MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Biden signs 30 executive orders in 3 day...

Biden signs 30 executive orders in 3 days, let the Fascism begin...

Travel ban on terrorist countries was the worse thing he could do and cancels the Keystone pipeline.

Get ready for higher gas prices and more terrorism, thanks slow joe...


I can't believe anyone is still making an issue over that stupid Keystone pipeline. The time, effort and money would be better spent developing clean and renewable sources of energy instead of beating this dead horse. Fossil fuels are becoming a thing of the past.


so I assume that you ride a bike everywhere and use no electricity?


I'm not talking about abandoning technology. We need to use our brainpower and technology to solve our energy problems.

For the record, my next car is going be a Tesla. Not that it's any of your business.


until there is a crisis or we are running out of oil and gas, nothing will happen. solar and wind are great renewable resources but are unreliable. we can go nuclear but no one wants one in their back yard. putting solar panels on every house would be the way to go, but it would be crazy expensive and regular homeowners wouldn't be able to afford it.


Nuclear fusion. That'll be the source that finally kicks fossil fuels to the curb, because there are no power storage issues and the existing grid doesn't need to be modified. There is a crisis. These huge fires, the more frequent storms, etc., this is nothing. Not yet. It's just a teaser, things are going to get much worse.

And you know Republicans will be voting against aid for anyone when homes and businesses are destroyed in ever increasing numbers. All they care about are corporations and the rich.


i hope you are aware, the nuclear lobby is behind the whole co2= climate change story thats been told?
in fact its a little more complicated than that and one of the driving emissions is simple steam. clouds are way more isolating than co2 and its emitted by nuclear plants a lot.
also uranium doesnt dig itself up.

atomic stuff is the only thing that can really fuck up the planet. climate change does not.


Fusion is a clean process that doesn't lead to incredibly toxic radioactive waste, unlike fission (the basis for current nuclear power plants). And climate change will most definitely fuck up the planet unless we bring it under control. It may not be a literal doomsday, but we've been fortunate to have the Earth's climate be about as benign as it ever gets during the last 20,000 years or so, allowing advanced civilization to arise. We face the possibility of a much less hospitable environment and a planet capable of supporting far fewer people - with all that implies. The loss of much of the Earth's biodiversity (i.e. a mass extinction). Is that what you want, just so oil companies can make more money? The shortsightedness of politicians never ceases to amaze me.


in the grand scheme of things there was always climate change and mass extincions. thats nothing, earth cant recover from. id also be more afraid if temperature was dropping. humans can survive in the desert, in the arctis not so much, nor in a radioactive environment.
also higher temps mean more rain. deserts might become rainforests. we dont know that.

fusion isnt even ready yet.



greedy billionaires, what even is this argument? you think there is no profit in other energies? oil stocks would drop to negative if there was an alternative and you would multiply your billions investing in those. if i was greedy id ruin the existing markets and try to develop new ones...
besides fusion energy, which is not ready in the next like 30-50years (if ever) there is no replacement energy ressource in sight to keep "Homo Sapiens and its advanced civilization" running. without oil there isnt even fertilizer or medicine.

also it all might boil down to thermodynamics and the heat our civ produces stays in the atmosphere. then no technology will cool the planet unless we go back into the caves by choice. its temperature first, co2 2nd, because warm(er) water cant save it.

better change the crops we depend on..


We're too busy arguing over skin color, and pumping children with puberty blockers....where's this brainpower you speak of?


I wonder where the brainpower went, too. The U.S. achieved the Moon landing over 50 years ago. The U.S. was once the world's leader in technology. The U.S. should be at the front, leading the world in finding solutions for climate change and the COVID pandemic. The country has gone downhill.


Class warfare, and Identity politics have caused this.


and communism...its taking root as we speak...


Caused climate change? Caused conservatives to deny climate change and suppress renewable energy production?


Prove climate change is manmade and not just a natural cycle.


Prove you're human first.


Prove these nuts bitch.


Already been proven decades ago. It's time to stop patronizing stupid people like yourself. Climate change deniers need to be shoved aside with a minimum of gentleness at this point, so smart people can get down to the business of saving the fucking world.


Post proof then. Put up or shut up.


Not going to post an extended essay just to convince you. When people like you get in the way of progress, you need to be moved aside, by force if necessary. Otherwise you're irrelevant.


"I have no proof, you win"
There I translated your post from woke retard to English.

I invite you to attempt to move anyone out of the way. I know your kind and they struggle to open their bottle of soy milk. Come and move me you little twat, you'll fail that just like you'll fail to provide proof that climate change is manmade. You want to threaten me over your junk science I'll wreck you child.


