Moderators - How about doing some moderating????
Really, moderators? You are going to let some of these posts stay??
shareReally, moderators? You are going to let some of these posts stay??
shareIf you see a post that you believe violates our Community Standards, use the "report" button and it will be reviewed.
shareHow about culling the herd a bit on your own and removing some of the pedophile rumors in this posting alone....
shareWhy shouldn't those threads about the pedophilia accusations being posted here? Where should they be posted then?
sharewhat about herd immunity?
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Just mock and/or block (ignore) conspiracy theorists.
shareWhy is political discussion forbidden on Donald Trump’s board but not here?
shareI've reported tons of posts that are promoting violence, politics and misinformation but they never seem to get removed. I come to this sub to discuss movies and tv but it's turning into 4Chan. Removing posts won't do any good if you don't start banning troublemakers and agendaposters.
shareLiberals on here are constantly flaming and spreading lies and none of the ones I report seem to be removed either.
share"spreading lies"
-Biden won due to voter fraud.
-the capitol riot was orchestrated by the left.
-COVID is a hoax.
- There are confirmed cases of voter fraud.
- There were BLM members in the crowd so that accusation does have some merit to it, also it is well in line with the kind of thing the left would do.
- I don't know of anyone who said Covid was a hoax, however it is a liberal lie that Trump said it was a hoax. In fact Trump was trying to tell the country that it was serious and the left accused him of using the virus to divert attention from their first fake impeachment.
On the other hand the left on this forum has called Trump supporters Nazis, they said that Trump said that the Charlottesville rioters were "fine people" (he didn't, he was clearly referring to the peaceful protesters) and that Antifa/BLM haven't rioted.
This is not Twitter or Facebook. Our rules do not empower moderators to police supposed "misinformation". People can judge for themselves the truth or falsity of what others post.
shareThat's exactly why the alt-right is winning -
Doing nothing is morally and possibly legally wrong.
the right is winning because your lies are being exposed.
and you want to cover them up with censorship.
you lose pal, people see right though you now.
How is the alt right winning again? Please do enlighten me because from here it looks like the Left hold all positions of power
sharewow, it seems like you are fair and unbiased!
unlike other sites, congrats!
As you can tell, some don't like that, they want others opinion removed, so everything turns into one big echo chamber until no-one is left.
Thanks for not falling for their agenda.
Never back down to the mob mentality 👍
> People can judge for themselves the truth or falsity of what others post.
That’s a good policy. Counter disinformation with information and mockery or deprive it of oxygen by blocking offending posters. Censorship is a blunt weapon that is often abused.
This site has become a wasps nest of Right wing Fucks, it’s really violent and awful. If they don’t take care of it now the only people that will come on here are right wing extremists and religious fanatics.
shareHave a thicker skin or dont participate....simple...
shareIt doesn’t bother me, I like hearing the other side of things, I wouldn’t want this side to be dominated by left wing idiots either, there needs to be a balance and there is not. There are considerably more Right Wing extremist than normal Left wing people here.
shareDoes it really matter?? I dont give two shits about either side. Both left and right are full of morons.
shareYes, it matters to me because I like talking about movies with other normal people, every time I come here every board is consumed by Right wing extremists and that’s just unpleasant. They complain about every film saying that they are some sort of hidden message, p.c. Bullshit, liberal crapfest. Do you get what I’m saying? It’s not just Republicans/conservatives or democrat/progressives, I’ve no problem with political affiliation unless it becomes like someone’s religion that they are trying to recruit you for. It’s like they all moved here in a hoard after they got banned from Yahoo.
I ignore it and laugh it off. Go to the specific board about the movie instead of general. Still gonna get people crying about not enough diversity or SJW...😂
shareThis site has become a wasps nest of left wing Fucks, it’s really violent and awful. If they don’t take care of it now the only people that will come on here are left wing extremists and religious fanatics.
you go on biden page to discuss movies?
shareGet a life dude. Seriously. Wow. 🙄
You really are getting into the “banning” trend, aren’t you?
I can’t wait until you say something that one of your fellow liberals finds “offensive”, and they call for your “banning” because of their hurt feelings. These people who want to ban everything really seem to forget what country they live in.
Maybe try simply ignoring posts you disagree with, instead of tattling like a preschooler to moderators?
They cant...they live to get offended.
and the truth hurts them.
then they whine to the mods. embarrassing
I said the same thing in general discussion a few days ago too, the mods really need to start doing their job.
shareThis offends me. I want this post banned immediately. I’m telling the moderators on you! The only posts that should be allowed on this site are posts that don’t offend ME!
That’s what you sound like. The “Thought” police are growing by the minute. It’s a scary thing for our country. Not that you care. You’ll be too busy trying to “ban” everything, but what you’re doing is very wrong.
What posts are you whining about??? Also it's the internet dude. You are gonna read a lot of disturbing or offensive stuff out there. Dont participate here if you are too sensitive. We dont want this site to end up like IMDB.
shareleftwing nutjobs....always in favor of censorship.
oh, I Trumpistas DO enjoy things like water sports and young girls at beauty pagents...
share young girls ... that is Joe's area of expertise
Biden touching girls compilation
Premiered May 19, 2020
And why do you think IMDB most likely went under?
shareIt was bought by Amazon and they werent gonna use the resources to moderate. Listen people are gonna say shit you don't like. Do what I do...ignore it or troll the hell out of them....😂
sharebecause the mods and owners did not like when regular people bashed their movies.
I made a simple suggestion of de-listing the often flagged message boards for politicians off of the "trending" board. The message boards themselves remain but they don't hog up the spotlight. Some how that's too much work I guess?
shareThey only do that for Trump.
shareYes, moderators. Be good leftists and delete comments that you don't agree with.
shareI agree. Moderators: remove all liberals and demonrats from this forum please!