MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > MODERATOR. Can you show icon when the co...

MODERATOR. Can you show icon when the comments were edited?

Can we have an icon or "edited" text when the edit button has been used to alter the text?


Good luck getting anything changed, lol.


We can't have new nice things here. We should thank Immortan Jim for the edit function but most importantly for the ignore function.


I personally like the simplicity, however, a search function old be useful.


IMDB couldn't make a search function work for the millions of individual sub boards, so it's not likely to happen here.

Some time before the IMDB mesage boards shut down there was briefly a search function, but it was discontinued because of high server load. I don't remember the exact phrasing for the reason, but that was the idea, high server load. Roughly at the same time they were looking for more programmers, maybe to code more efficient message board.


I didn’t realise that it was so difficult to implement, but that explains a lot.


I'll donate a $1,000 dollars right now if we can finally get a search button.




Just use google , with the site filter and what you need in quotes
enter something like "search button"

It doesent find your post from only one hour ago as yet but i bet it will in a couple of days


OR: put a search feature on the site.

The google method is a strange idea in almost 2025.


Do you have *any* idea how much work that is ?
no me neither

but you get the site for free right ? who are we to demand Jim start working to put luxuries like search buttons on it ?


Not at all.

But this site since has been around from 2016 and "Jim" comes forwards.

I have no idea how he created this site and was able to clone some of the IMDB messages and make it as as successful it is.

In my orbit, this website would be a lot better with a simple search feature.

Just to search for different things would be cool.

My guess is, it's because the website was created in haste to quickly capitalize the IMDB shut down.

Is this a WordPress script were just chatting on?

Probably not, because the search feature would have been installed in 2017.


This site was created in February of 2017. Get your facts straight before bitching and talking shit, asshole! 🤨


This site was created in February of 2017. Get your facts straight before bitching and talking shit, asshole! 🤨

That right there is the kind of angry unnecessarily hostile overreaction over literally nothing that characterizes your reputation on the site.


I have no idea what's going on here.

Just a simple a search feature would be nice.

Either it can't be done because it can't technically be done.


Implement it.


"I have no idea what's going on here."

Obviously. 🙄


I guess I don't.

A simple search button.


Fuck you. His bitchfest is unnecessary and so is your sanctimonious response to me. You want to talk about reputations here? You've consistently come across as prickly since your first response to me over a completely innocuous post. Just another pot-calling-the-kettle-black, you are. 🤨



You're funny!

What's strange is to think the site should spend time and money to save you the 2.7 seconds it takes to do what moviechatterer said[which I've also been doing for years!]



I thought we already had that. I guess we do not. But it really doesn't matter.


Only when you're discussing something with somebody, you point out they're incorrect, or they make a wild claim/accusation.

They go back and change what they said, then deny they ever said it.


Copy and paste is your friend.


I did. But not the whole paragraph, just the piece Im focusing on.

They change it, changing the context.

Bang to rights because I do have the part quoted and they still deny that's what they meant.

Twice in a couple of weeks from two different people.

So I assume it's done all the time if somebody blunders and wants to go back to hide their blunder.


As long as you’ve quoted them

like this

readers will understand that to be their original text.


It's better to just laugh at them. You won't change any minds here.


Just copy and paste and put quotes around it so even if the post is edited, you have it documented. You can also use the formatting feature of the site.

I admit I often edit things I've said - sometimes years after I posted them! Most of those are to correct syntax or spelling. Other times when I reread my post it doesn't make sense on first read - I'm sure it did when the thread was new and it does if you go back and re-read the previous four or five posts, but sometimes after time has passed (particularly after a political event), it's less clear. In those cases I will re-write a paragraph to make my comment clearer.


Undetectable edits are great, especially for predictions.

For example, I predict that JoWill will write the following:

yeah, people should stop editing their posts.

Suck it Nostradamus.


yeah, people should stop editing their posts.


Ha! Perfect...I predict the Barbie sequel will totally flop, no one wants to see that in 2025, go woke go broke lol


Looks like someone's been having interactions with JoWilli! 🤣🤣🤣 lol


we need a search button.