All you do is make noise, little right wing troll.

As long as delusional idiots like you are in no position to stop progress, you don't matter. And you're in a small enough minority now that you really aren't.


"Climate change deniers need to be shoved aside with a minimum of gentleness at this point, so smart people can get down to the business of saving the fucking world."
"When people like you get in the way of progress, you need to be moved aside, by force if necessary"

Looks like you're the little cuck who just makes noise, larping your fantasy about being big bad tough guy scientists lmfao pathetic estrogen filled soybased human shaped sack of excrement. You couldn't move a bowel!


You don't know a thing about me, I wouldn't go making assumptions if I were you.

You're clearly a far right piece of shit, the kind of person we need fewer of. Do us all a favor - shut your yap and go away. Shouldn't you be making Daniel paint your fence and wax your car, or something like that? 😳


Like I keep telling you, you want me to shut my yap come shut it you pansy! You are literally too stupid to insult you Chinese bot!


Clearly you don't know how to identify a bot, dumbass.


That definitely sounds like something a bot programmer would have as a response to accusations of being a bot. Suspicious!


So, literally any kind of response only confirms your bias. That's called a self-reinforcing delusion. One of the ways a person gets as far removed from reality as you.


"Everyone who questions me is a right wing troll!" Yeah awareness isn't your strongest quality Chang


Where'd you get that quote? It certainly wasn't taken from me. Provide a thoughtful argument to support a position, versus spouting right wing propaganda and talking points, and you're not a troll. I'm not forcing you to be a foaming at the mouth, irrational asshole. That's your own choice.


You're the little pansy who started threatening violence over the internet because he couldn't provide evidence that climate change is manmade and not a natural weather cycle. And you accuse ME of foaming at the mouth? Everything you say is projection fucktard. Mentally unhinged little spastic.


You're foaming at the mouth again. Probably want to wipe that off.


"you need to be moved aside, by force if necessary" boy that sure sounded like a threat of violence to me. How else can you move something by force? Are you a fucking jedi sir?


Actually I was thinking more about billionaires who fund resistance to climate policy and other nations who won't get with the program. Not individual right wing douche bags who believe whatever conspiracy BS they read on the internet.

As I've noted, people like you have no power, therefore you don't matter. But being a dumbass you took that comment as a suggestion that you personally should be assaulted. While that would certainly be satisfying, it wouldn't achieve much.


"When people like you get in the way of progress, you need to be moved aside, by force if necessary"

It really does seem like you were talking about me and not billionaires, and that you just lied again in your last post.


So I reiterate - Come and move me!


That's my point, you can't get in the way of progress, you're a troll on a discussion board. Even if I knew exactly who you were and where you lived why would I bother with you?


"When people like YOU get in the way of progress, YOU need to be moved aside, by force if necessary"

Can you backpeddle any harder? You tried to act like a tough guy and I called you on it


If you want to get hung up on this idiotic point, fine. You're not even fun to argue with. It was mildly amusing for a while but I've had enough. Have a nice day! πŸ€ͺ


Stop acting like an internet tough guy if you're going to immediately backpeddle when called on it you fucking loser


Yes it is our business. If you are going to talk about developing clean and renewable source of energy and not using fossil fuels, don't forget that you enjoy the benefits they bring. Hypocrite.


100,000 people lost their jobs, Canada is suing the US.

It's a big deal.


Renewable energy industries will create new jobs. Possibly even careers.




When people wake up and realize fossil fuels are finite in supply. Now is the time to be pursuing clean and renewable energy sources rather than wait until we are at a crisis point. We can either make a gradual smooth transition now or wait until it's too late and switch to panic mode.


No, the date. People lost their jobs today, when will this new career be available?


Sorry, I'm not a clairvoyant, but I will venture a guess. It could be as early as this year if the country would wake up and make renewable energy a top priority. Reaching seemingly impossible goals has been accomplished in the past: the Space Race was one example. The goal was to achieve a Moon landing by 1970, and the country pulled out all the stops to reach this. We landed on the Moon in 1969.


You offer no solutions just empty rhetoric.


Its too late.
There will be no smooth transition.
There will be wars, death, a breakdown of society
Its all to do with 1) the Amount of energy Fossil supplys over what renewables can supply
even with a huge boost in funding resaearch etc.
you cannjot "create" energy only capture it.
fossils have captured millions of years worth for us
and we've pissed it away in 200 years

2) our lifestyles. Our energy squandering lifestlyes
If wind & solar were going to have a cat in hells chance we'd have to stop driving 2 tonne boxes of steel around altogether , and stop buyingh useless shit from the other side of the planet , and stop importing exotic foods form thousands of miles away
Or non exotic for that matter.

and fyi , just for those who didnt know (not u k80) , an electric car does not run on magic


... and space aliens will arrive with buckets of money.


Just for the liberals they will, Lyin Biden is not the real president.





You clearly don't understand physics. You have absolutely NO IDEA how big an area you would need to house all the solar panels to power say New York City. And I'm not even talking about the backup energy you'd need at night, when the sun ain't shining.

The manufacturing and maintenance of solar panels and wind turbines COSTS more energy than they will EVER deliver, plus they are an INMENSE ecological disaster once they're discarded.

The ONLY viable long term energy source is Nuclear Fusion as we have a practically limitless supply of deuterium in the oceans. Until then fossil fuels are our friend.


Fossil fuels are hardly a thing of the past. It creates jobs, revenue, which is used towards researching other cleaner energy. Abandoning fossil fuel because it makes you feel happy would be disastrous for the economy.


Yeah, much better to rely on shipping oil from the middle east in dirty polluting tankers that contaminate the oceans. We'll be having none of this relatively clean pipeline thanks.


This dumb MFer will make our lives more expensive, more restricted, and more dangerous. Leftist paradise.


dementia joe's secret pig force has likely already put your name down on a list of people that need to be re-educated and de-trumped.


Gas prices are going up still, thanks to cancelling the Keystone pipeline.


Oh it was glorious to see Trump's horrible policies made by Executive Order, fall by Executive Order. Bye bye! In just a few minutes President Biden slashed and burned his way through a whole bunch of the Trumpanzee's bullshit. I enjoyed it quite a lot myself. 😳


I wonder how hard you'll be laughing once fuel costs $7 a gallon, and electricity quadruples in price. All that money that has to be paid into the paris climate fraud scheme has to be paid by SOMEONE, and it's NOT the rich, it's the average folk like yourself (I'm being generous, you are likely much lower on the evolutionary ladder than the average folk) that foot the bill.


Yeah, very funny indeed.


Hardly. And the Paris climate deal doesn't go nearly far enough, it's just a start.

Don't worry though. We have a fast growing industry around solar/wind systems for the home. We have several companies developing high capacity flash charge batteries for electric vehicles. And there's a corporate-academic partnership in the process of building what will likely be the world's first viable nuclear fusion generator.

This isn't the 1950's anymore. We can make the transition to clean energy, we have the technology and there's a developing environmental disaster we still have time to largely prevent ... but only if we move quickly. These new technologies, American innovations, will put us on the forefront of the new energy economy - other countries will be buying our equipment to upgrade their own infrastructure, and they'll be buying our cars to meet their emission reduction goals.

Under Donald Trump none of that would be happening. Competitors like the Chinese would pass us and be the ones selling their technology to the rest of the world. This is what happens when you have no vision. Trump was never a leader for the ages, he was mired in his own self-interest and the immediate here and now. His stupid steel and aluminum tariffs, which accomplished nothing, showcase an outdated view of the US economy that's stuck somewhere back in the 60's. I guess it fits in with making America great AGAIN. Whatever that means. Hearkening back to some imagined Golden Age in the nation's past. Love to know when that was. You should be glad he's gone!


Are you a special needs kid? You truly don't get it, do you?

Nuclear fusion is NOT viable yet. It can not be maintained long enough (a few microseconds) to actually supply energy. It will take a long time before we can actually use it. Which is exactly why all research should be going towards it.

Wind- and solar energy will NEVER EVER be viable.

There is not enough lithium and cobalt in the world to make batteries for everyone. We will NEVER be able to have earth's population switch from fossil to electric.

We do NOT want emission reduction goals!!!!!! CO2 is an extremely beneficial gas and with global cooling around the corner we need every bit of help we can get to keep the planet warm. So even though the contribution of mankind to the world's CO2 is futile (mankind will have increased the volume percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere from 0.004% to 0.00401%) it's better than nothing. And nature LOVES CO2, that's why it's being pumped into all greenhouses, because it helps plants grow. With an ever increasing world population (unfortunately) you want MORE food, not less. So long live fossil fuels and CO2.

paris climate scam = emission trading scam = paying some poor African country with no industry to speak of billions of dollars to buy THEIR rights to pollute. Net effect: NO reduction of emission but a BIG reduction of money that goes to African governments and warlords who use it to suppress their people even more.

You sir, have NO idea how the world works. You live in an utopian lefty dream and it's time YOU WAKE THE FUCK UP.


