wtf equality?

wtf equality?
Why you no understand yourself, Equality?
People are so dumb. And self blinding.

There's a FEMALE commander in the airforce flying A-10s or something. See? SOME woman can do exact things man can do. It is possible. No problem. EQUAL opportunity exists. No blocked career paths. That is facts in equality.

Should there be MORE of them?

Of course not. But why? you ask lazily....

because of the FACT that


No different than a majority of men are not interested in doing people's nails.

Case closed. that is as complex as it is. THE INTEREST IS NOT THERE. We don't need EQUAL NUMBER of men and women in everything.



If what you want is to see more manly Air Force action, I've got a movie for you. It stars Evil Ed from the original Fright Night:


People confuse equal opportunity with equality of outcome. If there is a disparity, they think it is due racism, misogyny etc etc.When you implement policies to correct them through discrimination, that is when the real racism misogyny etc happens.


^^^ nailed it.

it's so dumb. how is this not obvious to all breathing humans?


100% correct.


Everything should be equal. IF a guy wants to do nails, great, good for him. If he is in competition with a woman for a certain spot in a salon, whom should get the job? Simple, whoever is better at it.

Now reverse it, if a girl wants to be a fighter pilot in the Navy. Great. She's up for promotion against a man doing the same job. Who gets the promotion? Simple again, whomever is better at the job.

In my mind, the big difference between male and female, and men should realize this. Men dominate for a certain period of time mainly due to strength. But women are built for the long term. It's why ( I believe anyway) most men, at some point, end up helpless in the hands of a woman. It's exactly what happened to every man I ever knew, and it will probably happen to me, too. This has nothing to do with equality, it has to do with biology.

Anyway, back to equality, yes, whomever is the best, male or female, should win.


whoever is better at it.

exactly. NO ONE CARES what the sex is, we all want the best qualified to do our nails, hair, or brain surgery


You gotta remember how things were back in the day. Before the Sexual Revolution, a lot of women were forced into stereotypical job roles and were blocked from many career paths, and often lost their jobs when they got married, because it was believed that it was the man's job to bring in the money to the home (when in fact he either wasn't earning enough, or was a lazy, unemployed bum that would beat his wife and drink). A few women managed to muscle their way through into jobs such as lawyers, engineers, doctors, and politicians, but only because they were strong-willed and wanted to do the jobs really bad and to prove to both themselves and to others that they could do it and do it well.

But it also makes sense to have everyone (both men and women) who wants certain high-level jobs to prove themselves. One reason the concept of meritocracy has worked for a long time is because it weeds out all the people unqualified for and unsuited for high-risk, high-skill, and high-demand jobs.

This DEI shit has been going on far too long to make things look more equal, when in fact they've actually been harming a lot of services and industries by putting in people whose only qualifications include how dark their skin is or by being female. There's a reason this nonsense is being dumped in favor of meritocracy again, but slowly.


yeah... system is rebalancing to reality again.

There is also a resurgance of TRAD WIFE, where women are HAPPY to stay home, raise kids, let the man provide. And there is nothing wrong with that either. Now days there are many options in stead of less. But EQUAL is the Rights, not the outcomes or wishes.




He really did. He's ironically being as obtuse as the people he's arguing against.


You'll know you've met a real feminist when you meet a woman who is secure with her place in the world, regardless of whether she's married, is a homemaker, or works a traditionally "female" job, doesn't make a huge stink about it, and doesn't brag about being a "feminist" while climbing the job ladder on the backs of men she used along the way.

I think you'd find it very interesting that the earliest feminists in the 1890s and early 1900s were not only pro-life, but they had other traits these awful 4th-wave feminazis would hate and disagree with:

- they wanted to control when they could have kids (rather than just aborting the "inconvenient" ones or dropping a new baby every year)
- these women wanted to be protected by the law (particularly where domestic violence or sexual harassment was concerned)
- they wanted to be seen as something more than just the property of their husbands
- they wanted a voice in government and to be able to also choose political candidates through voting (it really wasn't fair that only men could vote before 1920)
- they wanted a choice in what jobs they could work in, partially because the traditionally "female" jobs didn't pay as much (and you had some women having to support large families on a crappy income), and some women wanted to do things that were traditionally a "male" field, such as science, technology, law, etc.

The problem is, the movement was hijacked in the 70s by horrible, power-mad, man-hating bitches that still give feminists a bad name to this day.




Hahaha, how are you doing with your sense of place in the world, whether it be about your marital status or occupation?

This post smells like projection.


what ??

please tell us where AmericanGirl26 is wrong. we'll wait.


What’s this “us”, seems to indicate that everyone but Fred is on board with your endless plea to keep women barefoot and pregnant, shackled to the stove.

