurately depicts a boss I had several years ago who was a die hard professing Democrat and Christian;one of the most blatant hypocrites I've ever encountered.


Earl and db20,
And about 25% are arrogant, lying, useless, whiny, narcissistic, America-hating, elitist, socialist, libtard morons like you two who have drunk the Progressive Kool Aid. Crooked Hillary is a liar, a cheat, a thief, and generally a horrible excuse for a human being. (Read the new book "Shattered" for insights.) That's why she lost. I would be willing to bet most voters didn't vote for Trump, the voted AGAINST the Hildabeast!

You and your pathetic ilk are the enemies of liberty because you arrogantly think you're smarter than everyone else and you should CONTROL the entire population. This is to bring about your moronic socialist utopia where you have pulled everyone down to the lowest common denominator, and so everyone is exactly the same.

You are pathetic.



Talk about " moronic" and " pathetic ," you are one blatant case of ' the-pot-calling-the kettle-black .'
You completely misinterpreted my post like the idiot you are. I told you before I'm nonpartisan and right now you're coming across as worse than the liberals you rail against with this rant which is nothing more than pseudo intellectual babble.


Blah Blah Blah Blah! Talk to the hand, loser.



Take it elsewhere, both.


Hey Cheep, this is between db20db and me, and we're having fun. So butt out.



I know, I was just interjecting myselfπŸ˜„


Well okay then.



While Trump is terrible, so was Hillary... Difference I'd say, Trump is like dying from a gunshot wound while Hillary is like dying from a slow, undetected cancer. Look up Hillary's campaign donors... she was bought and paid for by the financial industry... Sure she's a lot better than Trump on certain issues such the environment, immigration reform, women's rights, healthcare... but overall both the Democrats and the Republicans have been responsible for policies that have exacerbated the gap between the wealthy and the poor, continuing to feed the military industrial complex and trumping up reasons to bomb people in the name of justice but mostly for profit, and maintaining the world's largest prison population also in the name of public safety but once again at a huge moral cost. She and the DNC conspired to not only undermine Bernie Sanders, (they actually were caught feeding her debate questions in advance), but they also intentionally propped up extreme Republicans like Trump or Ted Cruz because they cynically thought they'd be easier to beat. (Look up Pied Piper strategy on Google if you don't believe me). I want to see a woman President, but not this woman... please let her go away and maybe a young upstart will emerge by 2020.


I'm with you, Sentient. There have been a lot of bad choices for the presidency before, and it was a matter of choosing between the lesser of two evils, but this election took the cake.

Can't imagine Hillary will run again, unless she's a glutton for punishment and the Democrat party drops the ball this badly, yet again, four years hence.


Her one positive trait is that she's relentless... I wouldn't count out a run until she's six feet under.


Relentlessness (i.e. persistence) can be a positive trait, but in this case, IMO, it's not. Could the Dem party really be so stupid as to have her run AGAIN?!

I'd love to see a good woman candidate for prez, or hell, even VP, but thus far there's been none.


In answer to your question... yes. The DNC seems to be carrying on business as usual... the main factor against her would be her health and age.

I also would love to see a female president but the best candidate Elizabeth Warren ended up selling out her progressive ideals and supported Hillary over Bernie. I would still support Warren if no one else emerges, but she went from being one of my favorites to another lesser evil candidate.


Business as usual, yeah, great. No idea about her health, but McCain certainly had his age working against him, and that didn't stop the Repub party.

Quite honestly, I know nothing about Elizabeth Warren, beyond what you've just said. In general, I avoid politics like the plague it appears to me to be.

I'm SO TIRED of being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, or not voting at all. Or, as I did one year, doing a write-in and voting for (the dead but inestimable) Gandhi.


Like the out of the box thinking, but next time choose someone who's alive and born in America. :p


Details, details ;p


I agree, and that is a pleasant thought, her six feet under that is.



Considering that she had the media on her side, the polls likely fixed in her favour in many places and the backing of many powerful, rich and influential people, she still managed to lose. That should tell her something.

Had I been American I would not have voted for her either as I think she and her husband are evil and selfish people. I also wouldn't want her as president JUST because she was a woman.

She should run off to Qatar when she can live without fear of future extradition.


Even businesses like Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream supports those liberals....


That's why I will never eat their shitty excuse for ice cream.



Amen and well said, keybored! She is a liar, a cheat, a thief, and a generally horrible excuse for a human being. For details, read the new book "Shattered".



Depends on her health and how many scandals get unearthed.


Is that even allowed? I thought once you lost in the Presidential race, you can't run again


That's because others chose to bow out gracefully and accepted defeat. She thinks she is entitled to the job of president.


Yes it is allowed. Doesn't matter if she lost. She can run again and there are already talking that she might be running again.


No, you can run as many times as you want regardless of the results. The problem is that the voters will never be stupid enough to nominate you again after you get your ass kicked.



Well, here ya go


I hope that's true. Although for me she's like a monster in a horror film where I won't believe it's dead until the credits roll and I'm walking out the theater.


Yep, when the last nail is hammered into the coffin or the lid on the urn is clamped down then I will believe that she is not running for President.


They will have to hammer that nail through her heart to kill her. Actually I think it has to be a silver spike. And of course a crucifix and some garlic would help.



She may run. But I just can't believe that all of her million dollar donors would back a losing horse again, or in her case, a real NAG! LOL

Actually 'the monster" in those movies never seems to die. Did Jason? Did Michael Myers? Did Freddy Krueger? They just seem to go on and on and on...


Great analogy, pjpurple!



Well said, meat. And I wouldn't even be sure then.



I doubt it. I thought for sure she would win. She was/is a morally (and otherwise) corrupt and despicable person, but people supported the idea of her (her gender, her party, something?) even if they didn't actually like her. I was really shocked. All that being said, I think her train ran out of steam. 2016 was hers to win and she blew it. The DNC will need to pull out someone younger and trendier to win in 2020. It will need to be style over substance, like with Obama.


An excellent and intelligent analysis, shooter.



Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and again! :-)


Dis be true, mon!

