WTH is people's problem? this woman is nuts, in instagram she write some weird ass shit that is beyond pshychotic and every coment is just delusional people celebrating her and acting like they understand what they just read
She is like Chris Chan talking about interdimensional merge and retard stuff this woman need protection from herself
Why people are not able to see how nuts she's is beyond me, looks like people need to see a video of her trying to put an aguacate up her ass while explaining she do that to colect energy and become a biological car to understand her situation and even them im sure her insta would be full of people clapping and comenting moronic shit like "you go girl" that is how retarded Britney supporters are
And the majority of people who suport her are fags and fat womens, im not a hateful person just pointing out a fact
Same nutters that believe in vagina candles, q-anon, trump, flat earth, religion. They might believe different dumbassery but it's the same kind of people.
Is really bizarre how people are so obssesed with give cryptical meaning to her retarded publications in Insta is like those little fairies and whales can't accept the fact their idol is bananas
And some nutters are so obsessed with Trump the can't stop talking about him even in totally non-political threads. These people are so sad and pathetic.
You must be one of those fag guys i was talking about
Just look directly to her eyes men in their emptyness you can see the abyss to madness
Project Rose 🌹 is a year old and 9 days old !!!! Why does this project smell so fucking good still today 🤔👃🏼 😂 ???? Psss if you look closely the mood ring I’m wearing was for my song MOOD RING 🙄🙄🙄🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️😂😂😂😂 !!!!
WTH is that? that shit have no sense at all ¿can you explain that to the rest of us?
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You are just one of those delusional fans of her who refusse to see reality, she is not joking she talk about project rose several times and is not just a typo the fucking thing is just nuts doesn't have any sense
Go work out and lose some weight. You will feel better...
The only part of my body with overweight is my dick ¿can i work out my dick in your moms mouth? do would you like that?
Beside your nickname is Galactus that must be the most virgin nick ever existed in human story, you dont have the right to call nobody fat
PS: I dont want to break the fart bubble where you live in but britney is not going to suck your uncircumcised pennis because you are defending her in the Internet
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Haha. You are fat. There is no doubt about that. Pot belly city. Lmao...
I'm also not a Britanny fan. Just a fan of tearing down losers like you that dont have any sense of right or wrong. Now go back to stuffing your face with pizza fatboy....
Haha. You are fat. There is no doubt about that. Pot belly city. Lmao...
Well obviously you are wayyy more retarded than her if you think that is tearing down someone, you just exposse yourself as a retard kid if you born in 2003 you are not that young to be this stupid, you have issues
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WTH are you still doing here you autistic fag? is time to your mom introduce in your ass your daily dosis of chlorpromazine suppository or whatever med you need to calm the fuck down
What is the meaning of your nick? are you a gay who use a cactus as dildo and born in 2003? because If you are 18 you have no excuse to be this retarded
You.seem to have an issue with gay people. Just like you have with Britany and Fat Woman. The fat thing is puzzling since you are fat as well...weird...hmmm..
The problem is that if she is truly batshit crazy then she shouldn't have ever been signed up to perform like a dancing monkey in Vegas. She was a apparently sane enough to work and earn millions of dollars, so to me it begs the question which is she crazy in which case the conservators should be prosecuted for abuse in forcing a nut job to work... or she is not crazy in which case the conservatorship is not needed.
I suspect she is simply stupid as shit which is not a crime and which is the same thing you would find with a large portion of the people living in trailer parks across the country... but we aren't trying to have conservators assigned to everyone living in the local trailer parks now are we. This is all about money and nothing more.
Being incredibly stupid can be enough to warrant some form of conservatorship, and if there was a framework for protecting incredibly stupid people, including the poor ones, maybe their lives would be better.
Also being crazy shouldn't mean you can't be a performer, plenty of people in the entertainment biz have serious issues.
The problem is a systematic one. Anyone in a conservator-like position should be able to demonstrate they are not abusing their power without needing a judge to decide. There should be a record of how the trustee has decided to allocate or withhold funds and why. A financial conservatorship shouldn't automatically remove all independence; even incredibly stupid or severely mentally ill people can make an informed choice.
