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Why is he doing straight-to-dvd movies all the sudden

It's not like he's really canceled anymore as he already made a comeback with Hacksaw Ridge and was also in Daddy's Home 2. Now a lot of his recent movies (Panama, Hot Seat, Agent Game, Force of Nature etc) have all been straight-to-VOD movies where some of his roles are just minor. Why is he going the Willis route all the sudden?


You are mistaken. His net worth is almost twice that of Bruce Willis.


maybe he has the Bruce Willis thing


Thought the same thing, but he’s actually acting in these shitty movies unlike Willis who completely phoned it in. He’s directing The Wild Bunch remake and is in some actual movies coming out so maybe he’s just bored


Um...Willis's lovely family wanted him to do the movies despite the fact that he has aphasia and can't really process language. One of the producers of the Brucesploitation flicks had an attack of conscience -- something his family lacks -- and refused to do them anymore, even though he could make money off them. Others, of course, knew they could cash in on Bruce's name.

Gibson looks like ten miles of bad road, so that may be why he's doing straight to VOD movies. But he's done that before, years ago. Despite no longer having the face, he still has the name to cash in on.

I'd heard he was trying for the big time again with a sequel to The Passion of the Christ, called "Resurrection." There are some churches with lazy pastors who play TPotC instead of having a decent sermon on Easter Sunday. But that may have started to wane a bit and he's hoping to get some of that steady income. Fleecing the flock, so to speak.


I don’t think Gibson looks “ten miles of bad road” at all. I think he has settled into a cool look for his age, the way Connery did….and guys like Harrison Ford, Jeff Bridges, Liam Neeson, Kevin Costner….

I think Mel realized he doesn’t need to try and look young anymore. He can just be a cool looking older guy. The beard and grey hair really look good on him. Trouble is….if you now look like an older guy (good looking or not), your list of opportunities and options begins to shrink (unless you’re Sean Connery).

Mel has a very cool look now. And he still has great screen presence, because of the charisma and acting chops. Trouble is…a lot of people in this next-gen Hollywood want to continue hating him, and not let him back in…back near the A list.

I hope LW5 will help remind a lot of people how fantastic he used to be on-screen…and still can be.


Oh, dang! No! A friend of mine and I were wondering how Sean Connery seemed to turn 65 and stay there. Personally, I think his weathered look was better than the young Sean Connery.

Few men were as pretty as Mel Gibson when he first started doing movies.

I've never thought Ford, Bridges, Neeson or Costner were in Gibson's league when it came to looks, even at their peak.

Mel decided a very long time ago he wasn't going to let anyone cut on his face. Why? Well, Madonna is a recent case in point. But I knew someone who heard him scream in agony about what had happened to his face. He blamed that Russian chick he ruined his marriage over, but it was really all that smoking and hard drinking, plus topping off that tan.

He's not going to be A-list except, possibly, as a director. It's like beautiful women. They have to stay beautiful if that's what they're mainly known for. Once the looks begin to go, Hollywood can be very cruel. He has character actor looks, now. Me, personally, I liked him best in "Conspiracy Theory." He did an amazing acting job. He could do well with character parts -- like Jeff Bridges' "The Old Man."


Even Sly Stallone fell into the S-T-D trap.


Unfortunately, there is still a lingering stigma and resentment attached to Mel.
Heck, even cost him the Grand Marshall gig at Mardi Gras.

Some people are just unwilling to forgive him.
It's really odd to see an A-lister, with A-list talent, wasting his talents in B and C level material.

Mel REALLY needs a comeback vehicle. Who knows, he will probably hit it out of the park directing and starring in the LW finale. I hope so. I just wish it would get a theatrical release.


Robert Downey Jr. has been vocal about wishing Mel to be forgiven, so perhaps he could be the one to lift him out of his funk.


Fury Road should've been his comeback role . The whole movie was like a redemption piece for Mel/Max (except didnt have mel)


Most likely to self-finance films he wishes to direct as well as produce. He isn’t canceled anymore, thank goodness, but it’s not like Hollywood is looking to buddy up to him or finance his films for that matter.


