Did you ever watch slide shows with your family?
I'm guessing that this doesn't happen much anymore, not even a modern version of it (i.e., a modern TV and digital pictures instead of real slide prints from film and a slide projector).
When I was a kid (my earliest memories start in 1978), a slide show seemed like a big event. The fact that it wasn't easy to convince Dad to show slides, plus all the setup involved, added to the event effect. Once us kids convinced him (with help from Mom), Dad would go upstairs and lug down the big projector screen, and then go back up and lug down the slide projector, and then go back up and lug down the several boxes of slides.
While Dad was doing that, Mom and us kids would be getting things ready in the living room; clearing off an end table and moving it in front of the couch to use as a projector stand and moving things out of the way for the projector screen.
Then Dad would do a lot of fiddling with the projector and the screen; adjusting focus, screen position, projector height (with the help of a book or two placed under the projector), and Mom would make popcorn.
Then we'd turn the lights off and the show would start.
The real key to those slide shows being fun was Mom. She was/is a great story-teller, and she had a story, often a funny one, about most of the pictures. Most of them were from the 1960s and the early 1970s, which makes for a fascinating glimpse back in time when you're so young. It also helped that the pictures were excellent quality because Dad was a professional photographer and developed pictures himself in his own darkroom.
There was one slide that got accidentally put in upside down one time; a picture of my grandfather (who was a pastor) baptizing someone in a lake, and us kids thought it was hilarious. After that it became a tradition to view that particular slide upside down.