The problem with fans is they act like they now the situation of first hand and they dont neither of us really know
At first i tought she should have had her freedom if you are sane to perform and make money you should be free to use the money you earn, but that being said she lost the costudy of her chidrens ¿people know how dificult is for a mother lost the costudy of her childrens? that doenst happen at less the judge saw really good reasons to do that, we weren't there is easy say she's been mistreat be maybe she's genuinely incapable of take care of those childrens and even herself, she is still is under conservative if i understand correctly she din't even demand suspend her conservative she just dont want her father be her guardian, big diferent thing
She doesnt look sane at all, she's always talking about project rose and things that doesnt have any sense, and people just refuse to see this they act like she is talking in figurative sense, her messages are like those from some one who is struggling to form a coherent thought
The only thing the world see from her is her interactions from social media that is not even close to be 24 hours with a person and know if that person is mentally capable or not
Her access to social media was obviously restraint when her father was under control and people complaint but them if you see Shelley Duvalle in Doctor Phill you would understand some people need protection and need a guardian who control her interactions with the media
30 years ago a mother losing custody of her kids could have been a clear sign there was a real issue with the mother... but in this instance the problem that cost her the kids was the nervous breakdown and the drug use. The breakdown was likely to be treatable and in a vast majority of cases the person fully recovers in a few years. With the drugs, well that's something that could last forever but who knows.
The real problem is still that she was sane enough to perform on stage for years so she really should have been on her own... it should set off all sort of warning bells of a conservator overstepping their bound if they are having someone that is insane performing like a dancing monkey for all that time.
The ability to perform on-stage is not a litmus test for mental health, not at all. There are countless examples of celebrities that were able to perform on-stage but unable to keep it together off stage (Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Marilyn Monroe, Anthony Bourdain, etc)
The real problem is that her fans who think they’re “defending” her are really just projecting their own shame of mental illness. What happened to removing the stigma around mental health? Britney is not less of a person, or a bad person, simply because she suffers from mental health issues.
From what I’ve seen, MC users that see evidence of her mental illness discuss it on this board, then others like yourself rush to her “defense” using nothing more than conjecture. Applying the claim that a drug-induced breakdown is likely treatable to Britney’s situation, while ignoring her stranger behavior, is ignorant. In many cases mental illness is treatable, but without a clear understanding of her situation you’re just assuming what you want to be true.
If you disagree with criticisms of her recent behavior as it relates her mental state, create an actual argument, made from something other than generalized statements and hypothetical situations.
There are different degrees of mental illness, someone with the milder ones can certainly still perform... but if you are so far gone that you need a conservator to dictate your every move then you are clearly too far gone to be performing and the only reason someone that far gone would be performing would be because the conservator was just using them as a dancing monkey to make money and not giving a shit about their actual mental health.
Those are just more generalized statements. You have this idea that someone with mental illness should not be allowed to work a job or live a full life.
Brian Wilson, the lead singer of the Beach Boys has a conservatorship. He suffers from schizoaffective disorder and experiences auditory hallucinations (he hears voices). The Beach Boys still perform to this day, he’s even had to take time off to focus on his mental health. He enjoys performing, finds it fulfilling, and it provides him income as well. By your logic, he should have to choose between his career and his conservatorship.
Amanda Bynes is in a conservatorship as well. She has regained control over her finances, but her conservatorship still has control over her person and can make medical and housing decisions for her. If Amanda found an opportunity to work again and found it fulfilling, shouldn't she be allowed to pursue that?
Was Britney’s conservatorship abused by her father? That’s a very different question. I personally think her father did abuse his position, but that doesn’t speak to Britney’s mental state. Brian Wilson was in an abusive conservatorship, but when it was exposed he was appointed a new conservator. He still needed help, and the abuse he endured through his first conservatorship didn’t negate that.
This all comes back your own perception of mental illness; I’d argue that it needs adjustment.
Actually your facts are a bit off. Brian Wilson's relationship with Landy wasn't a legal conservatorship it was more like a cult leader controlling someone that was already fucked up from possibly mental issues and more like from drug abuse. The only conservatorship was initiated by his wife to wrestle him away from the doctor. It is also not really clear that he suffers from mental illness as much as the effects of drugs as his first breakdown came after taking LSD in the 60s.
It is a good question I am not an expert in human psychology but I think that fat people tend to fetishize good looking celebrities (even when they have already pass their prime)
there's a lot of fat people moderating fan communities out there. Also fags and some of then are even fat faggots
Skinny people have no time to moderate a site they are too busy fucking all the time with all the other skinny people