And I'm all for men's rights and against this ridiculous notion that women never lie about sexual abuse or domestic violence.
But this just doesn't pass the smell test. She couldn't have invented all that testimony. It looked legit to me and Depp's lawyers used badgering and legal gimmicks to confuse her.
This is another case of wealth and celebrity privilege trumping justice.
"Sherborne said Depp’s evidence was that “your foreheads may have clashed” when the actor was trying to “grab her arms” to prevent her from hitting him.
Depp explained that he grabbed Heard to “lock her arms” to stop her attacking him.
Sherborne asked: “Were you violent to Ms Heard in any way?”
Depp replied: “No, sir.”
Sherborne asked: “Did you intend to headbutt her?”
The actor said: “Not at all.”"
"‘She was swinging wildly at me, and I … from behind, as I was walking away from the argument to my office, she was hitting me in the neck, ear, back, everything.
‘I turned to cover my head and she was swinging quite wildly so the only thing I could do in that situation was either to run or to try to get hold of her, to get my arms around her to stop her flailing and punching me, so I did so, as I did so it seems there was a collision.’
Mr Depp demonstrated with his arms how he claims he took hold of Ms Heard and said she was ‘kicking and moving’ so there was ‘very close contact’ between them."
So, it's proven that you support a liar and that YOU are a liar as well - by omitting that it was accidentally.
Facts are facts indeed.
The jury heard all of the testimony and had access to all of the evidence and they entered a unanimous verdict. Even a casual observer of the trial could see she was a pervasive liar, and, she shit in his bed.
No. The other trial was Depp vs. The Sun.. it didn't include Amber in the lawsuit and the judge refused to allow Depp to depose Amber. You can of course find that the decision in that case was made solely by a judge who just happened to have a son that worked for THE SUN... In any real legitimate court the judge would have been recused because of his personal tie to the defendant in the case.
The judge found that 12 of 14 reported instances of demostic abuse by Johnny Depp towards Amber Heard had merit, period. Who the lawsuit was against is irrelevant.
Not a fan of him, I just despise liars especially the MeToo bunch. This trial simply highlighted the problems with believing women before any evidence is even provided. I also think people should only be held liable for what they are claimed to have done not simply because they are disliked. I view you as a worthless sack of shit but I wouldn't want to see you convicted of beating your wife unless you actually did it.
The thing is, Johnny Depp's previous girlfriends and ex-wives never claimed abuse. With abusers, you see a trend. That isn't the case with Depp. Sure, there were isolated incidents but she was clearly no angel either. I think people (especially women) see through Amber's fake victim card. I love seeing most women support Depp than Heard. It goes to show you false accusations are very real and both women AND men can be victims of DV.
Clearly you didn't watch the whole thing, or your a complete idiot. If you simply played the video, audio recording of Amber, and then looked at the video depositions of her it was clear she was lying. She said things that conflicted with previous things she said. Once you see someone is a liar you can no longer believe a damn thing they say.
But for the most illogical claim she made, look at the infamous bruise that TMZ photographed... Notice the location. The right side of her face... remember in her testimony Johnny always wore those gaudy rings.... Now, remember Johnny is right handed. How does a right handed person hit another person in the face? Hint, they hit with their right hand which if you are facing the person you are hitting will land on the left side of the target's face. So the so called bruise was on the wrong side of Amber's face. The other problem is no cuts from the rings. Now, lets go one step further... Amber called that make up kit her "bruise kit". that term is correct and it is used in theater and film industry to CREATE bruises it isn't used to cover them up. You can also see in one of the photos Amber took of Johnny passed out that a "bruise kit" is in the photo... not a kit that would be useful in covering a bruise but one that would be used to create a fake bruise.
Are you starting to see how Amber lied? Or are you just a fucking moron.
Lol. No, I didn't watch the whole thing because I don't really give a shit about self-entitled movie stars. I just know that relationships are a two way street and this Depp bastard is no angel.
If you aren't willing to watch a trial and see all the evidence then you have no business making assumptions. Was Depp a drunk and druggie? Yes, it was clear to anyone that watched the trial... but it was also clear from the evidence and witnesses that he never committed any domestic abuse against Amber. It was very clear that Amber was a malicious cunt that couldn't tell the truth if someone had shoved it up her ass.
Bro, you might need to chill on your mancrush on Johnny. He ain't gonna let you blow him, no matter how much you got his back with your specious logic.