MovieChat Forums > Jamie Lee Curtis Discussion > Her 25-yr-old son is a tranny

So what?


Are you aware of the suicide rates for transgender? Are you aware of how badly this story reflects on Jamie Lee’s parenting and values?


She knows a guy who is good with a knife


Wait a minute. Can I please take this opportunity to announce my disgust over this development about a person I’ve never heard of who has absolutely no impact on my own life? Please?? I mean my outrage is pretty crucial in the scheme of things.

Thank you. I feel better now.


that is the danger of adopt. he would not be freak if her natural son. being weirds is in blood.


You cannot be serious.


yes. if she have natural kid it be normal like mother.

steven spielberg adopt daughter and does porno film now. no way spielberg natural blood offspring became fuck up doing such debauch. speilberg natural offspring all normal man like him, they take talents and skill of great man, not fuck up.

adopt is danger. offspring have blood of fuck up parent who abandon. i see this all the time in your western societys.


Wow. You know nothing about adoption do you?


Leave Borat alone! He tries so hard…. is NICE!


i know risk of bad seed greater with adopt. rather take gamble with having no kid rather than tranny kid who not my blood AND major disappointment freak.

i see picture of Jamie Lee standing next to adopt "son" in photo. she look so disappoint, like she stand next to mutant who might infect her if she get too close.


Thats what she gets for being a Trump hater




you have been reported for violent speech


Did a lot of good that reporting, wouldn’t you say Ray Ray?

Oh, and DONALD TRUMP, just since we’re shoehorning his name into every topic without any shred of relevance 👍😃


Are you one of the pro-transgender people? Are you aware of the suicide rates for transgender? Are you aware of how badly this story reflects on Jamie Lee’s parenting and values? Really dude ... “so?”

I don't give a shit if ppl are pro or con or whatever with transgenered peeps.
What a stupid thread topic. Who gives a fuck about her kid.


You don’t give a shit about suicide rates? You don’t give a shit about parenting? you don’t give a shit about values?


Hell, with posts like this just how many six year olds out there have access to a keyboard????
