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Vaccines are simple to understand, I don't understand Anti-Vaxxers

As I've always understood it, a vaccine injection introduces a weakened version of the virus so that your body's antibodies (defence mechanism) can fight it easily and LEARN HOW TO BEAT IT, so that if your body gets invaded by a stronger form of the virus, they're better able to defeat it because they've had experience with the weakened form in the vaccine already.

So why do Anti-Vaxxers not understand this? Why do they think it's a form of population control and to cull a proportion of the population? It's just silly to me.


The government gave full legal immunity to the assholes who made this mystery juice and you wonder why people don't trust in this stuff?!?! it is bogus I won't ever injected this shit and would rather fight to the death before I inject this shit


I don't think people are "anti-vax"as much as they are anti-Mandates.

Biden has allowed thousands of migrants into the country, un-tested and un-vaxed. Yet, an American can lose his job if he refuses the vax.

In what universe is that fair?

2) It's been 2 long years. We know more now than before. People are tired of the fear-mongering and politicizing of it all. They've contradicted themselves so much that people no longer believe them. Grown adults are willing to take their chances.

3) People are still contracting it, spreading it, and dying from it. It's all been bullshit.

4) Some people are just not living in fear of dying from covid.



So you signed a piece of paper giving up your right to sue the vaccine manufacturer if you have a side effect or worse even death from the vaccine…is that what you’re saying.

If so then you are…

Wait for it..
Wait for it…

A blind sheep dumbass.


I'm not an anti-vaxxer. I sincerely believe that vaccines are among the 10 most important (maybe even 5) human discoveries.

And I'm almost pro-vaccine mandates. Almost.

But when it comes to covid:

1. No, mRNA vaccines DON'T introduce a weakened version of the virus. It just introduces genetic code. Why don't you understand that?

2. A vaccine requires 10+ years of studies and tests before being approved for release. Covid vaccines went under less than 10 months of testing. We don't know too much about side effects and possible long term effects of these vaccines. Why don't you understand that?

3. There are plenty of documented side effects that the government does everything in it's power to ignore, hide or minimize. Why don't you understand that?

4. In USA natural immunity is brushed under the rug, no policies accept or take into consideration natural immunity ALTOUGH even the cdc had studies that favor natural immunity. Why don't you understand that?

5. An emergency, still experimental, vaccine should NOT be made mandatory. Specially when the manufacturer doesn't accept any liability. Why don't you understand that?


Agreed. I was never vaccinated for anything when I was a kid because my parents didn't believe in vaccines. So every childhood disease others got vaccines for I ended up catching and getting natural immunities along the way. So when I had kids, I could have gone that same path with my kids and odds are they would have made it through childhood just like I did... instead I had them vaccinated, though not with multiple vaccines as soon as they were born, but with with single vaccine over a longer time period because the massive vaccine does pushed by pediatricians aren't as much about what is needed as it is about what insurance companies want you to do to minimize costs.

However this mRNA vaccine is too simply stupid. It hasn't been tested for safety well enough, and when you look at the efficacy of it, Pfizer's own study only showed 20% efficacy. It really makes no sense, if someone were to have come up with a measles vaccine 50 years ago and admitted it was only effective 20% of the time the FDA wouldn't have approved it and no doctor would consider it anything but a promising start.

For people to continually run around with pitch forks clamoring for the heads of anyone that's made the decision not to be a guinea pig for this pointless vaccine, is simply beyond belief. I suspect if the media pushed hard enough these same idiots would be out helping to drag young girls out of school for female circumcision so long as Anderson Cooper said it was the right thing to do.


OP: Minding your own business is simpler. I don't understand Democrats/Liberals.


Very Succinctly Said!!!


And I hate the right-wing autocratic tendencies of Republicans/Conservatives.


Contrary to popular belief, you and those like you have NO SAY whether or not someone gets a vaccine.


I'd accept ANY vaccine. You see, I trust scientists, even if Republican/Conservative scum DON'T.

I've been on this planet for almost 50 years, and I respect all scientists to act in the best interest of humanity, and I get discouraged when young morons like you read up stupid fake conspiracy theories on the internet about how "science is bad" based solely on disinformation, and many young people believe it against the sage advice of their parents (or at this rate grandparents) and whip up hatred against those who are most likely to know science and SAVE US.

To give another example you'd understand:

When I was a child, I'd see photographs of the Earth taken from space or the moon in the early 1980s and wholeheartedly accept them as FACT, and believe that we DID go to the moon or even in space, at a time when CGI was non-existent and Photoshop didn't exist, nor anything like it. But to be told decades later by a foolish young millennial generation raised on the falsehoods of the Internet that everything I've known until now is an absolute falsehood because of DUH! CGI! is absolutely abhorrent to me and shows how doomed humanity is if we listen to the internet-broadcast ramblings of so many stupid people that can reach so many impressionable people, especially young.


