MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > Thoughts on his live Netflix special?

Thoughts on his live Netflix special?

I watched the Chris Rock live Netflix comedy special, "Selective Outrage" tonight. I thought he was pretty funny, for the most part. Not all of the jokes landed, but there were quite a few laughs. I would rate it an 8/10.


Yeah pretty solid.


is was okay, just waaayyyy too mank f-bombs. but thats all there is now, even on regular tv. f-this, f-that, mf-this, mf-that. yada yada yada.


i also found too many f-bombs

chuckled quite a bit..
but the one about 45-50s women buying cars like Mercedes 308/gas-powered Tesla had me rolling!


Emotionally vulnerable but confident as ever Chris Rock
I like my comedy like that.
Great ending line too.

Thought the biden compliment/joke line was cheesy

And the jan 6 stuff was kinda hack .i.e. try saying what he said about jan 6 about the blm riots

But was laughing and nodding in agreement through everything else


Despite all the hate he's currently getting from 'outraged liberals' Chris is, and has always been, a progressive liberal, like myself, albeit one who doesn't feel obliged to filter his thoughts on orders from the DNC establishment.

So, good on him for supporting Biden, and good on him for condemning the January 6 insurrection, whilst *also* calling out Hollywood/celebrity BS, as exemplified by Jada and the Sussexes.


This is his stance on politics. I refer back to this often as it’s still relevant today.


Brilliant. Agreed with it all (until the end part about crime and prostitution...)

Unfortunately, I can see some people take offence at this mentality, as there's an assumption that Black people should be *automatic* liberals. Even as a staunch leftist myself (albeit one who shares Rock's attitude about judging each issue first until one makes a final decision), I hate that arrogant, presumptuous attitude when it comes to Black voters. Black voters don't belong to anyone.


If he likes Biden he is a racist


I agree 8/10.


Agree with everything you said. Not all the jokes landed for me, that’s to be expected, but a good many did and I was laughing out loud on numerous occasions, not an easy feat for me.
8/10 as well.


He made me laugh out loud a lot of times. The F carpet-bombing was too intense to recommend it to my mom, though.


Honestly, horrible.
I expected something less PC, less tame, less "comedy" where he jokes about white people to get his risk-free applause.
It's just so lame, the same fucking topics everyone else covered..... years ago. How original.
In the beginning when he started about how everyone's addicted to attention and people making pictures of their food I internally facepalmed. On top, I find his style obnoxious. Way too much "acting", too try hard. Just not authentic at all.

Most of his jokes/stories were boring as well. Going on and on about his kids... without anything being funny.
"I got a black fencer at home, touche nigger!"

And of course, the usual sex stuff.
Pussy this, pussy that, ha...haha...ha... please kill me. -.-

I didn't laugh once.
Not what I expected.


