MovieChat Forums > Robert De Niro Discussion > Have you lost respect for De Niro?

Have you lost respect for De Niro?

I don't live in the US. But I know Trump is the new President & saw De Niro mocking the New President.

Have you lost respect for him? Or do you support him?


Trump is a ridiculous figure and will be mocked by a lot of people for a long time.

Hollywood is full of partisan Democrats so they mock every Republican, especially the presidents and presidential candidates. Trump just makes that job much much easier.

I don't care about an actors politics when it comes to their film. I was never a fan of Deniro because of who he voted for, I was a fan because he made some of the greatest films of all time. If I have lost respect for him lately it is because he has been in some truly awful movies over the past decade and because he is a film legend, he should know better. I have no idea why he decided to make The Comedian. It was truly awful. It is amazing someone that talented could decide on something that putrid.




Love his acting! In Casino he just blew me away. But I'm very sad about his nasty comments about Trump.

Sure everyone has his own opinions. But celebrities should be wise to the fact that they are paid to ACT, not give their "expert" advise on politics.

They'd do well to take a page from Michael Jordan's book. He was encouraged to speak out politically and his reply was "Republicans buy shoes too." Very wise.

I'm not about to pay to see movies made by people who disrespect me. Haven't seen a Julia "horse teeth" Roberts film in years. Nor a moron Streisand movie or a traitor Fonda film.

Sure Hollywood know-it-alls!!! Speak your minds, it's a free country. But you won't get another nickel from me.


Fine actor. But any message from an actor is pathetic.

They are part of the seediest business ever, known for abusing women and children.

It is completely unAmerican doing what hollyweird is doing to trump.

In America people are supposed to respect the results of an election.

Going after the president from day 1 and calling for disruption and his removal from office is 3rd world country stuff.


I like DeNiro and definitely support him and his right to have an opinion about our current joker as prez.


He is a better political commentator and American role model than he ever was an actor. Being a violent criminal psychopath in movies seems to be the Trump voters' idea of great acting.


I just care about how good he is as an actor. Conservative, liberal, who cares... they do their job well, and I pay to see them of their job well. I don't give a crap about their politics. I care about how well they make film and do theatre.


Robert De Niro is one of my favorite all time actors. I've seen just about all of his films and never get tired of him. I absolutely support De Niro. Trump is a psychopath who will be thrown out of office before the end of his term. Stay tuned.


All of you who says this have been wrong so far.


When is the last time we saw DeNiro give a good performance in a movie worth remembering? I blame those Focker movies he made with Ben Stiller, which brought him untold millions but at the cost of his credibility as an artist. It's not all DeNoro's fault: American movies are at such a nadir these days.


De Niro is dead to me. So are many other Hollywood types who's movies I will never watch again and who's DVD's and Blu-Ray's I have given away or thrown out, including my Pirates of the Caribbean & Hunger Games vids.


"So are many other Hollywood types who's movies I will never watch again and who's DVD's and Blu-Ray's I have given away or thrown out,"

Well, in this case you're a fucking moron. You find a middle ground, no need to go batshit about it.


You can vacillate in the middle clown boy. I think of liberals as human garbage and I want nothing to do with them.


How did you get hold of their DVDs?


Yep. But I actually lost respect years ago with all his shitty movies and lazy performances so it wasn't a big blow.


Well I have to admit that his earlier movies were the best, but hey, give the guy a break. He'had a lengthy career of great movies, and perhaps he's just having some fun now with the Focker movies. I also liked The Intern.


I actually love the Focker movies. He's a pretty funny guy. I was worried new lunatic DeNiro would spoil my enjoyment of his early films but they're like two totally different people. I don't hate DeNiro for becoming an unhinged political wingnut. It happens to most older people, which ever side of the fence they live on. But blasting off like a loon against Trump as he does at all wrong places, he's just become a silly person. If it was TMZ shoving a camera in his face while he was leaving the Tonys, that would be totally acceptable.