Thats what I was thinking too. Most likely for The Passion 2.


I’m still frothing at the mouth for his Viking epic Berserker. Imagine if he made it in the vein on Apocalypto, and in a foreign or dead language with subtitles.


He's not doing Berserker. He talked a lot about that Viking epic, and someone else did one, so he scrapped it. Then he was going to do something about the Maccabees, but the dipstick he commissioned for the script was all talk and no action.

Personally, if he spent much time reading the Bible, he'd have known the biblical story straight up his bloodthirsty alley would be the story of Jehu. Read it and see what you think -- 2Kings 6:9-10:36. I don't think people would like it as much if it were done in ancient languages. It's a jaw-dropping story on its own.

But I'd bet money Gibson wouldn't know who Jehu was if he didn't look him up.


He straight up said this is exactly what he's doing. He's cranking these movies out so he can pay for Passion 2.


Right on. I also heard that production was underway. It has a release date now of 2024.


If the story is from Resurrection Day to the moment He ascends to heaven, there won't be much action unless Gibson totally invents it from his own imagination...or someone else's. But he's not above doing that kind of violence to the Bible as we saw with The Passion of the Christ.


I have read it will include the fall of the watchers, aka fallen angels, as well as the 3 days Jesus was in Hades before he was resurrected. Randall Wallace did the original story and Gibson did a rewrite/made additions to it. From the interviews I have heard Mel give about the story it will be anything but a straightforward rehashing of previously known source material. He has all but promised to go where no one has gone before, specifically the time between Jesus’s death and his resurrection. Where He was, what He did and what he accomplished. I expect that to be a large part of the story. And I trust Mel to deliver, though I am sure artistic embellishments will be made.


Randall "Never let facts get in the way of a good story" Wallace? Just perfect for a story that puts Christ in Hell. "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise," doesn't exactly sound like He expected to spend so much as a second in Hell, Hades, or whatever you want to call it. Again, Mel doesn't like to go by what the Bible says.

I just looked the word in question up in the original Greek -- παράδεισος or paradeisos -- was "the part of Hades which was thought by the later Jews to be the abode of the souls of pious until the resurrection." But given the name, which is transliterated "paradise," and that other meanings were "a park," "Eden," "a heavenly paradise," or "the upper regions of the heavens," Hades or Hell doesn't sound very likely.

I don't trust Mel to deliver anything but what one would expect from a man who's living a godless life. Or did he finally make an honest woman of his latest baby mama?

The great part is that even the Laodicean evangelicals likely won't go for Mel's aberrant teachings on how Christ spent His time between the tomb and the resurrection. So he may as well show it in Catholic Church basements after they're done gambling on Bingo.


Do you mean Direct to Streaming?


Mel takes whats offered to him.
In those straight-to-VOD movies he only works for a few days. He is the headline name they sell the film on.
He proclaimed in an interview last year that he enjoy working, making movies, keeping busy.


It's a JOB. Why must actors always have to do "quality" or wide release stuff??? He has his lifestyle to maintain. A bucket load of kids, ex wives etc. It's a job to him. Nothing more. He's older now and I applaud him for staying active and working......


I think he has more than enough money to live on, although he's got a passel of kids he didn't teach anything to but how to be overgrown, demanding brats. I quit paying attention when he started cranking out more kids with his latest. But all of them get a slice of the pie. He still has that church he's basically keeping up single-handedly. And inflation even touches the mega-rich.

I think he only has one ex-wife. Beyond that, he just has baby mamas, like godless Hollywood types. If there's no difference in one's lifestyle than there is someone who doesn't believe in God, why does anyone take his semi-biblical epics seriously? I'm speaking to my fellow evangelicals. Then again, the Laodicean Church is more about entertainment than it is about God and His Word. Christ is locked outside the door, knocking. But Mel can get in with a new movie. 🙄
