Aging well

It's truly impressive in an industry like ours that Jamie doesn't get work done, does not dye her hair and doesn't pretend to be anything but who and what she is. Can't think of another actress who so clearly becomes more beautiful with the passage of time like she does. Some might call it 'graceful.' I'll just go with "ragingly milfy.'

"There's a little good inside everyone. Sometimes it just takes a scalpel to find it." - Me


She's remarkable not only for not giving in to the industry's standards but also for creating and empowering herself through her own natural image. She has a show that was basically created for her in which she plays the most powerful character among 20 year old hot men and women.


I agree, she looked fantastic in a bikini in that movie "Christmas with the Kranks." Perfect body, not too skinny like most women in Hollywood these days.



Well I think she looks pretty darned good! No woman looks 25 forever. She hasn't had that awful plastic surgery done which renders a lot of actresses into talking mummies. I am often shocked at forty-something actresses who have had work done already. Their faces are contorted and creepy. What happened to aging gracefully?

She let her hair go grey just like Tyne Daly did. Some women just don't bother to fight nature.

I'd be just as grey but I keep fighting it with Miss Clairol. lol



Boobs still big so we good to go.


She was a presenter at the Golden Globes. Her boobs still look fantastic.


Agreed!! She is absolutely beautiful and sexy as ever!


She's no classic beauty but there is something incredibly sexy about her. And her bod has been amazing, and still looks pretty darned good!


Yuck. She's never had a great face and now she looks like a wrinkly mummy. But that's still less offputting than the ones that get plastic surgery and end up looking like smooth-faced aliens.


That's from decades of smoking. DON'T SMOKE, PEOPLE! It ruins your looks (among other things)!


wait so ..
plastic = smooth-faced alien.
Smoking = wrinkly

so what happens if you do both?


Don't smoke. Simple.
