Why the hate?

I have been seeing many hateful posts about her on this board. I don't live in the US, and I purely like Whoopi based on the movies she acted in such as sister act, ghost, lion king, etc. but why does everyone seem to hate on her? She seems like a nice person even outside of her work. Saw videos of her giving nice tributes to robin williams and patrick swayze. Plus, she also seemed genuinely moved by this mildly autistic German guy's speech for her during a star trek convention in Germany. So, why all the hate? I am sorry since I am not aware of any wrongdoings that she might have done. This is merely me asking from an outsider's point of view!


Exactly what I said.


Because it's so much fun for conservatives to spew hate. It's so helpful and productive !


How ironic: Leftie sheeple are the (supposedly "tolerant") ones constantly spewing hatred and slander.


And yet you are the one name-calling like it's Grade 1 all over again.


What names? "Leftie" just means Leftwing and "sheeple" means blind follower. What's the problem? Are these not explicitly accurate terms? And aren't Lefties supposed to be so "tolerant"?


Ok you bigotted Trump-tard.

See what I mean? Unnecessary.


Your parallel is inaccurate since I never called anyone "bigoted" or a NObamabot (or something similar). If I used that kind of language then, sure, your response would be appropriate since it'd be a case of reciprocation.

That said, let me humbly add that name-calling is justified on certain occasions (even though I'm not really guilty of it here). Christ even did it when appropriate (e.g. Matthew 23).

Nevertheless, I agree with your main point -- dialoguing based on facts is more effective in debates than fruitlessly slinging mud. And this is precisely what I did above in response to snepts: He suggested that conservatives spew hate so I counteracted his dubious claim with the fact that modern Leftwingers are the ones who constantly spew hatred & slander (Dems, their media politicos, celebrity cronies & ground troops, ANTIFA), not the other way around (which is not to say that conservatives are perfect and NEVER lie, of course).

Moreover, I was conveying a lesson to snepts on reciprocation in dialoguing/debating: YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. He & I actually had this dialogue elsewhere -- many moons ago -- and in much more detail. I'm just offering him a reminder.


She gave up on comedy to be a political commentator on an obnoxious tv show. She did a lot of entertaining projects in the 90's, but she became more political than funny near the 2000's. Its been nearly 20 years of her not doing things like Ghost, the Color Purple, Jumping Jack Flash, the Lion King, Sister Act, etc... she was awesome when she worked with Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. Now she just clucks politics with Joy Behar.


I think the biggest source of dislike people have for her, is the fact that she was once a beloved actress that starred in many films for both adults and kids, and people loved her. They didn't really know her as a person; they only knew her by the likeable characters she played (Shenzi is the exception). Not many people knew what her true political views were, or that she's struggled with heroin addiction for years, or that she had problems in her personal life. To make matters worse, she disappeared from mainstream tv and movies, so her fans had no idea what happened to hear.

Then, years later, we find a woman who claims to have the same name as Whoopie, and yet this creature is nothing at all like the Whoopie we all knew in the 80s and 90s. It's almost as if a.) she betrayed everyone and turned into an ugly she-beast, or b.) the real Whoopie was kidnapped and replaced with a hideous changeling that can't think unless the Left does it for her.

That, and she was among the losers who promised to move away from America if Trump got elected, and didn't live up to her promise after Nov. 8th of 2016.


I can't understand it either.


She’s a “celebrity” with a big mouth.


I'm a tennis fan. I don't like how she treated Dominic Thiem on her show "The View" after the FO 2019.
It was not his fault and she praised her own hateful ignorance.

Still like her early comedic work, but as a person, her opinions stopped having any value to me.


she's a mel gibson supporter and has been in some good films. no hate here.
