MovieChat Forums > Whoopi Goldberg Discussion > If the Holocaust wasn't about race then ...

If the Holocaust wasn't about race then what was it about?

Do tell Whoopi.


National Socialism


She doesn’t even know, she’s talking out of her anus. I doubt she even knows what the holocaust was. She probably saw Schindler’s List once and now thinks she’s an expert.


She misspoke and apologized. Don't be a dick.


That's a huge 'misspoke'. Why are you defending someone who culturally appropriated a name to bolster her career and is an obvious racist?

Aren't cultural appropriation and racism bad?


Watch the Drumhead if you need a little reminder.


There are some things you can’t just forgive and sometimes an apology doesn’t quite do it. She’s not even sorry, she only said that because she was forced to. She needs to be banned from ever publicly speaking ever again.


I've only met one anti-semite who thought the Jews were not a separate race from everyone else.


It was about socialism :D


A peaceful group of 6 million people was exterminated.

Makes no difference why. It’s an atrocity. Not a surprise a Democrat media/party leader could somehow find a way to rationalize it.


Not a surprise a Democrat media/party leader could somehow find a way to rationalize it.

Who would that be?


Could it be that from Goldberg's perspective, she just doesn't see how a racial distinction can be made because German Jews and non-Jews were all white regardless? Perhaps an African black person might be able to see how racism can exist within the same colour, but to an African American, it's always been black and white. Not Nigerian American, Somalian American, Senegalese American etc., but just African American. White Americans, on the other hand, have always been particular about whether they are Irish, German, Italian Americans etc. - or Jewish. To black Americans, who have no specific sense of roots other than "Africa" (the trans-Atlantic slave trade pretty much wiped away all notion of heritage), these inter-white distinctions must seem petty and irrelevant. If black is black, then surely white is white? And from that perspective, Whoopi probably doesn't see the nazis' persecution as racially based.


It's all words at the end of the day.

What defines "race" if you ask one group of people they will give you a different answer to another so which one is correct.

The holocaust is a lot more complex then just EU Jews this would be like saying the war again terrorism was only against Muslims
