MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > I thought this guy was the most popular ...

I thought this guy was the most popular president ever

Where did all the idiots go that voted for him? Where's your loyalty?

Oh yeah, now I remember, the moment he dropped out of the race and they shoved a candidate YOU GUYS DIDN'T VOTE FOR, you all ran away from him faster than a herd of cattle being directed towards a different slaughterhouse. Kinda makes you wonder if 81 million people really voted for this pile of filth.


No one has anything to say here now that he was pushed our of the race. Now I'm just waiting on word of a dementia diagnosis or a tell all book from one of his staffers.


Not sure if it would be as entertaining to read as what the ex-Secret Service Agent wrote about Hillary. That book was a doozy!


A tell all book from Jen Psaky or Keiren Jean Pierre would be hilarious.


I would like scientific pornography to be produced of Psaky, Jean Pierre and McEnany. A reverse Oreo cookie. The cream is on the outside. For science.


"Where did all the idiots go that voted for him? Where's your loyalty?"

The brainwashed herd has moved on to the Harris rallies. She's their new savior.


And yet they have the nerve to call the rest of us "cultists" and claim that Trump is our "god?" Ugh! I don't even own a MAGA hat or a single photo of the guy! Closest memorabilia we have at my house are magnetic American flags on our cars...that's it.


I'm curious by what metric you made your estimation that he was the most popular. You mention 81 million votes, but as you remember people don't vote for Biden so much as they voted against Trump. "Vote Blue No Matter Who", etc.

Personally I like that people run away from politicians. That's a clear sign of it not being a cult, but instead a measurement of political capital. Joe Biden has served his role, and now Kamala seems to be a very well liked replacement. Certainly seems more desirable than people who constantly push for the same person over and over again, especially when said person is utterly controversial and disliked by the electorate.


They didn’t run away from a politician. They ran to Kamala Harris, another career politician. Because that’s what they were instructed to do. The 40 million who make up the Democrat voting base are absolutely a cult.

No ideas. No solutions. No platform. Cult.

The only question is how will the Democrat machine rig this one.


Correct on all counts


They stay inside this woke leftist bubble. That IS a cult.


GHW Bush's approval rating fell from 89% to 34% in less than two years



Joes chance of winning the election went to 0%.


yep, right after he stopped running


yup, the coup was successful. haha my bad LOL!





Can you stop typing "LOL!" for almost every reply you give or you will get a 1 week ban for spamming?


i didn't even realize it was an issue til now, so i guess thanks for the warning

it's interesting that vile insults, threats, and callout threads are allowed here, but laughter is not


Spamming the same thing repeatedly is an issue and isn't allowed.

There'd be hardly anyone posting here if we banned everyone who ever insulted someone else and if it doesn't break the T&C then it's allowed because that's how free speech works.


i never knew that, so again, thanks for letting me know

also free speech is a government issue, and has nothing to do with website moderation

if it did, then typing LOL! would also be protected speech


this guy gets it🤦‍♂️




This just in: DarthAckbar posts down 100% after being told he can no longer spam the same trash-tier comment over and over again. Oh whatever will we do without "LOL! 🤣" being slathered around like a fetid turd in a rest area bathroom. Whatever will we do.


Nope. It's a privately owned website with it's own rules and regulations for members and mods, like most of them are and which differ from site to site. Here free speech and differing opinions are valued. It has nothing to do with government issues.

You are all here as guests of the owner. A Government is (supposed to be) the servant of the people.


What about if he puts variety in it? Like one lol then one lmao or then lulz and so forth. Is that allowed?

Signed, million man.


I think its hilarious you can get banned for too many LOLs



Signed, million man.


Actually that would be because it's not spamming the exact same thing over and over.


Cool. Thank you.

Signed, million man.


Just change it up. Read above.

Signed, million man.


American politics is in a sad state and so is this country.
Imho Biden was a joke from day 1. Im unsure how much better Trump will make it as he needs to fight those titan doners with unlimited cash and a clear agenda.
I have politics fatigue at this point...its all just a big mess.


I know. I hate how everything has gotten so divided and political. You can't even talk about the weather or cute animals without someone saying out of the blue, "Trump is evil" or something like that. You can't even disagree over a new movie or tv show, because the left will use it as a litmus test to "see what side you're on." Even classic liberals and centrists are getting sick of that!


I do not understand loyalty in politics. Why would you not vote for the person or party who most aligns with your wants and needs at the time of the election? Also when was Biden ever called the most popular president? Just because people voted for the lesser of two evils don't mean they adore a leader.

I guess that's a problem with a two party system.


He is (was) and sharp as a tack.


In what universe? Biden's as sharp as a baseball, and so damned dumb and brain-damaged with dementia, he couldn't find his own ass with both hands and a flashlight. There's a reason so many of his press conferences were carefully controlled an edited, or that he had very short interviews. He's a mess.


We aren't a cult of personality like you Trumplicans. We aren't loyal to a person, but to the country.
