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Why is Quentin Tarantino given a pass on the violence directed at women in his movies?

I just watched "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" and the scene where Brad Pitt repeatedly smashes a woman's face into concrete made me nauseous yet I go to the comments section and people are laughing. Like WTF. People actually enjoy this? And yes, I'm aware of the context but it doesn't make it right especially when you realize there seems to be a delight in seeing a woman being viciously beaten.

In The Hateful Eight, Jennifer Jason Leigh is beaten up for most of the movie until she ends up with no teeth and once again, people found it amusing.

Maybe I'm wrong but sorry, I don't think it's funny to see women being tortured.



I assume this writer was fine with what happened to the guy. And women inflicting violence on men.

And I'm going to guess she thinks physically powerful women who kick the ass of men twice her size in movies. Kill Bill was A OK. Empowering. A female murderer ending up on the losing end of a violent confrontation - that's misogynist, though.


settle down Gavin McGinnis. you are going to be okay. go write on Stephen crowders reddit how you "owned them libruls"


Ooo, that really hits home. Because only an alt right Proud Boy would point out this person had zero problem with all the violence men experience in this movie, or Tarantino's movies in general. Violence is present in all of Tarantino's movies, but it's only a problem once a woman gets caught up in it.


No only a person would cry about Kill bill like you did and jump to misogynst


What are you talking about? How was I crying about Kill Bill?

I was pointing out the fact that Tarantino made a couple of movies in which a female character commits many acts of brutal violence, most of them against men and writers like the one in the OP never seemed very bothered.

I myself have zero problem with any of the violence in his movies.


because he is indiscriminate with his violence. man or woman. white or black. he doesn't pick out any single one and glorify their malicious assault. he's an equal opportunist violence filmer


Lol that scene was hilarious, thanks for reminding me. She also got flambéed, unless that was a different broad.


I think it's fair to say that Tarantino showcases brutal violence in all his films, and both males and females suffer from it. It's his artistic way of expressing himself as a director.

I also believe it's fair to acknowledge that Tarantino has given us some very kick-ass women over the years. So, while he may be attracted to gore and violence, it doesn't reflect on how he treats women in his films.

I am not sure what the off-topic want. Is he implying that abuse against men in Tarantino's films is more legitimate? Or is he suggesting that Tarantino shouldn't have creative freedom and then it's support for censorship.

One thing I agree with is that I never find Tarantino's films funny, nor his the brutal violence scenes. I don't understand why some people laugh. I do laugh during fight scenes in action comedy movies like 'Kung Pow! Enter the Fist' and all of Jackie Chan's movies, but I never understood why blood makes people laugh. Despite all of this, make no mistake, I enjoy most of his films. I don't believe a artists should limit themselves in any way.


He directs as much or more violence against men.


It’s called it’s a movie and it isn’t real. If you don’t like it then don’t watch it. I’m sorry you’re so triggered by it.


Using internet sources there were 210 men and 27 women killed in his films.

Reservoir Dogs - 1 Woman killed possibly in the heist. Men suffered much more gruesome deaths.

Pulp Fiction - no women killed

Jackie Brown - One Woman killed off camera

Kill Bill - 78 men killed mostly by disfigurement at the hands of the bride. 10 women killed mostly by the bride as well.

Death Proof - Five women killed in gruesome ways. Women get revenge on killer in end.

Inglorious Basterds - 6 women killed. Most by gun shot except one woman strangled. Many men burned alive.

Django Unchained - 2 women killed. I could not remember nor could I find info on deaths.

Hateful 8 - 16 men killed and three women all in various fashions. Female lead beaten throughout movie.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood- one male and 2 females killed in equally gruesome fashion.

So, 210 men and 27 women were killed and men in worse fashion in most cases. Only does Hateful 8 stand out because of the beating of the lead female character. In fact much of the carnage is dealt by females.

All of Tarantino’s films borrow styles and story lines from a wide variety of genres popular during non “woke” times. I’m just respectfully saying that we should allow artist make art and realize they are fictional films and not necessarily a commentary on current life.
