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What are your worst experiences with bad neighors?

I've had several bad neighbors but the worst one was this scitzophrenic woman and her scitzophrenic daughter who lived in the apartment below me. They would think I was jumping up and down in my apartment while I was actually sleeping. So they'd bang on the ceiling with a broom for 30 minutes straight at like 2 o clock in the stinking morning. Not only that but they at one point had 3 dogs and would chain them up outside all night so that they would bark all night. Anytime I tried to take a nap during the day anywhere in my 2 bedroom apartment she would lock one of the dogs in that room below me just to annoy me. I couldn't sleep well practically the entire time we were neighbors which was around 2 years. How about you?


Oh wow! You're talkin' my language with this topic. I'm currently flanked by a couple of really bad neighbors that have been making my life miserable. I might elaborate, depending on what kind of traction this thread gets.


Neighbor's kids kept vandalizing my car. Cops refused to do anything about it. Ended up just packing up and moving and burning that lease.


My nextdoor neighbor after a day of drinking would take Walnuts from one of his trees and roll them down his driveway in hopes that squirrels would chase them into the street and get run over. He never had a problem with me but that was psycho behavior.


One of my bad neighbors is a mean spirited drunk. She moved in during the spring one year. We were under a severe weather watch. The sky was dark, ominous, with that eerie stillness just before all hell breaks loose. She was out there carrying bucket after bucket of water to a tree in her yard. That was one of my first indicators of what a nutcase she is.


It's sad to see this kind of behavior. That neighbor of mine had PTSD issues and drank himself to death when he passed away last summer.


It's beyond sad for me. That bitch is a hostile, drunken misandrist!


To be fair, maybe she hadn't paid her water bill and was just getting water to drink.


I have terrible neighbors in the next apartment to me that fly into fits of rage and freak out in the middle of the night, slamming their doors as hard as they possibly can and stomping around. So I have to sleep with earpods and earplugs in every single night. They just lie and deny everything, so there's nothing landlord can do. The only thing to do in situation like that is to get earpods or airpods or something, with noise cancelling. Shitty schizo and/or bipolar people like that don't care about anyone else. They probably spend all their time on X and Facebook making their totally screwed up personality disorders even worse. Only thing to do with people like that is ignore them. Don't have any interaction whatsoever. If you do interact, all they wil do is lie, manipulate, etc.


I am lucky to have really nice neighbors. Some of them are so helpful and shovel my sidewalk in the winter.

But when I was a kid we had several psycho neighbors. Our next door neighbor was a snoop and a troublemaker. No one on the block could stand her.

The other one, two doors down, was also bored with too much time on her hands. We used to get home late on some nights in the summer after going on picnics. As we pulled up and unloaded the car, she would come outside and shake her mop to see what we were doing!

Seriously, who mops the floor at ten o’clock on a Sunday night?

Some people are just weird and have no lives of their own I guess. One time she called the cops and reported that my dad was peeking at her through her bedroom window! He would have had to go outside and crawl across a couple of roofs to do that. Of course he didn’t.

They still had to send a patrolman out to check. He ended up spending an hour telling us about HIS goofy, trouble making neighbors.
