Honestly, horrible.
I expected something less PC, less tame, less "comedy" where he jokes about white people to get his risk-free applause.
It's just so lame, the same fucking topics everyone else covered..... years ago. How original.
In the beginning when he started about how everyone's addicted to attention and people making pictures of their food I internally facepalmed. On top, I find his style obnoxious. Way too much "acting", too try hard. Just not authentic at all.
Most of his jokes/stories were boring as well. Going on and on about his kids... without anything being funny.
"I got a black fencer at home, touche nigger!"
And of course, the usual sex stuff.
Pussy this, pussy that, ha...haha...ha... please kill me. -.-
I didn't laugh once.
Not what I expected.