MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > There is no reason why a woman should go...

There is no reason why a woman should go to a MARRIED man's house/apartment alone.

Especially if they go back repeatedly for some more. Or if they bring their relatives to meet their supposed "abuser" after it happened.
Does that sound like "rape" to you? Or a thot looking for a payday?


You're wasting your breath. The people who think he was guilty don't care about facts or logic.


People are dense when it comes to this case! So much facts they choose to ignore. The trial was a farce and a "kangaroo" court. Absolutely shameful how the Judge and prosecutors conducted themselves. Even a juror said "Let's get this over with and vote him guilty!". Unreal!


Some women are friends with married men. There's a thing called friendship.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No wife would be okay if their husband is "friends" with another woman especially if they're alone. Not to mention, married men only become close to another woman (that is not his wife) for the purpose of sex.

Am I right ladies????


Well, ladies???


you are right. there are so many things ladies will never admit publically, OR even to themselves. (ima guy)


You seem obsessed. Are you related to Cosby? Or in love with him? Or something?


I care about justice and fairness. That's all.


The only justice some care about is the social warrior kind, which precludes fairness, actual justice, logic, and facts.
