MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > This is my first Thanksgiving

This is my first Thanksgiving alone...anyone else here like me?

It sucks so much.

But it was what it is.

There has to be someone out there.

I picked up a Perkins dinner and stuck in the fridge.


Normally I’m alone on Thanksgiving. Eat at a restaurant.


I understand. When I was in the Army in 1972, I was stationed in Turkey at Thanksgiving. I had my friends in the unit, but I did miss home.


In Turkey at Thanksgiving?


Izmir Turkey to be exact, I was stationed on the radio net around the Mediterranean Sea. This was in 1972.
I get the pun (which was unintended).
I was also there at Christmas time.


Thanks for your service brother. And doing your duty in a time when it wasn’t so popular.


Thank you for your support.


As we gather with friends and family, may we give thanks for the comfort, joy, and hope our togetherness brings.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.


Thanks all for the kind comments folks.

I enjoyed your stories and appreciate you taking the time to respond.
