People that abandon their pets during Wildfires
Don't expect them to be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for ya arse. If you left them locked in, abandoned, and terrified, forget about it.
shareDon't expect them to be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for ya arse. If you left them locked in, abandoned, and terrified, forget about it.
It should be a crime to abandon a pet.
I dont know how anyone could abandon any pet. People even abandon pets when t heir pets get old.
share….ought to die a horrible death themselves. I could never abandon my pets. I would rather go down with them.
shareI love animals so much that I just couldn't imagine being that fucking heartless to do this
sharethis was just a little tragedy. you'll be seeing people abandon their kids when the shit really hits the fan.
shareIf in fact people did do this, abandon their pets during this California fires mess that is going on.....
It doesn't make any sense. Unless you had a rhinoceros for a pet.
If you're a typical American with a dog or cat, how much effort does it take to pick them up, put them in the car, and split?
No more effort than it takes to bring them to the groomer, or vet.
Why would anyone leave their pet behind???
"Why would anyone leave their pet behind???"
Answer: They love THEMSELVES more than they love those who depend on them.
This is what happens when we, as a society, value SELF-SURVIVAL above everything else.
Well, that too, but, if in fact this has been happening (abandonment of pets) during the fires.
It's more than self survival. It's cruelty.
You'd have to know at some point, ok, I've got to get out of here.
Don't worry about possessions (insurance will replace all of that). Grab whatever cash you have in your home, grab anything of extreme sentimental value, grab your pet, and get going.
The entire episode shouldn't take more than 5 minutes. As I see it, there isn't any excusable reason to leave a pet behind. Other than cruelty.
"Caesar once, seeing some wealthy strangers at Rome, carrying up and down with them in their arms and bosoms young puppy-dogs and monkeys, embracing and making much of them, took occasion not unnaturally to ask whether the women in their country were not used to bear children; by that prince-like reprimand gravely reflecting upon persons who spend and lavish upon brute beasts that affection and kindness which nature has implanted in us to be bestowed on those of our own kind. With like reason may we blame those who misuse that love of inquiry and observation which nature has implanted in our souls, by expending it on objects unworthy of the attention either of their eyes or their ears, while they disregard such as are excellent in themselves, and would do them good."
-Plutarch on Julius Caesar