MovieChat Forums > Shirley MacLaine Discussion > One of the most unlikable actors or actr...

One of the most unlikable actors or actresses ever!?

Some examples:

MacLaine made the film Two Mules For Sister Sara with Clint Eastwood in 1970. Not only was the film a hit at the box office, it was clear that two stars shared chemistry. However Eastwood has stated on multiple occasions that he disliked MacLaine personally and to work with and that he would never do so again. In the 50 years since then, he's kept his word.

Jack Nicholson and MacLaine starred together in the film Terms of Endearment. The film was a critical and a commercial success and they acted well together. However Nicholson stated that he would never work with MacLaine again, and in the nearly 40 years that passed, he hasn't.

MacLaine’s own daughter wrote a scathing biography about her that contains more than few unpleasant details about her life. Even though it's a virtual certainty that a major publishing company would not print something that could get them sued for libel and defamation, MacLaine has consistently stated that her daughter's account was a complete fabrication.

Although MacLaine was attractive in her youth and has demonstrated that she's exceptional in drama and comedy, she's rarely been a draw for studios. In fact, following Terms of Endearment when she should have been at the peak of her drawing power? MacLaine’s output consisted of lower budget offerings, most of which haven't been successful. Most productions don't seem to want her around.

At 85, MacLaine should be a grand dame of American film. However she's better known for dabbling into the paranormal and her generally unappealing nature as a co-worker than anything else.


Her treatment of her daughter was plain wrong.


I don’t care. I’m a fan. She has more charisma on screen than most actresses including the so called grand dames of cinema.

Loved seeing her again in Only Murders in the Building series last year.


Why does your enjoyment of her work as an actress make you indifferent to how she mistreated her daughter?


Her taking about people she's had sex with sounds kind of shabby, at this point.

She mentioned Mitchum being very intelligent and that's not the first time I've heard that. He has this rep as a loud mouth but behind the scenes he was very well read.


Sinatra for some reason took a shine to her (not sexually of course, she was never a looker) and sinatra being sinatra.. was enough for her to eek out a career based on that.

without frank she wouldn't have a career. unlikeable, awful actress and seemingly a bad mother.


Hahahahahahahaha Are we talking about the same Sinatra??
They worked together on Some Came Running and I'm sure Frank being Frank -- and Shirley being Shirley being herself in an 'Open Marriage" Got together Often


If you want a clue about how much of a bitch she is, just watch "Guarding Tess." She didn't even need to act in that one, other than do her lines. That movie was so bad, chiefly because of her, that I couldn't even watch it after 10 minutes because I was wishing that Nicholas Cage would blow her brains out. That's how awful she is.


My Uncle spent most of his career in Hollywood.

There were a few actors/actresses he said were horrible people.

Shirley MacLaine was one of them.
