Name some movie scenes from any movie that are forgettable or filler or boring or have some quality that makes them okay to miss so that we know when to go and use the bathroom during them.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory- The "Cheer Up Charlie" song sung by Charlie's mom. Just don't even get me started on that song. Go to the bathroom then.
In the mid 1980s when I was around 10 years old, Rocky II aired on regular TV one night. Rocky III was one of my favorite movies (and it was the only Rocky movie I'd ever seen), which I'd seen several times at my neighbor's house on HBO a couple years prior. We didn't have cable TV at all, let alone HBO, and we didn't get a VCR until 1988, so I was excited about finally being able to see another Rocky movie.
While watching it I had to go to the bathroom bad. I didn't want to miss anything but I didn't know when the next commercial break would be either. As it happened, it was during the Rocky visiting his comatose wife at the hospital scene. My older brother was watching the movie too and had already seen it before, and he assured me that I wouldn't miss anything if I went to the bathroom during that scene. He was right. That scene sucks; it drags on and on without anything even remotely interesting happening.
Believe it or not I have never seen this movie even though I kind of still want to. I'll keep that in mind. Seems like musical numbers are the best time to go!
Well, for the first viewing, I'd recommend watching it all the way through, and if you choose to watch it again, then you can decide which scenes are okay to miss.
I think many people on these boards would be interested to hear your thoughts on the film "Heaven's Gate" (1980) which I assume you have not seen if you have not seen The Deer Hunter.
Watch "Heaven's Gate" before you watch "The Deer Hunter" and get back to us.
I hated the scene in" A League of Their Own", whereTom Hanks"s character urinates for a long time. It is suppose to funny, but I find it gross and tacky. In real life, I hate it when people talk in the public bathrooms on their phones. Who wants to hear a toilet flush in the background. JMO!
Then you would probably not like the long Austin Powers urination scene either. 😁 I'm not sure that a pee scene would give someone long enough to run to the bathroom themselves but it does seem like a particularly appropriate time.
Also a long pee-pee scene in one of "The Naked Gun" films, I'm thinking the second one... Leslie Nielsen has a walkie-talkie or something and everyone in the dining room can hear him doing his business...