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Why is Quentin Tarantino given a pass on the violence directed at women in his movies?

I just watched "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and the scene where Brad Pitt repeatedly smashes a woman's face into concrete made me nauseous yet I go to the comments section and people are laughing. Like WTF. People actually enjoy this? And yes, I'm aware of the context but it doesn't make it right especially when you realize there seems to be a delight in seeing a woman being viciously beaten.

In The Hateful Eight, Jennifer Jason Leigh is beaten up for most of the movie until she ends up with no teeth and once again, people found it amusing.

Maybe I'm wrong but sorry, I don't think it's funny to see women being tortured.


Because everyone in Hollywood wants to work with him. The same reason Hollywood still defends Roman Polanski ( a 90 year old man who hasn't had a hit in 50 years) and why Harvey Weinstein operated with impunity for 30 years.


Tarantino makes violent films. How anyone could label him sexist or misogynistic or say he promotes violence against women particularly is beyond me. This is the man who blessed us with characters like Jackie Brown, The Bride, Shosanna Dreyfus, the Deathproof girls... women are more often than not the protagonists of his stories and they do more than ok in the body count stakes themselves.

Being against violence in films is one thing, but to single Tarantino out as someone promoting violence against women is a fallacy. Name me a film maker who has given us female characters who kick more ass than those I mentioned?


I once saw a critique of the Kill Bill movies that claimed the films were misogynist because, wait for it, The Bride gets hurt a lot. Apparently she was supposed to be invincible and not take any hits during her battles? Who knows.


Because he's just so edgy, guyzz


Why does QT get a pass on all his racism and all the other insane crap he does? It's always baffled me he's above it all. I can't think of a single other director that gets carte blanche the way he does. Even Clint Eastwood couldn't get away with that crap.


why was The Last Man On Earth canceled?
because you didn't watch it hard enough




Because it’s a movie


Why is he given a pass on the magical "N - WORD"???

NOt that I care, I enjoy his flicks... Most of them.


Because Tarantino is fucking awesome.


To the original poster...perhaps you would have preferred that Tarantino had stuck with what really happened that night and re-enacted THAT instead? That the innocent get brutally slaughtered than a fictional account where the characters of real-life murderers get the tables turned on them?

For the record, while I was a fan of Tarantino’s alternate history of Tate et al, I felt the over-the-top brutality (a trademark of his I know) of “the hippies” took any “realism” out of the scene. I am sure many who saw this with ZERO Tarantino film experience were more than turned off by it.


"For the record, while I was a fan of Tarantino’s alternate history of Tate et al, I felt the over-the-top brutality (a trademark of his I know) of “the hippies” took any “realism” out of the scene. I am sure many who saw this with ZERO Tarantino film experience were more than turned off by it."

Annndddd it's the exact reason why the violence in his movies is artistic and not shocking. And I think you are making some assumptions here..