Well you’re a huge moron if you do.

Big Pharma has paid out 10s of billions in settlements for bad drugs. Stuff the FDA approved after a decade or more of testing.

Just look at Vioxx. It killed 40,000 people and it was FDA approved. Merck paid out billions.

If you want to be a naive lemming and believe everything your Democrat party/media slave masters sell you go ahead. We will continue to point out your ignorance.


You keep referencing the USA, I don't give a SHIT about your FAILED country.


The OP is a self-righteous asshole. But, I must digress. 1. Thank you for typing something I'd "understand", you self-righteous douche! 2. I'm not defined by my so-called generation but, thanks for trying to classify me yet again.

That is brilliant! You'll "accept ANY vaccine"? Regardless of what the long-term effects on your life there might be.....which the government has so kindly not told us about....? You liberal cocksuckers are pathetic!

Forget the past. You seriously aren't questioning Fauci, Biden, Andrew Cuomo and any other jerkoff democrat that has the audacity to open their mouths about bullshit....not science but, bullshit? "You don't need a mask", "You do need a mask", "Get vaccinated then, you don't need a mask", "You still need a mask, even if vaccinated".... It's hard to tell which end a democrat is talking out of! What exactly constitutes "disinformation"? How do you know what Fauci and company are saying is truth? Or are you just one of the sheeple who follows blindly when the government tells you something? If so, you would've been great in Nazi Germany!

Unlike you, I'm well educated, I read and I take the government and "science" with a grain of salt. How have masks saved you? Particles can still enter and exit. Now, you have to touch your face EVEN MORE than without a mask. How has the vaccine helped you? You can still get "Covid" with a vaccine.


"How has the vaccine helped you? You can still get "Covid" with a vaccine."

Of course you can, but you won't DIE from it if you DO have the vaccine.


"Of course you can, but you won't DIE from it if you DO have the vaccine." BULLSHIT! The vaccine doesn't ensure you'll live.... "Covid" is nothing more than the flu.


I see that self awareness is not your thing.


And I hate the right-wing autocratic tendencies of Republicans/Conservatives.

It's amusing that you don't see yourself at all. It's the crazy Left that is pushing us to socialism.

You don't see that as "autocratic?" Socialism IS autocratic!

Everything the Left accuses the Right of, they are guilty of themselves.

It's absolutely laughable! People in glass houses. 🤣


Another dumb American. There's more to the world than your shitty FAILED country, Yank!


Your stupidity knows no bounds.


There's more to the world than your shitty FAILED country, Yank!

Come here... I got something you can YANK!


"And I hate the right-wing autocratic tendencies of Republicans/Conservatives."

That's SO hilarious and moronic coming from someone that wants to force everyone to be vaccinated against their will ...


I give up. There's no use reasoning with people like you.


Use reasoning?

What exactly means "reason" to you???

You: "autocratic tendencies" about people asking to be left alone while YOU want to enforce policies on them.

Who exactly is the autocrat in this scenario???

And btw, I posted some points that you totally ignored. Talking about "reason" ...


I admit, I'm not used to talking about politics and stuff like that, as I've never understood it all my life. So I think I should do the simple obvious thing and just talk about movies instead. Agreed?


I'm not an "anti-vaxxer". This is just another liberal lie intended to bully, coerce, shame and dehumanize those who choose not to take THIS vaccine. Along with all the "anti-science" and flat earth bullshit. Vaccines are easy to understand. THIS vaccine is what I have trouble with. For starters, it ain't one.

The sheer volume of hypocrisy from liberals surrounding this subject is daunting. It's hard to unpack it all. I've worked in IT for 17yrs, how could I be "anti-science"? If I listened to liberal "logic", "trust the science" only applies to the vaccine. It does not apply to abortion or gender confusion, where "science" does not seem to matter. Same for, "my body, my choice". It's laughable.

Bottom line is that these "vaccines" are experimental. They were hastily contrived. They can change the ingredients at will. They have unknown long term effects. Reports of side effects have been suppressed. They do not work and have had no effect on the death rate. For me, personally, there are WAY too many red flags, way too many lies, way too much misinformation and it's been way too politicized. If the leftist lemmings choose to ignore them, that is fine. You're not going to shame me into taking it. Nor are you going to mischaracterize me as ignorant, uneducated or otherwise mentally deficient.


Here’s your “science”. What constitutes “disinformation”?