Speak for yourself, oh and your trusty sidekick A-Merry-Girl if you must.


yes, and it seems like all the rights are there now, including becoming an oil rigger, or car mechanic IF DESIRED AND SKILLED ENOUGH.

not sure what more the looney new feminists want. But FredB will fill us in shortly, correcting the reality view of the world today. Can't wait.


They're basically fighting in a war that was won decades ago, and now they have nothing left to do and are too lazy and cowardly to take their fight on the road to other countries where women are still oppressed, so they just cause trouble now.

I'm particularly pissed as to what this shitty 4th wave feminism has done to America. It's one thing to seek equality. It's another to turn into the same haters and oppressors towards men that their recent ancestors were against women back in the day. It's as bad as the woke movement, where they basically exchanged one form of racism (which was on the wane, by the way) with another that makes no sense and is even more vicious than what originally happened back in the day.




I did my undergrad thesis on this and could go on about it for days. I mostly agree with your main point; however, I take issue with your framing. In fact, you’re making the same fundamental attribution error as the people you’re arguing against—and kind of being a dick about it too. You’re not going to change any minds like that.

That said, to your point: disparities in occupational outcomes are better explained by differences in personality than by sex/gender. Viewing occupational preference -- and its associated outcomes -- through a sex/gender dichotomy is a fundamental attribution error. When we look at occupational preferences through the lens of personality, we find that the same personality types consistently show up and are overrepresented in certain occupations, regardless of sex/gender. These findings exist across cultures and nations, including non-Western cultures, where individuals are socialized completely differently than the US and other developed Western nations, as well as Western nations that have the most egalitarian socialization structures in the world. If it came down to socialization and barriers to entry, the findings would be different across cultures and nations, but they aren’t -- they are consistent.

I believe this is the main argument you’re trying to convey, and I largely agree with it. In fact, it’s supported by some of the most robust research in social and behavioral science over the past 50 years.

HOWEVER, if your argument is that women should stay at home and raise the kids, that is not the logical inference to be made here. The rational conclusion is to remove as many barriers to entry as possible and let people pursue the life that aligns with their personal proclivities.


way cool. great reply. I appreciate you chiming in with your info. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just passionate in internet discussions. :) AND I haven't studied this as you have, so your info is really interesting. I do agree personality types totally make the interests. Even with that, the actual numbers paint the same outcome, much less women due to interest.

Def not saying women should stay home at all. Just some are choosing that and that is okay too. I'm saying they CAN become A-10 pilots if interested, and that is equal. But there are not 50/50 split of men and women in those positions and there never will be EQUAL numbers. People whining about getting more women in.... fine, go FORCE them all to join and do that job? Good luck hehehehe

Barriers have been down a while, but not many women choose to be the next Top Gun. The options have been available for a while, and we live in a time where more options exist than ever before. Some women choose to pilot. I don't know the physical requirements but I know men and women differ in that way - spatial awareness, G force tolerance etc etc so, maybe that might keep some smaller women out? I'd never want someone not quite capable of piloting a large dangerous aircraft to be allowed to, just to meet some silly quota.
And not many guys choose to paint peoples nails. SOME, but very small count. And there is nothing wrong with that.




SOME woman can do exact things man can do. It is possible. No problem. EQUAL opportunity exists. No blocked career paths. That is facts in equality.



asian women have out-earned white men in the us 7 of the last 8 quarters.

You can find the statistics yourself by going to the bureau of labor & statistics & selecting median weekly earnings for those populations. Refreshingly for a gov't site, the bls page is easy to navigate.

here are the numbers for the last 10 quarters. not sure how nicely this will format, but i'll give it a try:
2024-3 1292 1393 101 7.8%
2024-2 1281 1337 56 4.37%
2024-1 1254 1331 77 6.14%
2023-4 1243 1356 113 9.09%
2023-3 1231 1217 -14 -1.14%
2023-2 1201 1310 109 9.08%
2023-1 1222 1313 91 7.45%
2022-4 1194 1342 148 12.40%
2022-3 1192 1177 -15 -1.26%
2022-2 1161 1182 21 1.81%

if group differences are proof of discrimation then asian women should be punished & white men should receive special treatment.


countries like sweden, that have the highest levels of gender equality, tend to have fewer women pursuing stem careers, compared to less 'enlightened' countries like india or china, where women are more likely to go into stem.

in regions where women are most free to choose & have the best economic circumstances, they are more likely to choose the kinds of jobs they are more interested in, rather than doing something they have to do to take them out of poverty.

it's the gender-equity paradox. the more free & rich women are, the more likely they are to choose stereotypically female careers.


i will read this, this weekend! Thanks! sounds interesting


another interesting article here - it's slightly tangential, but i think it's a good illustration of the different incentives & motivations between men & women.