You're wasting your time with these people, they see Star Trek and think it's a documentary


Look, I'm a physicist. I know what I'm talking about. Go outside your right wing echo chambers and maybe you will too. Climate change deniers are beyond tiresome, for decades now it's been a matter of patronizing the ignorant - willful and otherwise. I won't debate people on that subject anymore. Anybody still in denial at this point is living in their own world by choice.

You're both utter morons, people like you should just sit down and shut up. Let smart people make the decisions. We'll all be better off.


How about you sit me down and shut me up you little fucking pansy?
"Look, I'm a physicist. I know what I'm talking about." Well I'm a double physicist and I know twice as much as you. Prove climate change is manmade and not just natural weather cycles, put up or stfu. You want law enacted over this stuff so fucking prove it's real.


Why? It's already been proven, and what you do or don't believe doesn't matter since you're not in a position to influence policy. Someone who's convinced his Master and only Light, the Lord God Trump, actually won the election isn't going to be swayed by mere logic and reason anyway. I'm not familiar with double physicists. Is that like double secret probation?


No all of that was discredited, nothing has been proven at all


See I can just handwave stuff away without providing proof too. Wow arguing like a "physicist" is easy!


So continue to live in the alternate reality where you're right. You can't affect policy, so you might as well not exist. What difference does it make?


No you see I'm a physicist so everything you say is wrong.


I seriously doubt you have any technical background whatsoever.

What basic construct do the following equations describe?

βˆ‡ Β· E = ρ/Ξ΅β‚€ , βˆ‡ x E = 0

Basic undergrad material, you should be able to answer instantly my fellow physicist. πŸ˜›


>can provide "proof" he's a "physicist"
>can't provide proof climate change is manmade

You're very selective in what you choose to answer


I'm not posting a long essay for you. As I've said for about the tenth time, your opinion is of no consequence since you're not in Congress or any other position of power. You can believe demons control the climate and it doesn't matter. If you want to be suckered by the oil industry's disinformation campaign, go right ahead.


Nice "dodge" mate, you're not posting it because there is nothing you can post and you know it. There is no settled scientific consensus on climate change despite all of your yapping.


You just keep telling yourself that. Say it enough times and it might actually become the truth.

I'm done talking with you. See ya!


I matched the amount of evidence you provided loser, cya!


It's Maxwell's Equations, well, half of them.


Right. It's the simplified form that describes an electrostatic field.


And you made an error, βˆ‡ x E = -dB/dt, but that's alright for a non-scientist.


No I didn't. You start off undergraduate E&M with electrostatics, Gauss' Law and all that fun stuff, no B field. A case described by the equations I posted. Just trying to show that Mr. Miyagi has no scientific background and isn't really qualified to be making pronouncements on climate research.


I don't jump through hoops because you tell me to. Do you really think posting an equation related to electromagnetism and circuitry gives you any authority in the field of climate change? I also made no pronouncements at all unless you can link to them and prove otherwise? I believe I asked for evidence that climate change is manmade and not due to natural weather cycles. Which you declined to post any of. Yet think I have to prove my credentials to you on demand. I reiterate there is zero scientific consensus on climate change being manmade. Prove me wrong.


I don't need to. You're nobody.


Then we are at an impasse. You have proven the same as me, nothing and you are also nobody. Except I did it without threatening violence over the internet so I win by default :P


Yeah, you declare victory and run along. Whatever makes you feel good. πŸ€ͺ

Bye bye.


Bye bye "tough guy" lol


As utterly impartial observer I declare Miyagido the winner. Hardly surprising as the competition was pretty much non existent.

Congratulaions to Miyagido! Chrisjdel, I wish you all the best in your future career, I just hope it's not in a science field.


As an "utterly impartial" right wing shill, your judgment as a referee is as worthless as your technical expertise. But thank you for playing! πŸ€ͺ


Sorry but this was adjudicated by an independent observer and found to be the most fair and honest internet debate ever. Maybe don't be such a sore loser next time!


Thank you kind sir!


You don't need to let that dude gatekeep you my man


Daniel is still waiting for his karate lesson. Go!


Should I have said fencekeep?


Paint the fence. Up, down. Up, down ... 😳


Do like the John Landis reference. Apart from that, you're delusional.


And Trump's abuse of powers were not sign of Fascism? Lol


Biden has signed 30 EO's in 3 days, its called abuse of power. If Trump had done that the liberal media would have a hissy fit, but its ok if a democrat does it.


Not if it is to fix Trump's damage.



Domestic terrorism is far worse in the US


Exactly, BLM and antifa cannot be stopped.

Antifa is still terrorizing Portland, but no one seems to care anymore.


Boogeymen 😴
