In our latest WTF series, we take a look at some of our favorite stars and filmmakers who have seemingly disappeared or altered their careers over the years to the point that begs the question; WTF happened? Now, before you think we're just picking on celebrities or running some gossip rag stuff, think again! We take a fun (and sometimes funny), researched and fair approach, looking at all angles that led our subject to wherever they are now (which isn't necessarily a bad place at all). If anything, it answers the question of where these fine folks went, how they got there, and where you can find 'em now.share
For awhile, Gene Hackman was omnipresent in film. There's a joke in the movie PCU, where one of the frat boys is obsessed with proving that there's always a Michael Caine or Gene Hackman movie on TV, and sure enough between 1980 and 2000 (his most prolific two decades), he made thirty seven movies. Yet, after 2004's WELCOME TO MOOSEPORT, he abruptly retired and could not be lured back no matter how hard folks tried. So let's take a look at Hackman's amazing career - from his iconic turn as Popeye Doyle in THE FRENCH CONNECTION, through Lex Luthor in SUPERMAN- THE MOVIE, to perhaps his greatest latter-day role, Royal in THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS.