I'm not an "anti-vaxxer". This is just another liberal lie intended to bully, coerce, shame and dehumanize those who choose not to take THIS vaccine. Along with all the "anti-science" and flat earth bullshit. Vaccines are easy to understand. THIS vaccine is what I have trouble with. For starters, it ain't one.
The sheer volume of hypocrisy from liberals surrounding this subject is daunting. It's hard to unpack it all. I've worked in IT for 17yrs, how could I be "anti-science"? If I listened to liberal "logic", "trust the science" only applies to the vaccine. It does not apply to abortion or gender confusion, where "science" does not seem to matter. Same for, "my body, my choice". It's laughable.
Bottom line is that these "vaccines" are experimental. They were hastily contrived. They can change the ingredients at will. They have unknown long term effects. Reports of side effects have been suppressed. They do not work and have had no effect on the death rate. For me, personally, there are WAY too many red flags, way too many lies, way too much misinformation and it's been way too politicized. If the leftist lemmings choose to ignore them, that is fine. You're not going to shame me into taking it. Nor are you going to mischaracterize me as ignorant, uneducated or otherwise mentally deficient.