According to your IMDb ratings, have you given more 1s or 10s?
1s - 14x
10s - 17x
I haven't given 1 star to anything ever really, because if something is that bad I just stop watching but if I stop watching, I can't fairly rate it.
share1 - 3
10 - 43
369 rated
Thing is, this is skewed tremendously by the fact that I generally don't engage with films that don't interest me.
I also view a '10' not as perfection, but as a measure of excellence/impact/originality/genius, without discernible flaws.
I'm selective with my viewing practices as well. My 6+ ratings greatly outweigh anything lower than a 6.
share1 - 11
10 - 52
I think there are a lot of potential 1s that I just didn't rate because I didn't even bother finishing them. Really inept things I came across on You Tube or streaming services.
Overall my ratings look like a bell curve, but it skews to the higher end, with 7 being my most frequent rating. This makes sense, because I'm going to avoid movies I'm not likely to enjoy. I've seen almost every Kubrick and Scorsese movie, but only a couple by Michael Bay, for example.
I can't vote for a movie unless I finished them. A 2/10 could turn into a 1/10 if the last few minutes made it even worse.
share1/10 - 6 or 0.2%
10/10 - 40 or 0.8%
of 4902 features, TV mini-series & series rated. My rating bell curve looks like the tail & body of a brontosaurus, peaking at 7. Sometimes I think it should peak lower, but attribute that to (usually) choosing to watch movies I think I'd enjoy.
Mine peaks at 6 which should be a warning to me to stop watching films above average.
share15 rated 1
46 rated 10