Woman beater.

I don't want him to die, but I won't feel bad either.


If you were in the hospital room next to him would you dare say this aloud to ANYONE? Of course no, so shut the F up!


If my girlfriend was beside me would I punch her in the face? No, but he did it to his girlfriend so I don't see why I can't say this to him.


I'd probably punch your girlfriend in the face if you said this out loud in his hospital room.

Nothing you would do about it either cuz I can tell you're a simp who's never had to set a women straight.


The woman you're paying can't set you straight because you're not straight.


Lol 😆 kingswood


That's pretty classless, even for you. It says a lot about someone who talks bad about someone else who has just passed on from this world.


I wrote this 12 days ago before he died. I also said I didn't want him to die. I don't see the problem with me calling him a woman beater. It's a fact.


It's also a fact that when the life of a known personality is on its last miles, there's always people who choose that moment to underline their shortcomings. I know there's no rules against it, obviously, but it's cheap.


I think it would be cheap to praise him just because he's dying even though he did bad things.


Au contraire, he should be praised for what he did good. That's what people do when other people die. Remember what good they brought to this life. He was denounced for this before anyways. Now is just not the time for that, I think.


Why though? I enjoyed more than a few of his performances, but why should his multiple abuse convictions be ignored?


Not completely be ignored. But at this very moment right now I don't think it's the best of times for that.

The internet is already toxic enough... could we do a little effort and delay the toxicity toward a dying/dead person for a little bit? Unpopular opinion for sure, I know. But I just think it would be a decent thing to do instead of choosing this exact moment to drag his name in the mud. There will be plenty of time for that soon enough.




I 100% agree that the internet is toxic.

I just also don't understand the idea of inflating how "good" someone is when they die. It's not that I agree with the OP that now is the time to talk about the abuse convictions, I just wasn't sure why we should praise people for the good they do after they die? I mean not even just speaking about Tom Sizemore, it's like any funeral you go to, the person is a saint. Tom wasn't a saint, I don't think we should pretend that he was.


Just think of the whole process of mourning. The dead person doesn't care obviously. It's done for those that a part of their life is gone with that person: family, friends. To praise the deceased may only be a mere plaster on their pain but I do believe that it helps when the wound is freshest.

As for Tom Sizemore, he's a public figure so I agree that makes it a bit different. I think it would be hazardous to extend the close ones to "family, friends, and fans". But some fans will take it personally when a star they like just died and people use that moment to speak ill of the deceased. You could say that you don't give a shit about that or them. And to a degree, I understand. But I just don't see the necessity of it at this very precise moment. Like I said, there will be plenty of time to remind us of that. From after the funeral to the end of times.

Now, do I want to muzzle people who still want to talk about how bad of a human being Tom Sizemore was? No. Do I hope they could show a little bit more class just now? Yes. But that's just me.


I guess it's just one of those things like where right after a disaster is not the right time to talk about safety measures.

I'm more of the thought that in moments like these, if a person can't say anything nice, then they shouldn't say anything at all. But I did disagree with it being time to sing their praises if they are shrouded in controversy. I guess in my first response I was very unclear as to why I was commenting as I completely left that part out. I do blame that on being half asleep then, so I do apologize.


No problem whatsoever! And thanks for the precisions. I better understand what you meant.


Imagine being the person who he assaulted and you see people applauding him only because people liked the work he did and died.


Indeed, that sucks for that one person. Should the rest of the world not say a positive word about Tom Sizemore not to hurt the feelings of a single person though? You say yes. I say no. We disagree.


You can definitely say something positive. You can say he's a good actor. But when you say RIP, I find it ironic when he wouldn't let people live in peace.


The type of post that screams "look at me."


"Why are you saying that you don't feel bad that Hitler died? He was such a fantastic painter."

This is essentially what your argument is.


Ah yes, let's compare Hitler, a dictator responsible for 60 Million+ dead to....... Tom Sizemore, who hit his girlfriend once and we do not even know the exact circumstances.

PS: Hitler was no fantastic painter. He wasn't even a good painter.


Don't know the exact circumstances? He was found guilty. He was also accused by his ex-wife of domestic abuse. He was also arrested for domestic violence in 2016. That's not even including two sexual assaults that took place on a TV set. He was also accused of groping an 11-year-old.

It's not that I'm comparing him to Hitler specifically, it's that you shouldn't applaud someone simply for liking his work and you feel bad that he died. Victims of his crimes are still alive and don't deserve to hear people say nice things about him.


Man, just quit already. No one is applauding domestic violence and your attempts at comparison are juvenile at best. He was a troubled person with problems but he also had skills.

Not only that, even though you posted this 12 days ago, as soon as it was reported, it was believed he had little chance of recovery.

There are many in the public eye with scandals in their past and I bet if someone went through your almost 40k posts there would be favorable posts in your remarks of a similarly troubled entertainer, so that tells me you are doing this probably just for attention.

Hell, I bet you are a Polanski fan.


No one is applauding domestic violence and your attempts at comparison are juvenile at best.

No when you show all the positives and push aside the negatives solely because you are a fan and that person died.

I bet if someone went through your almost 40k posts there would be favorable posts in your remarks of a similarly troubled entertainer,

If we're talking about someone who assaulted people continuously, then there's definitely no posts written by me like. Not unless I wasn't aware the person had a troubled past. I criticize George Floyd for this very reason.

Hell, I bet you are a Polanski fan.

Yes, but you're not going to see me singing his praises when he dies. I like Polanski's movies but when he dies, he dies. Bill Cosby the same. Harvey Weinstein the same. God forbid something happens to someone you love on the account of another person and when that person dies, everyone speaks about what a great life he lead.






I don't support woman abusers just because they died.


Doesnt billy red balls burr have a now classic accurate bit about how you should "never hit a woman"
