MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Black Voters Are Finally Waking Up And A...

Black Voters Are Finally Waking Up And Abandoning the Democrat Party

About time.. Surprised it didn't happen sooner, especially when you have a President in Joe Biden who says "If you don't vote for me, you're not Black"


I guess miracles really do happen sometimes.


You think they will go running to the man who insisted that five innocent black men be executed for a crime they did not commit?


It's better than the man in Joe Biden who referred to them as "Savages & Predators", right??


They are both crap. Why would you want either?


Because at the moment, those are pretty much the 2 options.. I call the 2024 Election a way of paving to the next Generation of Politicians in 2028.. In 2028, Trump will be gone, Biden's gone along with Pelosi and Schumer: They're all pretty well gone and too old and slobbering all over themselves at that point, while a young Ramaswamy or Nicki Haley are still very young and that's what we need going forward are young Politicians after the 2024 Election, not old.. Both could serve as VP 1st, then move on to the Presidency in 2028


Trump will most likely be gone, as a viable candidate, prior to the 2024 nomination even if he stays out of prison.

Colorado (9), New Hampshire (4), Michigan (16) and Arizona (11) are trying to remove Trump from any future ballots he might be on. That is potentially 40 electoral votes off the top.

DeSantis is on his way to alienating too many voters with his illegal transport of aliens, destruction of the Florida education system and being in general, a douche bag.

I do agree that we need younger blood.


It's not illegal to transport illegal aliens. It wouldn't even be necessary if federal law was enforced and they weren't let in in the first place, but DeSantis has no control over that.

The Florida education system has only been improved by DeSantis, by preventing woke activists from destroying it.

Douche-bagginess is irrelevant. His job is to improve the quality of life of the people in his state, which he has done better than the governors of any other states, especially disaster states like California.


What did DeSantis do to improve the Florida education system? Have anything specific?

Florida's new restrictions on hiring people and prevent employment of illegal aliens is merely window dressing. While a worker who commits ID fraud to work in Florida is committing a felony, it is merely a small fine for the employer to hire them. This is a "wink wink" to employers that can still hire whoever they want by paying a little extra. Will they care if they have to pay a $1000 fine to exploit an illegal alien who gets paid half of what the American was paid before they fired them? Probably not.

Until the government makes it a felony for a business owner to hire illegal aliens, they will continue to do so. Until significant action is taken against businesses that fire Americans to hire illegals, America might as well fly them in ourselves and save the Border Patrol the hazards of finding them near the border.


They are NOT joining Good Ol' Party though.
They just want a more entertaining president, which is silly.
I wish the media would just quit following him around waiting for him to trip or mix up a word.
Like I tend to do every time I try to talk to stupid people like you.


Total B.S.
They've been voting Democrat and will always vote Democrat because democrats love to fill quotas that give them jobs they don't deserve and aren't qualified for. They LOVE pandering like this and it doesn't even matter that those token charity cases do absolutely nothing to change their status in life or their neighborhoods, except let a lot of career criminals back on the streets with lighter sentences or exonerations from "technicalities"

If less of them don't like Joe, it doesn't mean they are jumping parties, especially not to the party that preaches merit over quota box checking based on race, gender, and political allegiance. Not like voting matters with Biden anyway. No one has done more election interference than him and his party.


I would like to see black voters support an independent party. Same with Latino and Asian voters. Intelligent white people have been voting independent for years, so they need no prodding.


They say this every election. It never happens.


The presidential election is over a year away. Your poll means nothing. Besides, every patriotic American knows that Trump who is facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor will never be president again.


If the Poll said Joe Biden were leading, you wouldn't be saying this so just stop


No it wouldn't because polls this early in the campaign season are meaningless. I'm not as stupid as you.


They're meaningless when it doesn't support your narrative, so fuck off with this nonsense of yours


But polls are meaningless this early. Are you really so stupid you don't see this? You claim that polls are accurate only if they favor Trump or your narrative. Otherwise you would be screaming fake news if Biden were leading.


Bidenomics is working wonders


Sure, if you love inflation, then Biden omics is for you


I'm sorry you're doing so poorly. I'm thriving, my family is thriving and my friends are thriving. Maybe if you stop blaming Biden and the Democrats for all your problems you would thrive too.


Well I guess you and your family are thriving.. When you stand out on the medians and panhandle, eventually someone will toss you some scraps


Envy does not look good on you. I'm sorry that the big recession you hoped for never materialized. Most Americans are doing fine. Too bad you aren't.
