MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > A song that makes you cry

A song that makes you cry

Is there a song that makes you cry when you hear it, or at least makes you feel emotional, whether it ties you back to a memory or there's just something about the song that gets you?

Only a couple of songs have ever made me cry and this is one of them.


Here’s an old thread I did that has some interesting answers: -


Thank you for sharing. It was interesting to read through the usernames and see how many no longer appear to post here, with some familiar names (to me) mixed in. Maybe some newer posters will have some songs to add here.

Is there an additional song besides Cat's in the Cradle that you would like to add to this thread?


Those were the days before R_Kane put me on his infamous Ignore List.


It's hard for me to believe that you would be on anyone's ignore list. I suspect your name is not on many!


I’m on a few, lol.

Some posters don’t like my juvenile sense of humour. Oh well, you can’t win them all 🤷‍♂️


Alone Again Naturally - Gilbert O’ Sullivan: -


I love this song. One of the XM radio stations I listen to in the car is Yacht Rock Radio and they play it occasionally. I'm always glad when it comes on. A beautiful but heart-wrenching song.


I love this song too! A sad song that reminds me of happy times as a kid.


Good topic. Yeah, this one, first time I heard it, bawled like a baby.......

Start at 0.38


Beautiful and heartbreaking. I've heard this song before but never listened to the lyrics or learned anything about it until today. I don't know anything about her aside from hearing of her over the years, but I hope she found peace and self-confidence in adulthood.


Yeah - it's the lyrics. It makes you think....

Some out there did live that life....

"And those whose names were never called, when choosing sides for Basketball"

"And those of us with ravaged faces, lacking in the social graces"

"To those of us who knew the pain, of valentines that never came"

Can you imagine how awful it would have been to actually live that? Very moving.


There's a lot of hurt out there, especially during the teenage years. Even though life sometimes gets better at least from a social standpoint during adulthood, kind of like I mentioned in my bullying thread, the scars linger.


Exactly right.

No one cared when I was bullied in 7th grade, of course I never forgot. As you didn't either.

Now, think of those in High School. You're having a blast, playing football, and baseball and basketball. You get invited to all the parties. Your phone is ringing off the hook.

You don't even consider the others in High School that are living the life described in the song.

And as you say, those that did live that life, I'm sure they have scars to this day.


The one that springs to mind is 'My Young Man' by Kate Rusby -- Stark and heartbreaking... or deeply emotionally manipulative, depending on your point of view. I well up when the colliery brass band strikes up.

There may be one or two others, but I can't think of them right now.


Beautiful. I did not know that one. I guess I better thicken my skin today 'cause I may be in for a day of tear-jerking songs.


Gone Away by The Offspring


The lyric about heaven feeling so far away is especially poignant. The only people that I've lost so far who I was really close to are my grandparents. Sometimes I think I feel their presence, though that may be wishful thinking.


I can see that. Actually, if I saw you cry to this I'd probably join you.


Only songs that make me cry are in french. So yeah...


J'ai étudié le français pendant 13 ans. N'hésitez pas à ajouter une chanson !


Pour vrai! Trop cool! OK d'abord en voici une recente qui me tue chaque fois. Qui aurait cru qu'une chanson sur le pâté chinois aurais fais pleurer un adulte! lol

Le pipre est que ce band est un groupe humoristique à la base!

Celle-là aussi:

Et celle-là:


Merci d'avoir partagé vos chansons ! Je pense que si je me souviens bien, il y a d'autres personnes sur ce forum qui comprennent le français, et même pour ceux qui ne le comprennent pas, les mélodies et l'émotion dans les voix restent très expressives.


For me it's not always just the song, but very often a specific cover version of a song by a nobody.

I've listened to this one 100s of times, it gets me every time.


I was doing fine until he sang "I just came to say goodbye". Darn you for making me tear up! 😂


I just couldn't let that trophy sign stand that you posted me under that other thread where you killed me with a joke, been looking for a payback ever since.
Btw. maybe a dumb question, but how do you put emoticons into a post?


😂 That will always be one of my proudest message board moments. You get partial credit though, you totally set me up.

I just use the emoticons on my phone keyboard.


Dang, I'm on PC, anyone else know how to put emoticons in here?


Being super macho, I'm incapable of crying but if I was a big pussy, this song might make me cry:

The Band Played Waltzing Matilda by The Pogues

And maybe this one too:

Chiseled in Stone by Vern Gosdin


Something tells me that somewhere in your motherboard, you're a softie.


Some songs make me tear up, but the one that is sure to make me cry is Really Gonna Miss You. It is in the Temptations biopic. It is sung by Smokey Robinson at the funeral scene for Melvin Franklin. It makes me bawl every time I see it.

It is partly because of Melvin Franklin’s death and also the loss of my golden retriever! The lyrics say, “Really gonna miss you my buddy, really gonna miss you my friend.”

The song is so sad. I cry for Melvin but I also think of my buddy, my dog.


I'm very sorry about the loss of your dog. I hope mixed with the tears are good memories when you hear that song.


Thanks fourlemons. That dog was my buddy. It’s been about six years now, but it seems like yesterday.


You added that second one later and I just noticed it. Of all threads to take me seriously. You weren't supposed to make me cry.


The first 3 words there is the biggest lie I've ever heard.
