Would you?

Today? Would you?


Hold hands? Absolutely!


No question! Of course I bloody would, she is smokin’ hot gorgeous.


Yes, I would buy her breakfast.
If she wanted to pay, that's ok too.


I'd totally let her read me a bed time story, yes.


Reshoot the new Thor without her? Yes.


I find her okay in photos, but there's something off-putting about her in person (as in onscreen of course; not claiming to have actually met her!).


Yeah I see this too.


I hear you. I crushed hard on her back in her SW days, and I still find her agonisingly beautiful from that era. And her photoshoots have often been knockouts.

But like you said, there's something off about her persona. Like there's something missing. It could be a weird sort of aloofness, which makes her hard to read. She's fairly bright, but seems to lack that level of self-awareness that's deprecating. She's just kind of... there.


... wasn't she a kid back then?


I'm four years younger than her, so she's never been a "kid" for as long as I've been watching her in film.


Ok context is thankfully relieving here.


When you think about most actor and actresses you realize they probably aren't people you would ever really want to be around. You realize that they are most likely stuck on themselves, probably not that bright even when they have gone to college they typically did some airhead degree like English Lit... I think at best they are simply people you are better off fantasizing about but would never really want to be around.


I agree. She's completely hot, but her persona is off. It's like she's always ready to attack something you say.


My x-girlfriend went to school with her, and they played together as children. She said that she never saw her show any emotion whatsoever about anything. It was as if she was almost stone-like when it came to her emotions.


Not gonna lie, that sounds hot.


Not to me, but okay. lol



absolutely Ideally on a Beach
