I thought Batman Forever was "okay". It was like a 5 or 6 out of 10 type thing, which is how I think of "If you like this kind of thing, you'll give the film a 'pass'." So, I dig Batman and I like action movies, so I can tolerate it. But it was tonally messed up, couldn't decide if it wanted to be goofy or serious, and there were a lot of incongruities there. Even the type of comedy was weird. There are tonnes of jokes to be had with Two-Face as a character, but they just made him "wacky", which was what Jim Carrey was doing (was always doing), so that was weird. They stuck in femme fatale '40s type banter with Chase and Batman, but it wasn't really that witty. Then the plotting and casting was strange. Bruce is kind of adopting Dick - why? Dude's, like, 25. Give him some cash and offer him a place to stay, or set up an appointment with your psychiatrist friend Chase.
So, yeah, mixed bag.
B&R was goofy fun. It's camp-fest. So, if you're looking for a "so bad it's good", I'll go with that.
If people remember him for something, I kinda hope it's The Lost Boys. That was a great vampire movie.