MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What would happen in every man in the en...

What would happen in every man in the entire world had disappeared?

All men in earth just vanished. Cease to exist. Faded away. Leaving only the women in the world. What do you reckon the women would do?


I think the same thing that would happen if all women just vanished. Humanity would die out.

Although, if sperm banks were still around, there could still be hope of repopulation if it was men who disappeared, but I don't think that was part of your thought experiment.

If you are just asking as a general societal would depend on which area one is in and who stepped up to be leader. There are good and bad people. Gender doesn't dictate that.


I disagree. Men tend to be more authoritarian and seek leadership. There's a reason why brutal dictators are men. Men are hardwired for it.

Even things like news coverage changed since I was a kid. News used to be 100% male commentators (before a class-action lawsuit) and emphasized crime and fire deaths. With 50% female commentators, I notice recipes, healthcare tropics and celebrity news now.


I'm not saying that women don't tend to be more nurturing...But historically there have been some pretty bad female leaders out there, which is why I said it really depends on who steps up, and who is accepted as leader. There are women out there who seek power, and will use force to get it.

I think you would have pockets of great prosperity and community, and in other places not so much.


We're in a male-dominated world so the few female leaders are trying to compete with mainly men under male rules. No more men and the environment would change to a female-dominated world.

I think overall men are more cruel. I've heard that carrying a baby gives you a different mindset. More compassion. Less likely to want to destroy life.

Imagine the Muslim world without the authoritarian male influence. They wouldn't need to cover up since no men around. No more male guardians.

Those gangs in Haiti and soldiers in Somalia would disappear.

I'll add that some cultures are more cooperative and less competitive. They would thrive.


I think overall men are more cruel. I've heard that carrying a baby gives you a different mindset. More compassion. Less likely to want to destroy life.



Mothers say there's something very different about experiencing life grow inside of you for 9 months.

The OPs premise would make an interesting sociology-based game show. I'd like to see two towns, one male, the other female, with different age ranges. No one voted off. No outside help. Random strangers with different skill sets with no idea of the goal. Let's just see what they do. It would also be interesting to compare different cultures around the world in a single gender environment.

I've seen shows like this, but not gender-based. They were era-based. Example, living in the 1800s or 1920s. British always come up with great show ideas!


Like some others said, there'd be saddness, and wait. A thought just occurred to me. What about every woman who is currently pregnant with a baby boy and is planning to have said baby boy? Those boys will grow up to be men. So therefore that other poster who said extinction would happen is wrong.


Gossip and silent treatment worldwide


Greatest porn film ever?


Anyone who's been exposed to a mostly female office setting will tell you that they're fiercely tribal and prone to back stabbing. Of course they'd die out quickly with no men around to breed with, but it would get ugly quickly.


I agree about office politics, but it's a poor example because the office is dominated with male work culture and women overcompensating. Men are much more comfortable with power so don't feel the need to prove anything by overcompensating.

I think women would mourn, then organize themselves globally to run the world. Women would remove male culture since no need for it. That means a world filled with talking, sharing feelings, socializing and more community based countries.


Okay, then explain the cattiness and bullying that girls do in their teenage years. There's no compensating for male power structures going on there. Girls fall out with each other all the damn time because, unlike men, they're terrible at just letting things slide. Women are emotional creatures and that would spell disaster if there wasn't the steady hand of men around.



Spiders would take over the world.
Buildings and infrastructure would deteriorate.

Like it or not there are lots of jobs men do that most women would not touch.


I don’t know if that’s true either. Remember in war time many of the jobs traditionally filled by males were taken over by women and society kept ticking along. In recent years there’s been a huge surge in the number of women labourers, truck drivers, architects etc.

Spiders taking over the world did make me laugh though 😂

I suspected when this as posted that nothing productive would come from it, just a lot of squabbling over why men or women are better, or more useful in society. For me the answer is we need both. Simple as that.


"What do you reckon the women would do?"

The same as always. Not much would change, really.🤔
